Creating Islamic Lending Institutions
I know working for a Western Bank in a conventional work role is against
Islam but I was wondering,
what is the Shari'ah position on working for a Bank in a 'computer
programmers' type role, where
all you do is write computer code to produce applications and have no
involvement in any riba
based or any other form of UnIslamic transactions?
Your involvement in riba-based transactions is indirect but is still a
reality that your conscience recognizes. Accordingly, it would be better to
try and seek employment with an Islamic lending institution, or in a sector
that does not support or promote riba-based transactions, especially since
the choices for computer programmers are many.
The safest course is to not to pursue a "permanent" position with such an
employer other than temporarily until you find something better, and from
Allah comes all success. Allah Most High said: "If you fear Allah
righteously He shall provide you with an avenue of income which you did not
Creating Islamic lending institutions and takaful bases that can serve as
halal insurance and loan providers is a pressing need of the Umma. Many now
exist in the West and SouthEast Asia. It is imperative and actually fard
that qualified Muslims recognize this need and pour their efforts into
meeting it so that the millions of Muslims who need insurance and loans can
use their channels instead of getting mired in riba and exploitation.
Hajj Gibril ©
[ 6 Apr 2001]
