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7min read
By various authors, Nov. 2024
The original posts are unchanged, footnotes and [ … ] brackets are by the web editor.
When the journalists of the coloniser[1] pretend everything is just fine.
When journalists (and the political elites in general) are ignorant, brainwashed or only damned hypocrites: they are complicit in crimes against humanity![7]
Willingly submitting to the racist, imperialistic playbook.
After more than one year of an ongoing genocide!
Their job is to obscure what is really happening in Gaza and the Westbank and white-wash those countless war-crimes by the Isra-lic[2] state.
It is time to suspend Isra-l’s credentials as a Member State at the UN.
How a genocide differs from a series of war crimes, see 06.
How is genocide defined in international law?[8]
01 Do You Have Any Written Documents?
02 The Right to Exist?
03 Ramblings About A Two State Solution
04 Spend something - even if little!
05 You Cannot Empathise!
06 It Is Important to Call a Genocide a Genocide
07 Summation of Zionism and Zionist Victimhood
[Ich hoffe Ihre Papiere sind in Ordnung!][4]
Wie sich Jan Ebermann [vom Tagesspiegel] gegenüber Francesca Albanese[5] lächerlich macht, wirft auch ein Licht auf den Tagesspiegel, der als einzige deutsche Tageszeitung ein #Antideutsche-Politikressort aufgebaut hat.
The way Jan Ebermann makes a fool of himself in front of Francesca Albanese also sheds light on the Tagesspiegel, which is the only German daily newspaper to have set up a #Antideutsche politics department.[3]
Wie sich Jan Ebermann gegenüber Francesca Albanese lächerlich macht wirft auch ein Licht auf den Tagesspiegel, der als einzige deutsche Tageszeitung ein #Antideutsche-Politikressort aufgebaut hat.#Mansplaining pic.twitter.com/IzHBL5l094
— Matthias Monroy (@matthimon) March 29, 2024
Do you believe that Israel has the right to exist?
Ridiculous questions today for @FranceskAlbs[5] from @BryanPassifiume
Bryan was sent a couple months ago on an all expenses paid trip to Israel by the former ambassador of Canada to Israel @VivianBercovici for an outfit called Exigent Foundations. 2024-11-05 @SMohyeddin
Ridiculous questions today for @FranceskAlbs from @BryanPassifiume
— Samira Mohyeddin سمیرا (@SMohyeddin) November 5, 2024
Bryan was sent a couple months ago on an all expenses paid trip to Israel by the former ambassador of Canada to Israel @VivianBercovici for an outfit called Exigent Foundations. pic.twitter.com/b30DKWjfrr
Then why not enjoy our empty dreams about a two state solution for Palestine and Israel and forget what I just wrote!]
Francesca Albanese on Fire:
A Lesson to Canada 🇨🇦 on International Law and Palestinian 🇵🇸 Rights
[Transcript of the video below]
"The priority is to stop the genocide. If the government here, the parliamentarians here want to call it a 'Ceasefire,' call it the way they want, but this is the priority.
The rest is secondary. Which doesn't mean that the recognition of the State of Palestine is not important. My question is, if this country has entertained discussions on the two-state solution, how come it does not recognize the state of Palestine yet? What is there to be debated?
The recognition of Palestine 🇵🇸 shouldn't take time; it should be automatic and be an act of coherence. Otherwise, if you don't recognize it, it means that you shouldn't be talking about it at all. Why are you even a voice in the debate? It's about coherence.
I know what I'm saying is blunt, but we need to be blunt because the impunity that has been granted to Israel for decades has led to this, which is a disaster both for the Palestinians and the Israelis.
Again, diplomatic talks have been turned into a place to justify the unimaginable, the illegal...
Is Canada spending any of its political capital to make sure that the genocide ends as soon as possible, the ceasefire, whatever, but then there is already a deadline set for the end of occupation?
The ICJ has passed an advisory opinion which declares the occupation unlawful and to be dismantled unconditionally and totally as rapidly as possible, and that 'as rapid as possible' has been defined by the General Assembly; it must happen by September next year [2026].
What is Canada doing to ensure that the Occupation is dismantled? And then, more than these, there is Apartheid. I know that in this country, you feel uncomfortable with the word 'Apartheid,' but you have to tell me why?
Because I, together with Israeli human rights organizations, Palestinian human rights organizations, Human Rights Watch, Amnesty International, Harvard University, and thousands of Israelis, talking about Apartheid, give you the evidence of it, and here, like in other parts of North America, I hear, 'Hmm... we cannot say that word.' It's your problem...
International law is so clear that it doesn't allow you to find excuses. So, however,
End the genocide, end the Occupation, end the Apartheid; this is what it means to apply international law and help build peace for Palestinians, Israelis, and anyone who calls that land home."
Francesca Albanese on Fire: A Lesson to Canada 🇨🇦 on International Law and Palestinian 🇵🇸 Rights
— Dyor (@Powerfulmindx) November 6, 2024
"The priority is to stop the genocide. If the government here, the parliamentarians here want to call it a 'Ceasefire,' call it the way they want, but this is the priority. The rest… pic.twitter.com/hTob7LIUrg
Francesca Albanese at a Press Conference in Canada.
The impunity that has been granted to Israel for decades has led to this…
You can be the one why a family in Gaza gets the lifesaving meals, healthcare and other services they need every day through UNRWA, Gaza’s #1 humanitarian provider.
Will you be there for Palestine’s refugees?
How ”is it possible after 42,000 killed Palestinians you cannot empathise?”
UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese passionately condemns the global community’s silence & lack of empathy for the Palestinian people.
UN Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese passionately condemns the global community's silence & lack of empathy for the Palestinian people pic.twitter.com/or169VMxFc
— Sarah Wilkinson (@swilkinsonbc) October 30, 2024
We believe Islam is the answer and the way - and there is no god except Allah (God), the Lord of the universe - no reality, but the reality of the Real (Allah), and Mohammad is certainly His Messenger (may His blessings & peace be upon him).
- Islam - The Way of the Prophets
- Islam the Natural, Easy Religion
- The Sum Of Islam
A few days before Albanese's press conference in Canada, from which are the above clips, in this 10 minutes video she explains what is genocide and why it is more and different than a number of war crimes committed over a certain period. okn/ webadmin
"We need to unravel the colonial past and confront the prevailing colonial amnesia."
Francesca Albanese
It is important to call a genocide[8] a genocide, UN expert Francesca Albanese told the UN Palestinian Rights Committee on 31 October 2024 as she called on all States to examine their relationships and avoid being complicit in this crime being committed by Israel on the Palestinian people in Gaza. (YT text)
Read Special Rapporteur's recent report entitled Genocide as colonial erasure[6]
Jennine K.
there's a saying in Arabic i grew up hearing:
ضربني وبكى، سبقني واشتكى
which basically means "he hit me and cried, then ran to complain before I could."
There's no better summation of zionism and zionist victimhood than this!
Nov 08, 2024