Edit OmarKN
This abstract of seven+ chapters will discuss perennialism and if it is relevant for Islam. Traditional Islam as it is generally understood - and presented at * LivingIslam - IslamicTradition * - does not endorse perennialism, or perennialist interpretations. If it is claimed - as followers of perennialism do - that the world-religions or religious traditions are all equally valid roads to God - Allah, the Supreme Being, then this is not the case and contradicts all the teachings of Islam.
While keeping this in mind, it is wise to treat this issue delicately, because there are common principles of those world-religions or religious traditions, because these principles are eternal [4b]. As a matter of fact "sound Islamic doctrine affirms the oneness of heavenly religions although the dispensations and scriptures are more than one."[fn22]
Furthermore the diversity of religions must not lead to hatred and hostility. ”Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was not sent to destroy previous religions, but to reaffirm their essential content.”[30]The term 'tradition' is explained in chapter [5.]. For the reason why it is Islam that reigns, see [6.], and about what Ibn ʿArabi wrote on those different religions and their legal systems - see [7], because for Islam and the Muslims it is nothing new to encounter other religious traditions apart from the Islamic tradition.
These questions will be clarified below.
And most importantly:
O Lord! - let us grow in knowledge (ʿilm) !
Today's dominant mentality is (modernism and) postmodernism which is being spread globally by the elites of West and ever more by those of the East - in the framework of globalization and modernization. This one-dimensional mentality, which has become a sort-of-ideology, does not only deny the validity of any spiritual tradition for the purpose of human life at its different levels, but also any absolute truth and eternal power as expressions of a Reality which is beyond sense perception [lk6]. And Islam witnesses that there is only one encompassing, transcendent power, God or Allah, beyond which there is no other!
René Guénon (Shaykh ʿAbd Al Wahid Yahya) analysed this fateful deviation of Western civilization already in the first half of the 20th century, for example when he wrote:
(There was also the question of the Holy Mary and her redeeming function for Christians. In this respect at least, it seems that F. Schuon, together with his group – deviated from traditional Islam in their neglect of the Shariʿah).
R Guénon (Shaykh ʿAbd Al Wahid Yahya) himself had no influence over those developments, and those who came after him, such as Shaykh Mustafa 'Abd al-'Aziz (Michel Valsan) took it on themselves to reconnect to an authentic spiritual path (Shadhili) - thus preserving the spiritual heritage of Shaykh ʿAbd Al Wahid Yahya and the Islamic tradition.[5]
Shaykh Ahmed Valsan (r - 2016), son of Michel Valsan, continued the work of his father regarding spiritual instruction and lectures on the Islamic tradition.[29]
lk25: Book review: Sufism: The Essentials, Mark J Sedgwick
On this website we have some of his texts on various issues.[lk13] We take what is beneficial and leave the rest. But to read René Guénon is mostly beneficial for those brought up in the modern West, it is not necessary for everyone.
lk29: On The Significance Of The Teachings Of RG For Every Seeker Of Truth, OKN
After having embraced Islam in Europe, René Guénon (Shaykh ʿAbd Al Wahid Yahya) lived his last 30 years as Muslim and well-respected Shaykh in Egypt. Many are those who found their way to Islam through his works and we recommend some of those books.[lk13]
And knowledge is vast and the quest for it a life-long commitment.
5a: the significance of Tradition
lk13: Some of his most important works
We have to follow the word of truth wherever it is found. Those persons - see [1b] - were people of good faith - with their own faults and shortcomings. However “many are more interested today in Guénon's individuality than in his intellectual works” (M A Tamas), whereas we don't think that it is (spiritually) beneficial “to know a lot of authors or even to pass judgement on them, but [what is beneficial is] to deeply study the traditional teachings and to apply them correctly.” (G Ponte) [fn16]
So we may take from the learned and the scholars what we find to be true and what corresponds to the teachings of Islam and we leave what does not, applying to the rule “take what you are sure of and leave what causes doubt.”
We follow what is good and correct from the Islamic tradition and leave the rest, and we certainly need a stringent, intellectual analysis of postmodernity, a system which effects us all more or less.
Or as a known shaykh explained: “The experience of teachers' fallibility does not detract from the benefits they hold in store for the seekers but serves to remind us that Allah Most High did not put ʿisma (freedom from error) in non-Prophets. So we take as much as we can of the numerous benefits and we forbear the lapses.”
