
In the Coldness of

The Systematic Post-Morality

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By Hasan Spiker, @RealHasanSpiker, 2024-10-14
Two original, unchanged xcom texts or posts. Footnotes by the web editor.
Postmorality is what is left after the erasure of [normal][4] morality.[2]

- 1 In the Coldness of Post-Morality
- 2 The Age of Arbitrarism

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In the Coldness of Post-Morality

Top-level apologists of Israel in the US and Europe will steadfastly continue their support for Israel after witnessing this[1]. It is not so much that they will justify the specificity of the act, as much as they will simply ignore it, in the coldness of the systematic post-morality that has now taken hold, namely of that place where their hearts used to be.

What this needs to demonstrate to the world is that such actors no longer possess anything that can in any traditional sense be recognized as human nature.

Instead, we are governed by a Western ruling class who have misosophically[5] justified a societal-level mass embrace of "our inner hedonistic[6] animal" — that is, we are ruled by the living dead, who merely simulate human nature, and go through the motions of ethical commitment with no more real conviction than a doll that says "Being kind is the best!" when you press the button on its belly.

There are some, very few I expect, who by the force of a good fiṭra[3] buried beneath this nightmare of a postmodern societal status quo, will manage to extricate themselves and seek out the truth. In the vast majority of cases, however, the squandering of our energies in "building bridges" with these ruling post-humans, as well as their followers, is now revealed to have been a hopeless fool's errand all along.

Because although today's atrocities must rank amongst the most horrific of them all, the whole human race has now witnessed Israel committing literally thousands of such unimaginable crimes, for the first time in human history effectively livestreamed to all corners of the earth, from every conceivable angle.

And all of this evidence—which we will never, ever be able to unsee—heralds the advent of a new and dark age: The reign of beyond good and evil .

And yet when the darkness reveals itself and confesses proudly to its own nature, the Light[7] shines only more the brightly, and more the unmistakably, and more the plainly.


2. The Age of Arbitrarism

People need to realize that Trump's AI video of earlier today literally sets the seal upon our collective entry into a new epoch entirely, call it the Age of Arbitrarism, if you will.

It celebrates a hedonistic fantasy, in which, dancing on the very graves of victims of a genocide, mostly women and children, Gaza has been turned into Las Vegas, replete with bearded belly dancers and golden statues of the man himself, its indigenous inhabitants having been removed, totally without need for justification, to an unknown location.

There is no longer any requirement even for the pretense of ethical warrant, nor, a fortiori, of course, for any acknowledgement of the existence of intrinsic goods rooted in a real nature of things.

We have entered the age of arbitrarism in which the ostensibly most powerful man in the world need not invoke any more elevated a criterion than "might is right" in order to gain the assent and consent of the tyrannical majority; and in which the minority of dinosaurs still bleating about morality, will soon be extinct altogether anyway.

It is good to know what you are really up against.
Feb 26, 2025[8]

Translations of Post 1.

In der Kälte der systematischen Postmoral

Die hochrangigen Verteidiger Israels in den USA und Europa werden ihre Unterstützung für Israel auch nach diesen Ereignissen[1] unerschütterlich fortsetzen. Sie werden das Besondere an dieser Tat nicht rechtfertigen, sondern sie werden sie einfach ignorieren, in der Kälte der systematischen Postmoral, die sich jetzt durchgesetzt hat, nämlich dort, wo früher ihre Herzen waren.

Dies muss der Welt zeigen, dass solche Akteure nichts mehr besitzen, was im traditionellen Sinne als menschliche Natur anerkannt werden kann.

Stattdessen werden wir von einer westlichen Herrscherklasse regiert, die misosophisch[5] eine massenweise Akzeptanz „unseres inneren hedonistischen[6] Tieres“ auf gesellschaftlicher Ebene gerechtfertigt hat – das heißt, wir werden von lebenden Toten regiert, die lediglich die menschliche Natur simulieren und die Formalitäten ethischer Verpflichtung mit nicht mehr echter Überzeugung erfüllen, gerade so wie eine Puppe, die sagt: „Freundlich zu sein ist das Beste!“, wenn man den Knopf auf ihrem Bauch drückt.

Es gibt einige, sehr wenige, wie ich annehme, die es durch die Kraft einer guten Fiṭra[3] schaffen werden, sich aus diesem Albtraum eines postmodernen gesellschaftlichen Status Quo zu befreien und die Wahrheit herauszufinden. In den allermeisten Fällen jedoch erweist sich die Verschwendung unserer Energien für den „Brückenbau“ zu diesen herrschenden Posthumanen und ihren Anhängern von Anfang an als ein hoffnungsloses, sinnloses Unterfangen.

