lastmdf 2024-10-03 10:13, [016] index 3min read
By Hasan Spiker, @RealHasanSpiker, Apr 4, 2024[1]
The original text is unchanged, footnotes are gleaned from[7]
(A conceptual framework which emerges from my forthcoming book, The Unravelling of Intelligibility)
[Bifurcation is the division of something into two branches or parts.]
1 The split between the spirit and the law in Pauline[3] antinomianism.[2]
2 The split between temporal power and spiritual power rooted in "Render unto Caesar ..."
which erupts throughout the Middle Ages (such as in the dispute between Philip the Fair and Boniface), with ultimate subordination to the temporal winning out via Luther, Augsburg, and Westphalia, and becoming perfectly embodied in the person of Henry VIII of England)[4]
3 The split between faith and reason
(“Reason is a whore, the greatest enemy that faith has; it never comes to the aid of spiritual things … treating with contempt all that emanates from God” - Martin Luther … "I had to deny knowledge in order to make room for faith" - the Lutheran Pietist, Immanuel Kant).[5]
4 The split between knowing subject and the natural world,
cemented by the Cartesian Split, and the Scientific Revolution consensus in which final causes (purposes), formal causes (essences), and secondary qualities are all banished from nature.[6]
5 The split between ontology[10] and morality
- ethical judgements cannot be rooted in extramental reality, and must ultimately thus reduce to arbitrarisms of one form or another.
... each of the five remain whole in Islam, but Muslims remain gravely endangered by the ascendancy of these bifurcations, with the worst of it the Muslims who eagerly press them on their own brethren as representing "progress" and "maturity" and "sophistication" ...
(En begreppsram som framgår av hans kommande bok, The Unraveling of Intelligibility)
[Bifurkation är uppdelningen av något i två grenar eller delar.]
1 Splittringen mellan anden och lagen i den paulinska[3e] antinomianismen.[2e]
2 Splittringen mellan timlig/ värdslig makt och andlig makt med rötter i "Gör åt Caesar…"
som bryter ut under hela medeltiden (såsom i tvisten mellan Filip den Fagre och Bonifatius), med den ultimata underordningen till den tidsmässiga vinnande?? via Luther, Augsburg och Westfalen, (och blir perfekt förkroppsligad i Henry VIII av Englands person)[4e]
3 Splittringen mellan tro och förnuft
("Förnuftet är en hora, den största fienden som tron har; den kommer aldrig till hjälp för andliga ting ... behandlar med förakt allt som utgår från Gud" - Martin Luther ... "Jag var tvungen att förneka kunskap för att ge plats åt tron " - den lutherske pietisten, Immanuel Kant).[5e]
4 Uppdelningen mellan subjektet med insikt och den naturliga världen,
Cementerad av den kartesiska splittringen och den vetenskapliga revolutionens konsensus där slutliga orsaker (ändamål), formella orsaker (essenser) och sekundära egenskaper alla är bannlysta från naturen.[6e]
5 Splittringen mellan ontologi[8] och moral
Att etiska bedömningar kan inte bottna i den extramentala verkligheten, och måste i slutändan därmed reduceras till godtycke av en eller annan form.
…Var och en av de fem förblir hela inom Islam, men muslimer är allvarligt hotade av uppkomsten av dessa bifurkationer/ uppdelningarna, med det värsta av det om muslimer ivrigt pressar dem på sina egna bröder som "framsteg" och "mognad" och " sofistikering"…
- - - -(Ein konzeptioneller Rahmen, der aus seinem demnächst erscheinenden Buch „The Unravelling of Intelligibility“ hervorgeht)
[Eine Abgabelungen ist die Aufteilung von einem Ganzen in zwei Äste oder Teile.]
