Trial Of The Grave
Ahlul sunnah admit only mutawatir hadith into Aqeedah therefore that would
mean that punishment in the grave is transmitted through mutawatur hadith
could you please give me reference for this mutawatir hadith
The trial of the grave and its delights including the interrogation of the
two angels Munkar and Nakir are mass-transmitted and narrated by the
following Companions:
I. Interrogation of the two angels:
1 Anas
2 Asma' bint Abi Bakr
3 ʿAmr ibn al-ʿAs
4 al-Bara' ibn ʿAzib
5 ʿUthman ibn ʿAffan
6 Abu Hurayra
7 Jabir
8 ʿAbd Allah ibn ʿAmr
9 Abu Saʿid al-Khudri
10 ʿA'isha
11 Ibn ʿAbbas
12 Ibn Masʿud
13 ʿUmar
14 Abu al-Darda'
15 Abu Rafiʿ
16 Abu Musa
17 ʿAta' ibn Yasar - mursal
18 Tamim al-Dari
19 ʿUbada ibn al-Samit
20 Bushayr ibn Akkal
21 Abu Umama
22 Thawban
23 Hamza ibn Habib - mursal
24 Ibn ʿUmar
25 Muʿadh ibn Jabal
26 Abu Qatada
27 ʿAbd Allah ibn Rawaha
28 Hudhayfa ibn al-Yaman
References among others: al-Suyuti, Sharh al-Sudur and al-Azhar
al-Mutanathira: "mutawatir... 70 narrations"; Ibn Taymiyya as cited by
al-Suyuti and al-Kattani; al-Kattani in Nazm al-Mutanathir (#111); Ibn
al-Qayyim in Kitab al-Ruh; al-Zabidi, Ithaf al-Sadat al-Muttaqin Sharh Ihya'
ʿUlum al-Din.
II. Punishment of the grave and its delights
1 Anas
2 Abu Hurayra
3 ʿAbd Allah ibn ʿAmr ibn al-ʿAs
4 Asma' bint Abi Bakr
5 ʿA'isha
6 al-Bara' ibn ʿAzib
7 ʿUmar
8 Ibn Masʿud
9 Zayd ibn Arqam
10 Maymuna bint Saʿd
11 Maymuna bint al-Harith
12 Zayd ibn Thabit
13 Abu Ayyub
14 Ibn ʿAbbas
15 Abu Saʿid al-Khudri
16 ʿAbd al-Rahman ibn Samura
17 Abu Qatada al-Ansari
18 Ibn ʿUmar
19 Saʿd
20 Abu Bakrah
21 ʿAli
22 Ibn Abi Ayyub
23 Umm Khalid
24 Jabir
25 Umm Mubashshir
26 ʿAbd al-Rahman ibn Hasana
27 Asma' bint Yazid
28 ʿUbada ibn al-Samit
29 Abu Musa
30 Abu Umama
31 Abu Rafiʿ
32 ʿUthman
References in addition to the above: al-Ubay, Sharh Muslim; al-Laqqani,
Sharh al-Jawhara; al-Qastallani, Irshad al-Sari; al-Kattani, Nazm
al-Mutanathir (#113).
And Allah knows best.
Hajj Gibril ©
Tying strings and ribbons on tombs
Wa ʿalaykum as-Salam:
I need to
know what the reasoning is for people who tie string
and knots at the Dargahs. I know that they do it for
help, but is there any connection with Islam.
I, too, saw this practice done on the shrines of
celebrated Muslims in the Middle East, but more heavily
so in shrines visited by Shiʿis.
I have no idea from where this practice originates
and even less of the rationale behind it.
The etiquette around graves is to act with the same
deference one would if the person visited were alive.
Such etiquette therefore excludes the tying of ribbons.
Allah grant us ittibaʿ and save us from ibtidaʿ.
If Allah grant me life to typeset my work on the shrines
of Iraq - Allah protect her - you will see there a
sizeable section on the reasons and etiquette of visitation
according to the most noble Prophetic Sunna.
Hajj Gibril
GF Haddad
[14 May 2003]