When it comes to following someone entirely and striving as much as possible in his great effort, while reminding us that his noble mission is an expression of divine mercy (rahma) to the worlds, then this is of course the beloved and revered guide of men (and women), Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah ﷺ may Allah forever send His blessings and greetings upon him.
fn14: Prophet Muhammad ﷺ, guide and healer of humanity
lk4: From The Life Of Prophet Mohammed ﷺ
For a Muslim who wishes to preserve his dīn (religion) today, in this world of profanity and confusion and who is aware of the need to strengthen his religion (intellectually and by practice), and who wishes to invite others to the vision of Islam, it is important to understand the prevalent mentality of the Global West, its inconsistencies, and different ideologies which inform political decision-making. He needs to know where one-dimensional West lost its reason-of-being (raison d'être), when it (deviated and finally) gave up on its own spiritual tradition. [fn13] [lk23]
This may serve as a warning example for the people of religion, not the least the Muslims, who will see how the (post - ) modern mentality of the West emerged, how it casts into doubt any absolute, metaphysical truth and how it influences the public at large.
And the search-light will be directed at the sinister forces producing this meaningless mentality. We already know how the proponents of this postmodern 'ideology' look at religion (in general and at Islam specifically) and we shall show how they numb people's genuine yearning for God!
fn7: Christianity of the 11th century
fn10: Descartes, 'father of rationalism'
fn13: What Muslims Also Have To Do
lk8: Notes On The New Age Movement
lk17: Descartes limited intelligence to reason
lk23: Protestant Islam by Mohammed Al-Abbasi
Had Allah willed, He could have made the whole world – each and every one of its inhabitants – Muslim, but He - in His infinite knowledge - did not. { Mankind was one single nation, and Allah sent Messengers with glad tidings and warnings; ... } Sura 2, v. 213
One should therefore strive to also understand Islam in its wider – universal meaning, for the message of Islam aims at the same eternal kernel: to worship the One True God and to surrender to His Will with heart and soul. { It is Allah Who is my Lord and your Lord; then worship Him. This is a Way that is straight. } Sura 3, v. 51
Sheikh Ahmad Kuftaro said: “God gave the same revelation in quality and topic: thus, all prophets
draw from one main spring or source; moreover, it is evident that the
Quran orders the Muslims to believe in all God's prophets and to obey
their commandments.”[lk21]
lk21: Islam and Christianity - Two Faiths, One God; Sh. A Kuftaro
And the People of the Book abide among us, Ibn al-Qayyim said:
الحكمة من إبقاء أهل الكتاب بين أظهرنا قالوا ولله تعالى حكم في إبقاء أهل الكتابين بين أظهرنا فإنهم مع كفرهم شاهدون بأصل النبوات والتوحيد واليوم الآخر والجنة والنار
"And God the Most High has ordained that the People of the Book abide among us. For verily, along with disbelief, they testify to the origin of prophecy, & monotheism, & (the reality of) the Day of Judgement, Paradise and the Fire.” (via @IsmailRoyer)
Then there is also the Amman Message - initiated by 24 senior scholars and endorsed by 200 of the world’s leading Islamic scholars (ulama) from 50 countries - which reminds us that “the origin of divine religions is one, and Muslims believe in all Messengers of God and do not differentiate between any of them. Denying the message of any of them is a deviation from Islam”.[lk23b]
So we don't deny those earlier messages and traditions, but we make it clear, that ”submission (as in the word islam) is always understood as submission to the latest prophet of the time, not to an earlier one, and so no submission remains today except that manifested in Islam.” GFH
lk23b: Amman Message - A Solution To Our Religious Tensions
fn17: "No distinction between any [of the prophets]" Sura 2, v. 136
fn2: The essential content of earlier religions
The classical imams of Islam, such as Abu Hanifa, Malik, al-Shafi'i, and Ibn Hanbal and those who came after them all deserve our respect and many of today's scholars do have the requisite knowledge to solve the problems of Muslims in the West (in postmodernity) and to respond to today's postmodern challenges. [fn18] Searching for new answers within the Shariʿah. [fn27]
The website * LivingIslam - IslamicTradition * is for two groups of people:
Muslims and those Non-Muslims who have a longing toward the worship of The Real, The One Supreme God (i.e. monotheism).