1 Die Trennung zwischen Geist und Gesetz im paulinischen[3e] Antinomismus[2e]
2 Die Kluft zwischen weltlicher und geistlicher Macht, die in „Gebt dem Kaiser, was des Kaisers ist ...“ wurzelt und im gesamten Mittelalter immer wieder aufflammt (wie etwa im Streit zwischen Philipp dem Schönen und Bonifatius), wobei die endgültige Unterordnung unter das Weltliche sich durch Luther, Augsburg und Westfalen durchsetzte (und in der Person Heinrichs VIII. von England perfekt verkörpert wurde.)[4e]
3 Die Kluft zwischen Glauben und Vernunft
(„Die Vernunft ist eine Hure, der größte Feind des Glaubens; sie kommt den geistigen Dingen nie zu Hilfe … und verachtet alles, was von Gott kommt“ – Martin Luther … „Ich musste das Wissen verleugnen, um dem Glauben Platz zu machen“ – der lutherische Pietist Immanuel Kant).[5e]
4 Die Kluft zwischen dem erkennenden Subjekt und der natürlichen Welt, gefestigt durch die kartesianische Spaltung und den Konsens der wissenschaftlichen Revolution, in dem finale Ursachen (Zwecke), formale Ursachen (Wesen) und sekundäre Eigenschaften alle aus der Natur verbannt werden.[6e]
5 Die Trennung zwischen Ontologie[9] und Moral,
Wenn (behauptet wird) ethische Urteile könnten nicht in einer außermentalen Realität verwurzelt sein und müssten sich daher letztlich willkürlich auf die eine oder andere Form begrenzen.
…Alle fünf verbleiben im Islam vollständig, aber die Muslime bleiben durch die Vorherrschaft dieser Aufspaltungen ernsthaft gefährdet, wobei jene Muslime am schlimmsten davon betroffen sind, die ihre eigenen Brüdern eifrig dazu drängen, sie „Fortschritt“, „Reife“ und „Kultiviertheit“ darzustellen…
We believe Islam is the answer and the way - and there is no god except Allah (God), the Lord of the universe - no reality, but the reality of the Real (Allah), and Mohammad is certainly His Messenger (may His blessings & peace be upon him).
- Islam - The Way of the Prophets
- Islam the Natural, Easy Religion
- The Sum Of Islam
Antinomianism is any view which rejects laws or legalism and argues against moral, religious or social norms (Latin: mores), or is at least considered to do so. Wikipedia
Paul does not eschew the law in any absolute way, he still believes in the 10 Commandments, but he is telling people that they can act arbitrarily as long as they believe in Christ.
What he is saying is adherence to the detailed law is no longer the primary means of sanctification (salvation), in fact it is not really a means at all.
It's actually simply faith in Christ crucified. And then frankly the necessity to adhere to any moral law does not make much sense. He put that much emphasis on 'pure faith'. (slightly edited by webadmin)
(Hasan Spiker Source…) The famous word described to Christ, although it's not quite Sidina/ Sayyiduna Isa (may Allah's blessings & peace be upon him):
"Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's."
This has become a kind of secular principle, with which the European world has wrestled throughout its history, and particularly in the Middle Ages…
You have arguably this split becoming perfectly embodied in the person of Henry VIII of England, because he actually subordinates the spiritual power to temporal power entirely.
(Hasan Spiker Source…) Luther wrote that "reason is" /something mentioned above/, "it is the greatest enemy that faith has. It never comes to the aid of spiritual things, treating with contempt all that emanates from God." (Martin Luther)
And then we find this taken to another level a couple of centuries later by avowed Lutheran pietist Emanuel Kant, who said "I had to deny knowledge in order to make room for faith."
□ comment: This is the reason for so much misunderstanding in the European world regarding the heart of religion and spirituality, or the heart of Christianity. As a consequence of this confusion to deny reason in Christianity, their emerged the so-called Renaissance and then the Enlightenment when people tried to find truth answers from the polytheistic Greeks and nowadays from so-called science, ignorant of what they miss from the Real.
(Hasan Spiker Source…) You will find contemporary scientists and people like Richard Dawkins pronouncing upon this, that there is no purpose in nature. And this has some amazing consequences, one of them is for example that the eye is actually not actually for seeing.
Platonism & the Metaphysical Solution to the Crises of Modernity with Hasan Spiker - YouTube ~ @13.59
Ontologi: Den metafysiska läran om varandet/ existensen och dess grader av verklighet.
Ontologie: Die metaphysische Lehre vom Sein/Existenz und dessen Stufen der Wirklichkeit
Ontology: The metaphysical doctrine of being/existence and its levels of reality