Edit OmarKN
Yet there is a silent committal of the matter to Allah Most High among the highest-adab authorities of the last two centuries and they tend to accept the view of the Mufti of Makka and Shaykh al-Islam, Sayyid Ahmad Zayni Dahlan in his precious book Asna al-Matalib fi Najat Abi Talib - "The Purest Claims of the Salvation of Abu Talib" (Cairo: Muhammad Effendi Mustafa, 1305/1886).
Their main argument is that Abu Talib's positions and sayings regarding the Holy Prophet ﷺ upon him peace, constitute a long string of confirmations of his Prophetic status. He foretold his high status even before Nubuwwa, at his wedding with our Mother Khadijat al-Kubra, Allah be well-pleased with her. He helped him like no one else did. He said to him: "By the falling stars! You never once lied to me" and pressured the Quraysh until they rescinded their 3-year embargo of the Muslims in Makka and annulled their pact. On this occasion Abu Talib is related to have said:
Did the news not reach you that the charter was torn to pieces And that everything Allah dislikes is destined to ruin?
It is also related that some of the Ashʿari Imams such as al-Qurtubi, al-Subki, and al-Shaʿrani said that Abu Talib was saved, according to Sayyid Ahmad Zayni Dahlan who cites Imam al-Suhaymi and the Hanafi Mufti of Makka Shaykh Ahmad ibn ʿAbd Allah al-Mirghani to that effect. They mention, among other evidence, the narration from al-ʿAbbas ibn ʿAbd al-Muttalib by Ibn Saʿd in his Tabaqat (1:118):
ʿAffan ibn Muslim told us: Hammad ibn Salama told us: From Thabit [ibn Aslam al-Bunani]: From Ishaq ibn ʿAbd Allah ibn al-Harith [ibn Nawfal] who said: al-ʿAbbas said: "I said: 'Messenger of Allah, do you hope anything for Abu Talib?' He replied: 'I hope for everything good [i.e. for him] from my Lord.'"
Indeed, even ʿAbd al-Muttalib has been affiliated with Islam due to other evidence. As for the two noble parents of the Holy Prophet, upon him and his House blessings and peace, they are saved according to a vast number of the accomplished authorities. Yet none of these items form something we are tasked with confirming, nor taken to task for denying.
Was-Salam,"In any case, what Westerners call civilization, the others would call barbarity, because it is precisely lacking in the essential, that is to say, a principle of a higher order."
René Guénon, East And West, 1924
صلّى الله على سيّدنا محمّد و على آله و صحبه و سلّم
The blessings and peace of Allah on the Prophet, his Family, and his Companions, ( sallAllahu `aleihi wa sallam ) .
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