The blessings and peace of Allah on the Prophet, his Family, and his Companions.

1. The Texts - of Section ’d’
Section /d files & texts are more recent (since 2013) and they are responsive, i.e. adapted to Smartphones devices.
For earlier texts (from 1998- ) see sections for English, Svenska, Deutsch, Français and other languages linked below.(1)
Search module is [here]. Also [Contact]. [Preamble]. [Audio]. [Video].
Lang |
Title |
Author |
Sanningen om 9/11 och SCAD |
Hesham Bahari |
Äktenskap Inom Islam |
Malaka Farah |
Antwort auf einen Spiegelartikel |
OmarKN |
Background Of The Paris Attacks |
okn |
Gratitude in Sufi Ethics |
Atif Khalil |
Some Texts On Daesh (not ’IS/ ISIS’) |
okn |
On The Traditional Perspective |
Charles Upton |
Die Frage nach Gottes Gerechtigkeit |
Hamideh Mohagheghi |
God Is Light |
WC Chittick |
Håll fast vid Koranen & Sunnah |
Shaykh Hasan |
Advice For Spiritual Realisation M. Ibn `Arabi |
M Rustom |
Islamofober: 'De troende dödar' |
OmarKN |
Nature Of (Being) & Existence - M. Ibn 'Arabi |
WC Chittick |
Die Pracht des irdischen Lebens |
OmarKN |
Index deutsche Texte auf /d |
okn |
Index nya svenska texter på /d |
okn |
Indifference - The Most Widespread Of Faults |
okn |
What Is JIHAD, - From The Islamic Tradition |
Dr. Amir Ali, Ph.D. |
Chapters from the Text: What is Jihad? |
Dr. Amir Ali, Ph.D. |
Khayāl - Creative Imagination - M. Ibn 'Arabi |
WC Chittick |
On René Guénon’s Critique of Modernity |
ed. OmarKN |
Muslims Living In Non-Muslim Lands |
Sh A bin Bayyah |
On Metaphysics |
SH Nasr |
Criticism of New Age |
Gornahoor |
The Crisis of Modern Consciousness |
Abdul Hakim Murad |
Notes From The Teachings of Muhyiddīn Ibn ’Arabi |
ed. OmarKN |
Nasiha (guter Ratschlag) für Moscheen |
Sh. Muhammad Aslam |
Nasiha (Good Advice) For Mosques |
Sh. Muhammad Aslam |
Nasiha (goda råd) för moskéer |
Sh. Muhammad Aslam |
Notes 1 on Postmodernism |
okn |
Notes 2 on Postmodernism - Foucault |
okn |
LivingIslam Pages On Extremism |
okn |
The Paradox of Our Condition - Modernity |
Sh. A. Murad Winter |
Palestine Resistance 2017 - Some Glimpses |
okn |
Rules Of Getting Closer To Allah |
okn |
Recommended Readings |
okn |
Spiritual Counsel of Sidi Ahmad Zarruq |
okn |
Slavery In Islam? Six Articles |
GF Haddad a.o. |
Zur Sure At-Tauba - Sure 9:2-13 - Die Umkehr |
okn |
Zur Sure Al-Furqān - Die Unterscheidung |
okn |
Zur Sure Al-Furqān - Die Unterscheidung - 1. Teil |
okn |
Zur Sure Al-Furqān - Die Unterscheidung - 2. Teil |
okn |
Zur Sure Al-Furqān - Die Unterscheidung - 3. Teil |
okn |
Zur Sure Al-Furqān - Die Unterscheidung - 4. Teil |
okn |
Zur Sure Al-Furqān - Die Unterscheidung - 5. Teil |
okn |
Sufism In Islam - Something new? |
okn |
On The Supreme Identity |
okn |
The Truth about Judaism and Zionism |
okn |
On Allah’s Self-Disclosure - M. Ibn ’Arabi |
W.C. Chittick |
Om symboliken i den muslimska tvagningen |
Imam Ahmad Valsan (rh) |
Gott verstehen, Ibn 'Arabi, die Erben der Propheten |
WC Chittick |
Understanding God, Ibn ’Arabi, Heir to the Prophets |
WC Chittick |
Att förstå Gud, Allah, Ibn ’Arabi, Profeternas arvtagare |
WC Chittick |
Spezielle Entwicklung d Abendlandes seit d Mittelalter |
Kurt Almqvist |
What Is a Fatwa? |
Suhaib Webb |
What Is Within Themselves - Quran |
OmarKN |
In The Beginning Is Consciousness |
SH Nasr |
Zarruq The Critic - From The Book |
okn |
Was zu tun für den Muslim? |
OmarKN |
2. Focus on Some of the Above Texts
2.1 From The Teachings of Muhyiddīn Ibn 'Arabi
The expositions are based on the research by W.C. Chittick; edited by OmarKN
- Advice For Spiritual Realisation, Muhyiddin Ibn `Arabi
- Understanding God (William C. Chittick)
- Khayyál - Creative Imagination
- God is Light
- Various Notes
2.2 A Tafsīr - Explanation of Quranic Verse
- What Is Within Themselves (Sura ar-Ra`d 13-11)
2.3 Explanation of Islamic Concepts
- On Cultivating Gratitude in Sufi Ethics, Atif Khalil
2.4 Other Islamic Texts
- What Is Jihad?
- Muslims Living In Non-Muslim Lands
- New Age, Criticism of ~
- Spiritual Counsel of Sidi Ahmad Zarruq
- Rules Of Getting Closer To Allah (swt), OKN
- Nasiha (Advice) For Mosques Sh. Muhammad Aslam
2.5 Other Texts / For Non-Muslims
- The Human Spirit Longing for God, Baydawi
- Indifference - The Most Widespread Of Faults, F.S.
- Has The Time Not Come? Sahl al-Tustari
- Background And Perspectives Of The Paris Attacks, OKN
- Metaphysics
- Insights Into The Nature Of Being And Existence, OmarKN
- On The Traditional Perspective Quoting Charles Upton
- In The Beginning Is Consciousness, SH Nasr
- On René Guénons Critique of Modernity
2.6 Texts on postmodernism, Postmodernism
- Tradition Betrayed, The False Prophets Of Modernism by H Oldmeadow
- Definition of Postmodernism
- Notes 1 on Postmodernism
- Notes 2 on Postmodernism - Foucault
- Crisis
- The Paradox of Our Condition, Quotes on Modernity, AHM
- Metaphysics - Why Is It Necessary Today?
- On the common eternal principles, and that Islam reigns
- Metaphysical Foundations
2.7 Other Texts - Links
- Pages On Extremism
- Pages On Daesh (not ’IS/ ISIS’)
- Slavery In Islam? Five Articles
- Regarding the Idea of An (Islamic) Nationstate AHM
2.8 Other Languages on Section /d
◊ Deutsche Texte
◊ Svenska texter