Regarding Non-Muslims, we need to warn against misguided syncretic sects, such as today's New Age-movements, which we examine, inshah Allah. In his days, this was done by R Guénon when he analysed thoroughly non-traditional 'spiritual' movements of old, [fn3] and disclosed their errors and deceit. They seduced (then and today even more) many of our fellow-beings – especially the young, who normally yearn for God – with a call of devastating consequences.
He restored or ’brought back’ the philosophical and metaphysical terms to their original, correct meanings.[fn3]
By his untiring work, René Guénon (Shaykh 'Abd al-Wāhid Yahya) gave us the intellectual tools to see the real character and methods of those anti-traditional movements. He “disclosed as no-one else the mechanisms of counter-initiation and those psychic conditions which are a part of it” (M.S.). This way as muslims we will be able to respond to those satanic forces in the best way possible, without being confined to superficialities and namecalling.
fn3: RG analysed the Spiritists (forerunners of New Age)
lk8: Notes On The New Age Movement
lk11: Eleven False New Age Principles
Many traditional terms and concepts from the great religions are now-a-days misused by New Age-movements and other sects. They have already become seemingly respectable in large areas of societal discourse and are able to attract many clueless searchers for truth.
However they are concocting their evil soup mixing 'the Higher' with 'the lower', confusing spirituality with psychology [lk15] [lk15b] and eventually treating truth as falsehood and vice versa. Or they use eminent concepts such as 'the Self', 'the Soul' and even 'Sufism', etc. to mislead our fellow-beings.
But with those steadfast believers they will never succeed! -- Some weak-hearted muslims too, may be susceptible to their schemes, so read the hadith of the Prophet ﷺ who referred to the practices Jews and Christians:
"You shall follow the practices of those before you, inch by inch and mile by mile, to the degree that if they enter into the hole of a lizard, you will follow them." ...
(Agreed, Abu Sayeed)
fn6: De vill skapa nya religioner eller "icke-religioner".
lk11: Eleven False New Age Principles
lk15: Difference Between Spirit And Soul
lk12: see: Charles Upton; The System Of Antichrist
From the above follows, that the world-religions and religious traditions comprise common [fn12] metaphysical principles, which were then expressed in different ways;
A definition of perennialism would be that it describes the (false) idea that all world-religions are valid ways to God. This has been rejected by the quranic verse { al-yaumu akmaltu lakum diinukum} [fn25], and it is up to Allah - in His infinite Mercy - to pass the final judgement.
Reality - The Real is One. Religions are many.
But these sacred traditions have similar principles (f. ex. to pray and to do good, to turn away from egotism, to refer to a divine scripture). These principles are there because the divine message is universal - God sent prophets to all nations. This is the dimension of truth.
But having similar principles does NOT imply that one regards
(a.) all religions as equally valid and
(b.) that it is of no importance which one to follow,
(c.) or worse to become disbeliever and not to follow any!
In addition similar universal principles are a proof against the atheists, nihilists and all the rest, who claim that the world religions are basically products of the human mind, i.e. rather clever - or not so - "inventions."
So there is a unity of principles - because these principles are eternal; and then there is the dimension of (the decadence of) time, the downward cycle in existence.[fn24]
This is the other dimension, in the process of which the old religions lost much/ all of their sanctifying and liberating power.
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was ”not sent to destroy previous religions, but to reaffirm their essential content.”[30]
{ Verily the most honoured of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous [with most taqwā] of you. } Sura Al-Hujurat (49), v.13
In the specific case of the Islamic tradition, which was conveyed to mankind by the final Messenger of Allah ﷺ , it can be seen that this message is directed to all nations and peoples irrespective of age and culture. This is the reason for *Islam* reigning today and until the end of time [see chapters 6a] and [ 7 ].
To summarize:
What makes Islam ”traditional” or that Islam is an authentic ”Tradition” is not peoples' usages or customs, nor their culture or civilisation, but these two conditions:
(1) the fact that the truth of Islam was revealed from a non-human, Divine origin!
(2) the fact that this truth was formed in the way it was by the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ , i.e. by the message and pattern (sunna) and the whole religion of Islam, its schools of law, spirituality, sanctity.
