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Principles Of Sufism

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Reality of Tasawwuf (Sufism)

"There is a great misunderstanding among the Muslims today about the reality of Tasawwuf. In fact, it is an essential part of Islamic culture and civilization. It is the spiritual part and face of Islam. It purifies the soul and the behavior of the Muslims, so to bring them close to Allah Taala Most High."
Shaykh Yusuf al-Sayyid Hashim al-Rafai, Source[n1]

1. The Foundations Of Our Path Are Five

* Taqwā (godfearingness, mindfulness of Allah), privately and publicly,

* Adherence to the Sunna in word and deed,

* Indifference to whether others accept or reject one,

* Contentment with Allah Most High both in times of hardship and ease,

* Turning to Allah in prosperity and adversity (in happiness or affliction).

2. Treating the Illnesses of the Soul

The principles of treating the soul's problems

The illnesses of the soul are also five.

1. Lightening the stomach by diminishing one's food and drink,

2. Taking refuge in Allah Most High from the unforeseen when it befalls,

3. Shunning situations that involve what one fears to fall victim to,

4. Continually asking for Allah's forgiveness and His blessings upon the Prophet ﷺ (Allah bless him and give him peace) night and day with full presence of mind.

5. Keeping the company of him who guides one to Allah.

3. Characteristics of a True Sufi Shaykh

Imam Ahmad Zarruq describes the characteristics of a true Sufi as follows: [1]

3.1 The Conditions of a trustworthy Shaykh

a. Sound religious knowledge;

b. True experience of the Divine;

c. Exalted purpose and will

d. A praiseworthy nature;

e. And penetrating insight.

3.2 Not fit to be a shaykh:

1. Ignorance of the religion;

2. Disparaging the honor of the Muslims;

3. Involvement in what does not concern him;

4. Following caprice in everything; and

5. Showing bad character without a second thought.

3.3 No Shaykh

If there is no shaykh who is a true guide (murshid), or there is one, but he lacks one of the five conditions, then the disciple should rely on those of his qualities that are perfected in him, and deal with him as a brother (A: meaning the shaykh and disciple advise one another) regarding the rest.

□ comment: In the meantime the wayfarer always has to take the Prophet of Allah (the blessings and peace of Allah upon him) as his guide. Daily practices makes this possible.[n3]

4. Our Attachment to Prophet Muhammad

The blessings and peace of Allah upon him ﷺ .

Mercy: The Holy Prophet ﷺ upon him blessings and peace, emphasized for us to show mercy to human beings. [+]

Also according to the prophetic example:
Be strict with yourselves but be easy on everyone else. [+]

- one, keep good company in this world;
- two, facilitate what is beneficial for people in their hereafter. [+]

Loving Prophet Muhammad (upon him blessings and peace). [+]

5. 10 Rules

Ten rules which Abu Sa‘id caused to be put in writing, in order that they might be observed punctiliously by the inmates of his convent/ spiritual trainingscenter.[3] In the original, after every rule there follow some words of the Koran on which it is based.

I. Let them keep their garments clean and themselves always pure. [+]

II. Let them not sit in the mosque or in any holy place for the sake of gossiping. [+]

III. In the first instance[2] let them perform their prayers in common. [+]

IV. Let them pray much at night. [+]

V. At dawn let them ask forgiveness of God and call unto Him. [+]

VI. In the morning let them read as much of the Koran as they can, and let them not talk until the sun has risen. [+]

VII. Between evening prayers and bedtime prayers let them occupy themselves with repeating some litany (wirdi u dhikri). [+]

VIII. Let them welcome the poor and needy and all who join their company, and let them bear patiently the trouble of (waiting upon) them. [+]

IX. Let them not eat anything save in participation with one another. [+]

X. Let them not absent themselves without receiving permission from one another. [+]

Furthermore, let them spend their hours of leisure in one of three things:
- either in the study of theology or
- in some devotional exercise (wirdi) or
- in bringing comfort to some one.

Whosoever loves this community and helps them as much as he can is a sharer in their merit and future recompense.

Abu Said ibn Abi l-Khayr SIM46

link-in The Role of Sufism in Building Good Character Today GF Haddad
link-out Reality of Tasawwuf (Sufism) nfie.com

"In any case, what Westerners call civilization, the others would call barbarity, because it is precisely lacking in the essential, that is to say, a principle of a higher order."
René Guénon, East And West, 1924

صلّى الله على سيّدنا محمّد و على آله و صحبه و سلّم

The blessings and peace of Allah on the Prophet, his Family, and his Companions, ( sallAllahu `aleihi wa sallam ) .



Related texts
link-in Tasawwuf

  1. In "Kitab qawqnin hukum al-ishraq ila kaffa al-Sufiyya fi jamiʿi al-afaq" by Imam Ahmad Zarruq

  2. When at the commencement of their spiritual training.

  3. Depending on the area in the islamic world, they are called zawiya, ribat, khanaqah, tekke, or dargah.


* Living Islam – Islamic Tradition *