"Seek Knowledge as far as China"
"Seek knowledge even as far as China."
Hadith HASAN MASHHUR - "fair, famous." Note: Applied to a hadith, the term
mashhur refers to a type of ahad narration that has five to nine narrators
at each link of its chain and is therefore nearly mass-narrated. Note that
this is not an index of its authenticity as a mashhūr hadith may be either
sahīh, hasan, or daʿīf. Also, the label of mashhūr is sometimes given to
merely famous narrations which are not nearly-mass-narrated.
Narrated from Anas by al-Bayhaqi in Shuʿab al-Iman and al-Madkhal, Ibn
ʿAbd al-Barr in Jamiʿ Bayan al-ʿIlm, and al-Khatib through three chains at
the opening of his al-Rihla fi Talab al-Hadith (p. 71-76 #1-3) where our
shaykh Dr. Nur al-Din ʿItr declares it weak (daʿīf).
Also narrated from Ibn ʿUmar, Ibn ʿAbbas, Ibn Masʿud, Jabir, and Abu Saʿid
al-Khudri, all through very weak chains.
The hadith master al-Mizzi said it has so many chains that it deserves a
grade of fair (hasan), as quoted by al-Sakhawi in al-Maqasid al-Hasana.
Al-ʿIraqi in his Mughni ʿan Haml al-Asfar similarly stated that some
scholars declared it sound (sahīh) for that reason, even if al-Hakim and
al-Dhahabi correctly said no sound chain is known for it. Ibn ʿAbd
al-Barr's "Salafi" editor Abu al-Ashbal al-Zuhayri declares the hadith
hasan in Jamiʿ Bayan al-ʿIlm (1:23ff.) but all the above fair gradings
actually apply to the wording: "Seeking knowledge is an obligation upon
every Muslim."
The first to declare the "China" hadith forged seems to be Ibn
al-Qaysarani (d. 507) in his Maʿrifa al-Tadhkira (p. 101 #118). This
grading was kept by Ibn al-Jawzi in his Mawduʿat but rejected, among
others, by al-Suyuti in al-La'ali' (1:193), al-Mizzi, al-Dhahabi in
Talkhis al-Wahiyat, al-Bajuri's student Shams al-Din al-Qawuqji (d. 1305)
in his book al-Lu'lu' al-Marsuʿ (p. 40 #49), and notably by the Indian
muhaddith Muhammad Tahir al-Fattani (d. 986) in his Tadhkira al-Mawduʿat
(p. 17) in which he declares it hasan.
Al-Munawi, like Ibn ʿAbd al-Barr before him, gave an excellent explanation
of the hadith in his Fayd al-Qadir (1:542). See also its discussion in
al-ʿAjluni's Kashf al-Khafa' under the hadith: "Seeking knowledge is an
obligation upon every Muslim," itself a fair (hasan) narration in Ibn
Majah because of its many chains as stated by al-Mizzi, although al-Nawawi
in his Fatawa (p. 258) declared it weak while Dr. Muhammad ʿAjaj al-Khatib
in his notes on al-Khatib's al-Jamiʿ (2:462-463) declared it "sound due to
its witness-chains" (sahīh li ghayrih). Cf. al-Sindi's Hashya Sunan Ibn
Majah (1:99), al-Munawi's Fayd al-Qadir (4:267) and al-Sakhawi's
al-Maqasid al-Hasana (p. 275-277).
Unfortunately, this documentation is incomplete as it does not cover the
often-quoted words "from the cradle to the grave" also attributed to the
Prophet ﷺ as part of these germane narrations,
but I was so far unable to trace the chain(s) for that wording.
Wallahu Taʿala Aʿlam wa Ahkam. {Glory to You, we know nothing except what
You taught us.}
Allah Most High bless and greet the Apple of our eyes, Sayyidina Muhammad
and all his Family and Companions!
Hajj Gibril
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