

Tasawwuf Shuyukh


[29] Tasawwuf: Ibn Khaldun

[30] Tasawwuf: al-Sakhawi

[31] Tasawwuf: al-Suyuti

[32] Tasawwuf: al-Ansari






Ibn Khaldun (d. 808)


Ibn Khaldun said in his famous Muqaddima:


Tasawwuf is one of the latter-day sciences of the Law in the

Islamic Community. The foundation of tasawwuf, however, is

(more ancient, as seen in the fact) that these folk and their

way have always been present among the Salaf and among the

most senior of the Companions and the Successors, and their

way is the way of truth and guidance.


The foundation of the way of the Sufis is self-

restraint in the world and utter dependence on Allah;

shunning of the adornment and beauty of the world; self-

deprivation of pleasure, money, and title in the manner

agreed upon by the vast majority of the scholars; and

isolation from creatures in seclusion and devotion to



All these aspects were widespread among the Companions

and the Salaf, but with the pervasiveness of worldliness in

the second century and the next, and the general inclination

of the people towards the world, those who remained attached

to worship became know under the name of Sufis.(1)



(1) Muqaddimat ibn Khaldun, p. 328.



Reproduced with permission from Shaykh M. Hisham Kabbani's

_The Repudiation of "Salafi" Innovations_ (Kazi, 1996) p. 382.






Imam al-Sakhawi (d. 902)


The foremost student of Ibn Hajar al-`Asqalani and a great jurist,

historian, and hadith master, Shams al-Din Muhammad ibn `Abd al-

Rahman al-Sakhawi, like Taqi al-Din al-Subki and al-Suyuti,

belonged to the Shadhili order founded by Abu al-Hasan al-

Shadhili, as represented by the great Maliki Master Ibn `Ata'

Allah, five of whose works al-Sakhawi transmitted to posterity,

including the Hikam, from the Shadhili commentator Ahmad Zarruq

(d. 899).


In his biography of the famous men of his time entitled al-

Daw' al-lami` al-Sakhawi reveals that his father Zayn al-Din `Abd

al-Rahman ibn Muhammad (d. 874) was a Cairo-born Sufi of great

piety, and a member of the Baybarsiyya Sufi community where Ibn

Hajar, Sakhawi's teacher, taught for forty years.(1)


In the section of his al-Jawahir al-mukallala fi al-akhbar

al-musalsala devoted to the transmission of hadith through chains

formed exclusively of Sufi narrators, Sakhawi states that he

himself had received the Sufi path from Zayn al-Din Ridwan al-

Muqri' in Cairo.(2) In the same work Sakhawi also mentions several

of his teachers and students of hadith who were Sufis. Here are

the names of some of them, together with the words used by him to

describe them in his biographical work al-Daw' al-lami`:


* Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad al-Hishi al-Halabi al-Shafi`i (b. 848)

the head of the Bistamiyya Sufis in Aleppo, the mother trunk of

the Naqshbandi Sufi order affiliated with Abu Yazid al-Bistami.

He spent two years in Mecca with Sakhawi, who wrote him an

ijaza or permission to teach. In this ijaza Sakhawi calls him:

"Our master, the masterful Imam of merits and guidance, the

Educator of Murids (students in the Sufi path), the Mainstay of

Wayfarers in the Sufi path, the Noble Abu Bakr al-Hishi al-

Halabi, may Allah preserve him and have mercy on his gracious

predecessors (i.e. the chain of his shaykhs in the Sufi path),

and may Allah grant us and all Muslims their benefits."(3)


* Badr al-Din Hussayn ibn Siddiq al-Yamani al-Ahdal (d. 903): al-

Sakhawi gave him a comprehensive ijaza granting him permission

to teach all of his books.(4)


* Abu al-Fath Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr al-Madani al-Maraghi (d.