Denn obwohl die heutigen Gräueltaten sehr wahrscheinlich zu den schrecklichsten von allen gerechnet werden müssen, hat die gesamte Menschheit nun miterlebt, wie Israel buchstäblich Tausende solcher unvorstellbaren Verbrechen begeht, die zum ersten Mal in der Menschheitsgeschichte effektiv per Livestream in alle Winkel der Erde und aus jedem erdenklichen Blickwinkel übertragen wurden.

Und all diese Beweise – die wir niemals vergessen können – kündigen den Beginn eines neuen und dunklen Zeitalters an: Die Herrschaft jenseits von Gut und Böse.

Und doch, wenn die Dunkelheit sich offenbart und stolz ihre eigene Natur bekennt, leuchtet das Licht[7] nur umso heller, unmissverständlicher und deutlicher.


I den systematiska postmoralens kyla

Israels apologeter på toppnivå i USA och Europa kommer orubbligt att fortsätta sitt stöd för Israel efter att ha sett detta[1]. Det är inte så mycket att de kommer att rättfärdiga handlingens specifika karaktär, lika mycket som de helt enkelt ignorerar den, i kylan av den systematiska eftermoral som nu har fått fäste, nämligen på den plats där deras hjärtan brukade vara.

Vad detta behöver visa för världen är att sådana aktörer inte längre besitter något som i någon traditionell mening kan erkännas som mänsklig natur.

Istället styrs vi av en västerländsk härskande klass som misosofiskt[5] har motiverat en massomfamning på samhällsnivå av "vårt inre hedonistiska[6] djur" - det vill säga vi styrs av de levande döda, som bara simulerar den mänskliga naturen och går igenom rörelserna. av etiskt engagemang utan mer verklig övertygelse än en docka som säger "Att vara snäll är bäst!" när du trycker på knappen på magen.

Det finns några, mycket få förväntar jag mig, som med kraften av en god fiṭra[3] begravd under denna mardröm av ett postmodernt samhälleligt status quo, kommer att lyckas frigöra sig och söka sanningen. Men i de allra flesta fall avslöjas nu slösandet av vår energi i att "bygga broar" med dessa härskande postmänniskor, såväl som deras anhängare, för att ha varit ett hopplöst dårjobb hela tiden.

För även om dagens illdåd måste tillhöra de mest fruktansvärda av dem alla, har hela mänskligheten nu sett Israel begå bokstavligen tusentals sådana ofattbara brott, för första gången i mänsklighetens historia som effektivt livestreamats till alla hörn av jorden, från alla tänkbara vinklar.

Och alla dessa bevis – som vi aldrig, någonsin kommer att kunna osynliggöra – förebådar tillkomsten av en ny och mörk tidsålder: regeringstiden bortom gott och ont.

Och ändå när mörkret uppenbarar sig och bekänner sig stolt till sin egen natur, lyser Ljuset[7] bara mycket klarare, och mer omisskännligt och mer tydligt.

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  1. It is the ongoing genocide in Gaza, the extremely violent oppression in the West Bank and the evictions in Jerusalem.

    This is the sequence shot by a witness in Gaza:

  2. Source: wiktionary.org

  3. fiṭra: the natural disposition of every human being towards the good.

    "It is the primordial norm; a harmony between man, creation, and God, such as existed between God and Adam in the Garden[s of Paradise]. Islam sees itself as the restoration of the religion of Abraham (millat Ibrahim), which itself is a reconsecration and a prolongation of the religion of Adam as primordial man after his fall, and reconciliation with God. The concept of fiṭra, the primordial norm, is at once the measure of truth in our actions and being, and at the same time the quality of harmony between ourselves and the cosmos. It corresponds exactly to the Hindu notion of universal dharma, or to the Chinese Tao." (Source: The Concise Encyclopedia of Islam, p. 127, NY, 1988)

  4. What Is Normal And What Normality? Adapted from a talk by Hasan Le Gai Eaton

  5. In the same way as a misogynist is a person who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against women, misosophical is the description of someone who dislikes, despises, or is strongly prejudiced against (sophia), the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence.

  6. A hedonist is "one who regards pleasure as the chief goal of life", or the follower of any ethical system in which some sort of pleasure ranks as the highest good.

  7. The Light:

    { اللَّهُ نُورُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالْأَرْضِ }

    {Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. His light is like a niche in which there is a lamp, the lamp is in a crystal, the crystal is like a shining star, lit from ˹the oil of˺ a blessed olive tree, ˹located˺ neither to the east nor the west, whose oil would almost glow, even without being touched by fire. Light upon light! Allah guides whoever He wills to His light. And Allah sets forth parables for humanity. For Allah has ˹perfect˺ knowledge of all things.} Sura 24-35

  8. Source: @RealHasanSpiker

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