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The Intermediary of Shirk - 3

Notions That Must Be Corrected

Shaykh Muhammad b. ʿAlawi al-Maliki al-Hasani

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Allah (may His Majesty be exalted) repels punishment from the people on earth by means of those who seek His forgiveness and those who maintain His mosques, and that by their means, He provides the people of earth with sustenance and support and protects them from afflictions and drowning.

“They err in their understanding of the reality of intermediaries, and recklessly rush to the judgement that any intermediary is shirk ...”
From: Notions That Must Be Corrected
Shaykh Muhammad b. `Alawi al-Maliki al-Hasani, p.53ff

In those times, the Prophet ( sallAllahu `aleihi wa sallam ), never said to them: "You have committed idolatry and disbelief! It is not permissible to complain to me, or to seek anything from me; rather, you must go and supplicate and ask Allah yourselves, for verily Allah is closer to you than I am!"

On the contrary, he ( sallAllahu ’aleihi wa sallam ) would stand and supplicate for them, although they knew full well that the Bestower in reality is Allah, and that the Preventer, and the Expander, and the Provider is Allah alone, and they knew also that the Prophet ( sallAllahu `aleihi wa sallam ) would not avail them anything save with the permission of Allah, and through His Bounty. The Prophet himself ( sallAllahu `aleihi wa sallam ) said
"I am nothing but an apportioner; Allah is the One who bestows."

Therefore, it becomes clear that it is permissible and correct to describe any ordinary person as one who "delivers from distress," and "satisfies needs," that is, he is an intermediary for them, so what of the noble Master and esteemed Prophet, the most illustrious of mankind and jinn, the undisputed Best of creation?

Did the Prophet ( sallAllahu `aleihi wa sallam ) not say, as reported in the Sahih collection of al-Bukhari: "He who delivers a Muslim from distress, Allah delivers him from the distress on the Day of Resurrection"?
So the Believer is a deliverer from distress and crisis.
Did he not say ( sallAllahu `aleihi wa sallam )
"He who fulfils the need of his brother, I will stand at his balance (on the Day of Judgement), and if (his good deeds) do not outweigh (his bad), I will intercede for him."?

So the believer is a fulfiller of needs. Did he ﷺ not say in the Sahih collection:
"He who shelters a Muslim, Allah will shelter him on the Day of Resurrection"?
Did he ( sallAllahu `aleihi wa sallam ) not say
"Verily, Allah has among His creation those who are sought for in times of need"?
Did he not say in the Sahih collection:
"Allah shall aid His servant as long as the servant is in the aid of his brother"?
And did he ( sallAllahu `aleihi wa sallam ) not say:
"He who comes to the aid of someone in need, Allah writes for him ninety-three good deeds"?[1]

So the believer relieves hardships, aids, protects, fulfils needs, and is sought out in times of trial - although in reality, it is Allah, Exalted and Magnificent, who aids, fulfils, and protects.

1: Narrated by Abu Ya‘la, al-Bazzar, and al-Bayhaqī.

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صلّى الله على سيّدنا محمّد و على آله و صحبه و سلّم

The blessings and peace of Allah on the Prophet, his Family, and his Companions, ( sallAllahu `aleihi wa sallam ) .



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Notions That Must Be Corrected; Shaykh Muhammad b. `Alawi al-Maliki al-Hasani
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* Living Islam – Islamic Tradition *