859): Sakhawi took hadith from him. He was head of two Sufi

khaniqas in Cairo, the Zamamiyya and the Jamaliyya. He led a

life of seclusion for the most part, and wrote a commentary on

Nawawi's manual of Law Minhaj al-talibin, and an epitome of Ibn

Hajar's Fath al-bari because of his defense of Ibn `Arabi, he

was murdered in front of the Ka`ba by a fanatic.(5)


* Taqi al-Din Abu Bakr ibn Muhammad al-Qalqashandi (d. 867), also

called `Abd Allah. He received the Sufi khirqa or cloak of

authority in Cairo. He is said to have read the whole of Sahih

al-Bukhari in three days while in Mecca. He lived in al-Quds,

where al-Sakhawi met him and took hadith from him.(6)


* Thiqat al-Din Abu al-`Abbas Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-`Uqbi (d.

861). He taught hadith and tajwid in Mecca, where Sakhawi

studied under him.(7)


* Kamal al-Din Muhammad ibn `Abd al-Wahid al-Sikandari al-Siwasi

(d. 861). He was a master of all sciences and taught at the

Madrasa al-Ashrafiyya in Cairo, after which he headed the

Shaykhuni Sufi khaniqa. He authored many books.(8)


* Abu `Abd Allah Muhammad ibn `Ali al-Husayni al-Qahiri al-

Shafi`i al-Sufi (d. 876). Munawi's deputy judge in Cairo, a

student of `Izz al-Din ibn Jama`a, Jalal al-Din al-Bulqini and

many others, and a student and friend of Sakhawi's teacher Ibn

Hajar whose work Fath al-bari he copied twice. A teacher of

fiqh and hadith, he wrote an epitome of Ibn al-Athir's Kitab

al-ansab. He was an old acquaintance of Sakhawi's father, and

consequently treated Sakhawi himself "with indescribable

respect." He was one of the ten students to whom Ibn Hajar gave

his authority in teaching hadith after him.(9)


* Abu Khalid Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr al-Jibrini (d. 860). He was a

writer, archer, horseman, and Sufi shaykh at the zawiya

(alcove-mosque) of Jibrin, where al-Sakhawi met him and took

hadith from him. Sakhawi says of him: "He was handsome, modest,

generous, courageous, and endowed with spiritual strength and

virility after the shaykhs of true majesty."(10)


* Zaki al-Din Abu al-`Abbas Ahmad ibn Muhammad al-Ansari al-

Khazraji al-Sa`di al-Muqri' al-Sufi (d. 875). An associate of

Ibn Hajar and a prolific writer, he wrote an autobiography in

more than fifty volumes, although Sakhawi said he was

unaffected, congenial, readily given to tears, and quick of



* Thiqat al-Din Abu `Ali Mahmud ibn `Ali al-Sufi al-Khaniki (d.

865). Born and raised in Cairo's Khaniqa al-Siryaqusiyya where

he taught late in life. He died while at Mecca for the



* Abu al-Faraj `Abd al-Rahman ibn Khalil al-Dimashqi al-Sufi

(d. 869). He was a muhaddith. Al-Sakhawi studied under him in

Cairo and at the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus.(13)



(1) al-Sakhawi, al-Daw' al-lami` (Beirut: dar maktabat al-

hayat, 1966) 4:124-125.

(2) A.J. Arberry, Sakhawiana: A Study Based on the Chester

Beatty Ms. Arab. 773 (London: Emery Walker Ltd., 1951) p. 35.

(3) al-Sakhawi, al-Daw' al-lami` 11:96-97, 74-75.

(4) Ibid. 3:144-145.

(5) Ibid. 7:162-165.

(6) Ibid. 11:69-71.

(7) Ibid. 2:212-213.

(8) Ibid. 8:127-132.

(9) Ibid. 8:176-178.

(10) Ibid. 7:197.

(11) Ibid. 2:146-149.

(12) Ibid. 10:140-141.

(13) Ibid. 4:76.



Reproduced with permission from Shaykh M. Hisham Kabbani's

_The Repudiation of "Salafi" Innovations_ (Kazi, 1996) p. 382-385.






Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti (d. 911)


Shaykh al-Islam al-Suyuti, the Renewer of the Eighth Islamic

century and Mujtahid Imam said in his book on tasawwuf entitled

Ta'yid al-haqiqa al-`aliyya wa-tashyid al-tariqa al-shadhiliyya

(The upholding of the lofty truth and the buttressing of the

Shadhili path):


Tasawwuf in itself is a most honorable knowledge. It explains

how to follow the Sunna of the Prophet and to leave

innovation, how to purify the ego... and submit to Allah



I have looked at the matters which the Imams of Shari`a

have criticized in Sufis, and I did not see a single true

Sufi holding such positions. Rather, they are held by the

people of innovation and the extremists who have claimed for

themselves the title of Sufi while in reality they are not...


Pursuit of the science of the hearts, knowledge of its

diseases such as jealousy, arrogance and pride, and leaving

them are an obligation on every Muslim.(1)



(1) al-Suyuti, Ta'yid al-haqiqa al-`aliyya wa-tashyid al-

tariqa al-shadhiliyya, ed. `Abd Allah ibn Muhammad ibn al-Siddiq

al-Ghumari al-Hasani (Cairo: al-matba`a al-islamiyya, 1934), p.




Reproduced with permission from Shaykh M. Hisham Kabbani's

_The Repudiation of "Salafi" Innovations_ (Kazi, 1996) p. 386.







Zakariyya ibn Muhammad Ansari (d. 926)


Shaykh al-Islam Zakariyya Ansari was known as the Shaykh of

Shaykhs. He was a hadith master, judge, and exegete of Qur'an. He

was Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Hajar al-Haytami's teacher and authored

many books on tasawwuf, including a commentary on Qushayri's

Risala which received several editions.


In his commentary on Qusayri Ansari gives the following

definitions for tasawwuf:

Tasawwuf is the abandonment of deliberation. It is also said:

It is the guarding of your senses and the mindfulness of your

every breath; also: it is complete earnestness in the

progression towards the King of all kings; also: it is the

devotion to works of good and the avoidance of defects; and

other explanations... The sufiyya or Sufis are called thus

because the Truth -- Allah -- has made them pure (safahum)

and has favored them unreservedly (akhlasa lahum al-ni`am)

through what He has allowed them to look upon.(1)



(1) Zakariyya al-Ansari, Sharh al-risala al-qushayriyya

(Cairo: dar al-kutub al-`arabiyya al-kubra, 1330/1912) p. 126.



Reproduced with permission from Shaykh M. Hisham Kabbani's

_The Repudiation of "Salafi" Innovations_ (Kazi, 1996) p. 386-387.



Bismillah al-Rahman al-Raheem

was-salaat was-salaam `alaa Rasul-illah wa 'alaa alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam





Zakariyya ibn Muhammad Ansari (d. 926)


Shaykh al-Islam Zakariyya Ansari was known as the Shaykh of

Shaykhs. He was a hadith master, judge, and exegete of Qur'an. He

was Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Hajar al-Haytami's teacher and authored

many books on tasawwuf, including a commentary on Qushayri's

Risala which received several editions.


In his commentary on Qusayri Ansari gives the following

definitions for tasawwuf:

Tasawwuf is the abandonment of deliberation. It is also said:

It is the guarding of your senses and the mindfulness of your

every breath; also: it is complete earnestness in the

progression towards the King of all kings; also: it is the

devotion to works of good and the avoidance of defects; and

other explanations... The sufiyya or Sufis are called thus

because the Truth -- Allah -- has made them pure (safahum)

and has favored them unreservedly (akhlasa lahum al-ni`am)

through what He has allowed them to look upon.(1)



(1) Zakariyya al-Ansari, Sharh al-risala al-qushayriyya

(Cairo: dar al-kutub al-`arabiyya al-kubra, 1330/1912) p. 126.



Reproduced with permission from Shaykh M. Hisham Kabbani's

_The Repudiation of "Salafi" Innovations_ (Kazi, 1996) p. 386-387.



GFH Abu Hammad



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