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On Khatm al-Quran on the 40th day

G F Haddad

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What is the hukm of:
1) Khatm al-Quran for the deceased on the 40th day of the passing.

Shaykh Saʿid al-Buti hafizahullah said it is a detestable innovation (bidʿa sayyi'a). Reasons:

- The reciters are usually paid. This causes (a) non-transmittal of thawab to the dead (b) theft of the rights of the inheritors to that money and (c) lack of proper adab with the Glorious Qur'an. - By such acts the recitation of the Qur'an is associated solely with death and funerals rather than being a fact of life and death together. - Families who organize this khatm (integral recitation) usually consider it a sin and a great shame if they failed to have it done on that (invented) date no matter the expense, whereas it is neither a sin nor a shame not to have it done whether on that date or any other.

However, al-Buti added, khatm al-Qur'an for the deceased on any day after his passing _without fixing a particular day_ as better or more appropriate than others (such as the 3rd, 7th, 40th, or 365th day), is allowed, indeed recommended, with proper adab and without pay.

There is also a long fatwa by Ibn ʿAbidin rahimahullah on the abominable practice of professional Qur'an-recitation, along the same lines.

2) girls under 13 years reciting salawat
and praise of the Prophet ﷺ loudly.

Woman's voice is not part of her nakedness (ʿawra) as long as such voice does not stir up fitna. Further, salawat and madih are recommended, and the fact that young people recite it has didactic value and constitutes encouragement for all towards love of the Prophet ﷺ sallallahu ʿalayhi wa sallam and fulfillment of his rights over us. So the answer is: it is recommended as long as done with proper adab and without causing fitna. Wallahu aʿlam.

GF Haddad ©



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