Therefore what is not meant here is what is usually called 'traditions', or usages and customs, or (Islamic) civilisation, but only the above.
see chapter [6a]
lk14: Tradition Islamique - Islamic Tradition
lk24: In the Spirit of Tradition, Sidi Nazim Baksh
fn5: human reason cannot alone lead man to Truth.
There is no god except Allah, Muhammad is His Prophet!
”The dispensation brought by the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ supersedes all previous dispensations. No one among the polytheists and the Judeo-Christian possessors of Scripture is excused unless they have never heard of it, {and most of them are depraved}.” Sh. Gibril F Haddad
Sura 3-110.
{ Truly! The religion with God is Islam }, so that His religion or way of life (dīn) will surpass and replace all the others, which becomes ever more evident as we approach the last times - the latter days.
lk1: The reason why Islam was revealed
lk5: Earlier revelations came to certain peoples only
Concerning the validity or non-validity of other religions', there is the definition by Shaykh Muhyiddīn Ibn ʿArabi:
What quite a few people believe is Islam is instead often 'traditionalism', ie. customs and usages, or civilisation; (a quote by sister E. T.: "too much culture is brought into religion these days.")
Islam is fundamentally and originally Tradition - its timeless, divine message,
this is why the Islamic Tradition defines the Islamic religion, not the other way round.
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fn5. From time to time Allah sent His chosen servants, meaning His prophets and messengers to mankind, because human reason cannot alone lead man to the knowledge of Truth. This knowledge is sacred, metaphysical knowledge which transcends our sense perception or our rational thought. Therefore it is the duty of everyone to have faith in the fact that God - Allah has really sent them.
Note 65 to sura 22:52; Mohammad K Bernström, 'Koranens budskap':
"Messengers (rasūl, pl. rusul) are mediators of revelations which include new doctrinal systems or new religious forms, whereas the term prophet (nabīy, pl. anbiyā) refers to the one entrusted with the function of reminding people of the ethical principles which are at the base of an already existing religious system or which are common to all revealed religions."
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fn6. Furthermore there are those who would most of all like to create a new religion as an amalgam of the others. They are using among other aspects 'perennialism' to boil an anti-traditional draught. Others start "non-religions", which however are strictly hierarchical organized with 'god-like' leaders, in their malign quest to attract followers for their invented movements, for which they don't have any authority.
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fn7. Christianity of for example the 11th century is lightyears from today's form of Christianity. They don't even follow their own God-given law. So their pretention of 'loving God' is just not true. On top of this today "many Christians uncritically mix non-Christian values with (allegedly) Biblical values."
See: The Young Marriage of `Aishah, Mother of the Believers
by Abū Imān `Abd ar-Rahmān Robert Squires
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fn8. "Instinctive
knowledge of the Supreme Being is embedded in each
human soul as an inborn part of human nature. Moreover, all peoples on earth have received divine
messengers at some time in the course of human
history or pre-history. Consequently, God and his
names are part of a universal human legacy. They are
hardly unique to anyone, nor are the Abrahamic religions
the sole residuaries of divine names expressing
the Creator's perfection and glory." p.4
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fn9. "Numerous micro-religions (i.e. primitive
religions) commemorate a primeval time of the 'old religion,' when harmony existed between the Supreme Being and their forebears, an age of pristine happiness which was brought to an end through wrongdoing, estrangement, and alienation." p.5
(Some page at [nawawi.org])
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fn10. Descartes was the real founder of "rationalism". It meant the limitation and decline of intelligence by denying intellectual intuitionen and by setting reason above everything else.
Almqvist, Kurt; I tjänst hos det Enda, Ur René Guénons verk; 1977
René Guénon expressed it in the following way:
"Modern philosophy originates with Descartes; but, the influence exerted by him ... could never have extended so far had his conceptions not been in agreement with pre-existing tendencies already largely taken for granted by the majority of his contemporaries; the modern outlook saw its own reflection in Cartesianism ...
