Birth of 'Ali in the Ka'bah?
[Which of the Companions Lived 120 years]
In reply to the statement:
"The idea was to show that Imam Ali's birth in the Ka'bah was a great virtue [for him]"
It is not authentically reported that Sayyiduna ʿAli - Allah ennoble his
face - was born in the Kaʿba.
However, it is firmly established that the Companion Hakim ibn Hizam ibn
Khuwaylid ibn ʿAbd al-ʿUzza ibn Qusay al-Qurashi was born in the Kaʿba, as
Imam Muslim stated in his Sahih (Kitab al-Buyuʿ, Bab al-Sidq fi al-Bayʿ wa
al-Bayan). See also al-Hakim, Mustadrak (1990 ed. 3:549) and Ibn Hajar,
al-Isaba (#1802).
Hakim ibn Hizam is the first entry in Ibn Mandah's remarkable book, Man
ʿāsha Mi'atan wa ʿIshrīna Sanatan min al-Sahābah "Those of the Companions
Who Lived 120 years."
They are fourteen - Allah be well-pleased with them:
1. Hakim ibn Hizam (d. 54, Madina)
2. ʿAsim ibn ʿAdi al-Badri
3. Huwaytib ibn ʿAbd al-ʿUzza
4. Saʿd ibn Iyas al-Shaybani
5. Makhrama ibn Nawfal
6. Saʿid ibn Yarbuʿ
7. Saʿd ibn Junada al-ʿAwfi al-Ansari
8. HASSAN IBN THABIT radyAllahu Taʿala anh,
the poet of the Prophet ﷺ and the one supported by the Holy Spirit.
9. Abu ʿUmara ʿAbd Khayr ibn Yazid
10. Hamnan ibn ʿAwf
11. al-Muntajiʿal-Najdi
12. Nafiʿ Abu Sulayman al-ʿAbdi
13. al-Lajlaj
14. Abu Shaddad al-ʿUmani
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