Abu Dharr Asked
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ
For Advice
[ I asked the Messenger of Allah, ]
Oh Messenger of Allah, what is prayer?
The Messenger of Allah ﷺ said:
- "Prayers are preordained blessings whether one offers them extensively or scarcely."
Oh Messenger of Allah, what is the best of deeds?
He replied:
- "To believe in Allah Almighty and to strive in His path."
Oh Messenger of Allah, whose faith is most accomplished among the believers?
He replied:
- "The best in character and conduct."
Oh Messenger of Allah, whose Islam (submission to God's will) is most right among the believers?
He replied:
- "The submission of a man the people are safe from the inequity of his hand and tongue."
Oh Messenger of Allah, what is the best form of offering prayers?
He said:
- "To prolong one's standing in imploring and supplications (qunut) before God Almighty during salat.Ó
Oh Messenger of Allah, what is fasting?
He replied:
- "Fasting is an obligatory pillar which is most rewarding by itself, and Allah will mulitply its reward in the Hereafter manyfolds.Ó
Oh Messenger of Allah, what is the best of jihad?
He replied:
- "To sacrifice one's horse, and to be willing to shed one's blood in the battlefield to defend Allah's words.Ó
Oh Messenger of Allah, what is the best charity?
He replied:
- "To have meager means, and yet to offer them to the needy.Ó
Oh Messenger of Allah, which is the most glorious verse of Qur'an that Almighty Allah revealed to you?
He ﷺ said:
- "The verse of the Divine Seat (Ayat-ul Kursi – Sura 2, verse 255).Ó
(from the Hilyat)

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