Moreover ... a movement as conspicuous as Cartesianism ... is not spontaneous, but the product of widely diffused and inconspicuous labours; if a man like Descartes happens to be particularly representative of the modern deviation, if he can be said to incarnate it to some extent and from a certain point of view, nevertheless he is neither the only person nor the first person responsible for it and it would be necessary to look much further back to discover its origins. Similarly, the Renaissance and the Reformation, which are usually regarded as the first great manifestations of the modern spirit, completed rather than provoked the rupture with tradition ..." p. 55
[Descartes saw the rational] facuty as the highest part of the intelligence, or even regarding it as coinciding with the whole of intelligence; it is this which constitutes "rationalism", of which [he] was the real originator. This limiting of the intelligence moreover was only a first stage; little time was to elapse before reason itself became degraded to the fulfilling of mainly practical functions ...
p. 52
Crisis Of The Modern World; René Guénon / ʿAbd al-Wāhid Yahya
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fn11. From the Holy Quran:
This is an example of focusing on personal details which are not very helpful… Whatever RG meant here with being 'attached to' in contrast to having 'embraced' Islam, he was a believing and a practicing Muslim!
It is better to embrace the dīn of Islam wholly and whole-heartedly, drinking from its live-giving nectar, than speculating in the personal choices of others on the way. [1e]
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{ Say you, 'We believe in ALLAH and what has been revealed to us, and
what was revealed to Abraham and Ishmael, and Isaac and Jacob and his
children and what was given to Moses and Jesus, and what was given to all
other Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them; and to HIM we submit ourselves.' }
Quran, Sura 2, verse 136.
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fn18. See for example the fatwa or response by a qualified Muslim Scholar against the killing of civilians by the jurist of the Shafiʿi School Shaykh Muhammad Afifi al-Akiti or [lk27].
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fn19 At Signposts [lk28] key metaphysical terms are presented as explained by René Guénon based on his expositions in various places,
as one of his main concerns was on the one hand to produce an unsentimental analysis of Western ideological and religious development since the Renaissance, focusing on the degradation of various key terms in Western theory and philosophy; while on the other hand - with the better understanding so produced - to guiding toward true spirituality and God-fearingness.
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fn20 Jesus (peace be upon him) said: "You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned? It is no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot." (Matthew 5:13)
Meaning he exhorts the believers to faithfulness, to fidelity, or to their role in purifying themselves to be useful to other people.
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1.) What does a godfearing believer (al-muttaqū ) believe in? (NB: among other elements of faith [lk18])
Allah says in the Quran in the beginning of sura al-Baqara:
{ wa-lladhīna yuminūna bimā unzila
ilayka wa mā unzila min qablika ... }
Imam Ahmed Valsan (r) worked as a translator and as friday imam at a mosque in Stockholm. He was - as his father - a shaykh within the Shadhili order.
He was an expert on the teachings of Muhyiddiin Ibn Arabi and lived according to what he preached.
May Allah forgive him and have mercy with him.
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fn30. Quoted from: The Quranic View of Sacred History and Other Religions, by Joseph Lumbard; in The Study Quran
• lk1 The reason why Islam was revealed
• lk2 Ibn ʿArabi on the religious laws
• lk3 Common core principles
• lk4 From The Life Of Prophet Mohammed
• lk5 Earlier Revelations To Certain Peoples Only
• lk6 Modernism And Postmodern Thought
• lk8 Notes On The New Age Movement
• lk9 The wider sense of the word 'Islam'
• lk10 Is Being Muslim Necessary?
• lk11 Eleven (False) New Age Principles
• lk12 Charles Upton; The System Of Antichrist
• lk13 Some of René Guénon's works
• lk14 Tradition Islamique - Islamic Tradition
• lk15 Difference Between Spirit And Soul Or Psyche
• lk17 Descartes limited intelligence to reason
• lk18 Items of belief & the fundamentals of faith
• lk19 Al-Tahawī's ʿAqīdah
• lk20 Understanding The Four Madhhabs, footn. 74
• lk21 xL, Islam & Christianity: Two Religions, One God; Sh. A Kuftaro
• lk22 Symbole der heiligen Wissenschaft
• lk23 Protestant Islam by Mohammed Al-Abbasi
• lk23b The Amman Message
• lk24 In the Spirit of Tradition, Sidi Nazim Baksh
• lk25 Book review: Sufism: The Essentials, Mark J Sedgwick
• lk26 On T Transmission And The Guarding Of T Islamic Tradition
• lk27 Defending the Transgressed by Censuring the Reckless
against the Killing of Civilians, Sh M Afifi al-Akiti
• lk28 Directions from Signposts at *LivingIslam*
• lk29 On The Significance Of The Teachings Of RG, OKN