What About Smoking In Islam ?
The fatwa on smoking has become more restrictive with the growth of
information on the dangerous nature of smoking. The range of fatwa on
smoking today is between makruh and haram. It stands to reason that the
latter is closer to being correct in view of the strong evidence that
smoking poses a danger to the health of both the primary and secondary
smokers, and Allah knows best.
Something should be said also about squandering; and the ugly side-effects
of smoking, such as bad breath, bad smell of clothing and hair, yellowed
fingers, teeth, and skin, bad manners, and whatever other negative effects
of this degraded condition into which Shaytan has imprisoned droves of
Muslim men today. May Allah help us.
With respect to the fight against this addiction, the US is in the top
rank - as in many other meritorious practices that should rightly have
been the pride of Muslims before non-Muslims. Now here is an elemental
topic for US-bashers to ponder.
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