
Part 2 of The



How the World's ’Most Ethical Army’ (aka IDF) Kills the Innocent - Including Children - in Palestine/ Gaza
- The Events of March/ April 2018

Edited by OmarKN

Tweet #omarkn



Words fall short describing the cruelty and inhumanity of the Israel army regarding the recent events at the fence around Gaza.

”In recent weeks, Israeli snipers have used live ammunition to kill 40 and wound hundreds of Palestinians who were unarmed and peacefully protesting their imprisonment in the Gaza Strip (70 percent of their families were kicked out of their homes in Israel and now live in squalid refugee camps, while European Israelis took over their houses and farmland and are living it up). The sniping victims have including children, journalists, demonstrators distant from the Israeli confinement fence and worshippers at prayer with the mention of God on their lips. Shooting unarmed people who pose no threat is a war crime, and doing it systematically amounts to a crime against humanity. So too is apartheid described in the Rome Statute as a “crime against humanity,” and Israel manifestly and robustly practices apartheid against the Palestinians under its military heel.”
Juan Cole: Netanyahu: Don’t Look Here, Where We’re Shooting Children—Look at Iran

At the same time Israel people are generally brain-washed into fearing another Holocaust or something similar if they would even start talking to the Palestinians - seeing them as human beings just like themselves. See the last picture, 83% of them 'strongly support' shooting of Gaza protesters!

What kind of country is this? What is wrong with those people? How can politicians & 'leaders' in Europe and elsewhere accept a country like that? How can they blind themselves to such egregious human rights violations only to fill their pockets!

But people (Jews, non-believing 'Jews', Zionists, military, atheists, liberals…) in the occupier entity of Israel have to come to terms with their neighbours, which would be in the spirit of their Holy Scripture, and treat them with justice and humanity. There was a reason why Prophet Isa (peace be upon him - Jesus) is reported not only to have said: 'Love they neighbour', but even 'love thy enemy'. These are not empty words, but who will understand?


152 pictures from the observers & participants +
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GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB GreatReturnMarchB

Previous Part 1:

link-in Part 1 of The GreatReturnMarch

132 Texts on Palestine & Zionism

Latest AT TOP - 2024-08-31 10:48

- German Redemption Theology (short)
- Deutschlands Israelische Verirrung
- Starving and killing children
- On the Isra-lic Hannibal Directive Killing Its Own People!
- Gaza Kids during Isra-l Slaughter (2)
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- Legal Actions Regarding War-Crimes and Genocide
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- A genocide is under way in Palestine
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- Selection(b) of Posts Palestine-Gaza 2023-10-15
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- The Sharia Rule Re: Other Places of Worship
- Secretary-General Antonio Guterres' recent speech
- The EU does not have the moral spine to condemn the State of Israel
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- Images from Palestine
- What took Amnesty International so long to report on Apartheid?
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- Palestine
- Israel military and settler-thugs target Palestinian schoolchildren
- Germany: an Induring Enemy of the Palestinian Struggle
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- Defending Humanity in Palestine and Everywhere! pt.2
- Defending Humanity in Palestine and Everywhere! pt.1
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- Part 1 of The GreatReturnMarch 2018
- Part 2 of The GreatReturnMarch 2018
- The Truth about Judaism and Zionism
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- Zionism & Israel Links
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- Quotes On Zionism
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- Palestine Resistance 2017 - photos
- Zionism, Palestine & Israel FAQ
- Zionism tweets01 2014
- Zionism tweets02 2014
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- Record02 Of Some Original Tweets - On The Assault On Gaza 2014_02
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