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The whole title:
"Kitāb al-Tawh.īd al-Ladhī Huwa
H.aqqullāh ‘alā al-‘Abīd"
by Muh.ammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhāb
Translated into English by Unknown
Ryadh: Darussalam Publications, 1996.
First, neither the wording "nastaghīthu birasūlillah" nor "innahu lā yustaghāthu bī innamā yustaghāthu billāh" is found in any book of h.adīth and there is no chain for them! The reference to "al-T.abarānī” shows blind imitation of Ibn Taymiyya's incorrect referencing of these wordings to al-T.abarānī's al-Mu‘jam al-Kabīr in al-Radd ‘alā al-Bakrī and Majmū‘ al-Fatāwā.
Second, the correct wording in Ibn Sa‘d's T.abaqāt, the Musnad, and al-Jāmi‘ al-S.aghīr states that Abū Bakr said: "Let us rise to the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ to seek help (qūmū nastaghīthu ilā rasūlillah) against this hypocrite” whereupon the Prophet ﷺ replied: "Lā yuqāmu lī innamā yuqāmu lillāh – Not for me is redress sought but only for Allāh.” So the reply of the Prophet ﷺ does not address the means but the motivation and purpose of the Companions against the hypocrite. This is confirmed by another report in which ‘Umar asks permission to kill ‘Abd Allāh ibn Ubay ibn Salūl, whereupon the Prophet ﷺ said: "Leave him lest people say that Muh.ammad kills his companions!”[2]
Third, the chain of the report Lā yuqāmu lī innamā yuqāmu lillāh contains an unnamed narrator in addition to ‘Abd Allāh ibn Lahī‘a who is weak as indicated by al-Haythamī in Majma‘ al-Zawā'id (8:40), so the report is weak and wholly unfit to be adduced in matters of belief!
Fourth, the report is not found other than in very few of the h.adīth compilations and is long-winded and quite improbable in its complete wording, hence Ibn Kathīr declared it "extremely strange” (gharīb jiddan) in his Tafsīr (3:174).
Fifth, the Companion in question is Abū Bakr (ra), which would be a proof in itself – if the report were authentic – that istighātha from the Prophet ﷺ cannot be shirk, since Abū Bakr was of the most knowledgeable and strictest of Companions in Tawh.īd!
Sixth, the meaning of personal redress meant in Abū Bakr's phrase and the reply of the Prophet ﷺ is confirmed by the extraordinary words Abū Bakr spoke to Rabī‘a al-Aslamī – the Prophet's ﷺ servant – whom he regretted having insulted: "You will insult me back [in fair requital] or else I will seek the help of the Messenger of Allāh ﷺ against you! (aw la'asta‘diyanna ‘alayka Rasūlallāh).”[3]
– Stating verbatim: "The disbelievers who know their disbelief are better-guided than the believers.” (inna al-kuffār al-ladhīna ya‘rifūna kufrahum ahdā sabīlan min al-mu'minīn) [23]
– Stating: "Among the polytheists are those who love Allah with a tremendous love” [31].
– Stating: "The Muslim was named a worshipper of the dinar and dirham.” [37]
– Showing undisguised loathing of the Awliyā, the Ulema, and the generality of the Believers: "Conditions decayed to the point that, among most, worshipping the monks is the best deed and is called sainthood (wilāya), while worshipping the doctors of the Law is ‘knowledge' and ‘jurisprudence.' Then conditions decayed further, until those who were not even saints were worshipped besides Allah, and, in the second rank, those who were ignorant.” [38]
– Stating that "the two opposites [belief and disbelief] can be found in a single heart” [41] in contradiction of the verse { Allāh has not assigned unto any man two hearts within his body } (33:4). This and the previous four concepts are fundamental to understand the Wahhābī propagation of mutual suspicion among Muslims.
– Equating the poem al-Burda to setting up an equal to Allah (swt) [44].
– Assimilating the Islamic title qād.ī al-qud.āt, "Chief Judge,” to the prohibited title shāhān shāh, "King of kings.” [46]
– Citing Ibn H.azm to explain a verse on ‘aqīda, although Ibn H.azm is considered by them a Jahmī in ‘aqīda.[4] [50]
– Attributing shirk to Prophets "in name, not in reality.” [50]
– Stating that Allah (swt) is explicitly said to have two hands: the right holds the heaven and the other holds the earth, and the other is explicitly named the left hand. [67]
To Allāh we belong and to Him we shall return.
"In any case, what Westerners call civilization, the others would call barbarity, because it is precisely lacking in the essential, that is to say, a principle of a higher order."
René Guénon, East And West, 1924
صلّى الله على سيّدنا محمّد و على آله و صحبه و سلّم
The blessings and peace of Allah on the Prophet, his Family, and his Companions, ( sallAllahu `aleihi wa sallam ) .
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