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The Self-Disclosure of God (1)

Ibn ʿArabi

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There is a never-ending bestowal of existence (wujūd) upon the possible things in this world. The cosmos obviously undergoes generation (kawn) and corruption (fasād),
everything within it comes into existence and eventually disappears.
This generation and corruption occurs at every instant in everything other than God.
Support for this observation is found in the Holy Quran:

{... that they should be in confused doubt about a new Creation?}
Sura 50-15
So to see God, Allah in His self-disclosure is to
see a perpetual and never-repeated display of new forms.
And Allah says:

{There is nothing that does not glorify Him in praise!}
Sura 17-44

Ibn ʿArabi:

“There is no form in the cosmos - that does not glorify its Creator with a specific praise that He inspires within it...”



“Perpetual existence-giving (takwīn) belongs to Allah,
and perpetual reception of activity belongs to the possible things (al-mumkināt), which are the cosmos.

So engendering (takwīn) never ceases perpetually,
and the entities (ʿuyūn) become manifest perpetually.

The Void (al-khala') never ceases to extend - ad infinitum,
because the entities of the possible things come into existence - ad infinitum. Through their entities they inhabit nothing but the Void.”



From the translation of the
Futuhat al-Makkiyya by W C Chittick

The Self-Disclosure of God,
Priciple of Ibn ʿArabi's Cosmology


Related Text
On Allah’s Self-Disclosure



* Living Islam – Islamic Tradition *