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The Realities Of Sufism

The Miracles Of The Saints

by Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir 'Isa

رضي الله عنه

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In this day and age of ours, many people enquire about miracles, asking many questions: "Are miracles established in the Sacred Law?" "Is there any proof for them in the Book and the Sunna?" "What is the wisdom behind having miracles manifest at the hands of the saints and pious?" It is an absolute must that we tackle this topic head on so as to make clear the truth and give aid to the Sacred Law of Allah (swt), since the forces of atheism and materialism, and the factions of doubt and misguidance, have become abundant, affecting the intellects of many of our people and misguiding numerous intelligent people among us, leading them to take the position of denial and rejection, doubt and indecisiveness, or perplexity and wonder with regards to the miracles. All of this is a result of their weak faith in Allah and His omnipotence, and weak belief in His saints and beloved.
RES283 [2]


The existence of saintly miracles is established in the Book of Allah, the Sunna of His Messenger ﷺ, the reports from the Companions - may Allah be pleased with all of them - and those after them up until our time today. The existence of saintly miracles is affirmed by the overwhelming majority of the scholars of Ahl al-Sunna wal-Jamāʿa among the jurists, scholars of Hadīth, scholars of usūl (legal theory) and the Shaykhs of the Sufis, and all of their written works testify to this. In addition, saintly miracles have been affirmed by way of direct witnessing in the different epochs of Islamic history. They are affirmed by mass transmission through meaning (tawātur maʿnawī), even if when taken individually, they are singular transmission (āhād). None denied them save the people of innovation and deviation among those who possess weak faith in Allah, His attributes, and His actions.
RES284 [2]


The story of the companions of the cave: 18-17
The story of Maryam shaking the palm tree: 19-25
The story of Zakariyya entering Maryam prayer place: 3-37
The story of one who brought the throne of Bilqis: 27-40
- and others


The story of Jurayj: al-Bukhari and Muslim
The story of the boy who spoke from the cradle: Agreed upon
The story of the three in the cave: Agreed upon
The story of the cow who spoke to its owner: Agreed upon
- and others


The story of Abu Bakr رضي الله عنه   and his guests, when his food multiplied: al-Bukhari
The story of Omar رضي الله عنه   calling out to one of his military commanders: hadith hasan
The story of Uthmān رضي الله عنه   , who informed a man about his glance.
The story of Ali b. Abī Tālib رضي الله عنه    who heard the dead speak.
- and many others


Allah (may His Majesty be exalted), through His wisdom, ennobles His saints and beloved with various types of supernatural [1] phenomena, so as to honour them on account of their faith and sincerity, assist them in their struggle and aid for Allah's religion, make manifest Allah's omnipotence, increase the faith of those who believe, and show that laws of the natural universe are only through Allah's design and decree, and that in and of themselves, material causes have no independent effect, rather, Allah created the results that are through the means and not by the means as is the doctrine of Ahl al-Sunna wal-Jama'a.

An obstinate opponent might retort: "Giving aid to the truth and spreading Allah's religion is not through supernatural phenomena; rather it is through the establishment of logical arguments and rational proof." We say to this: Yes. It is a must that the teachings of Islam be spread through the aid of sound intellect, valid logic, and penetrating evidence, however, stubborn bigotry and obstinacy invite to supernatural phenomena through miracles, just as Allah, through His wisdom, aided His Prophets and Messengers with miracles so as to show their truthfulness and the veracity of their invitation, and force those whose hearts were locked and whose intellects were deficient to abandon their stubbornness and liberate themselves from their own bigotry and think correctly and resolutely, thus bringing them to firm faith and certitude.

Here, we see that the miraculous gifts (of the saints) and the miracles (of the Prophets) share in similar goals and wisdoms, the difference between them however, is that the inimitable miracle (muʿjiza) is only for the Prophets - upon them all be peace - and the miraculous gift (karāma) is only for the saints; every miraculous gift for a saint is an inimitable miracle for a Prophet.
RES291 [2]


It must be noted that there is a difference between miracles and being lured into destruction (istidrāj).

"In any case, what Westerners call civilization, the others would call barbarity, because it is precisely lacking in the essential, that is to say, a principle of a higher order."
René Guénon, East And West, 1924

صلّى الله على سيّدنا محمّد و على آله و صحبه و سلّم

The blessings and peace of Allah on the Prophet, his Family, and his Companions, ( sallAllahu ʿaleihi wa sallam ) .



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  1. The original text has "preternatural";
    Def: out of the ordinary course of nature; exceptional or abnormal

  2. RES: The Realities Of Sufism,
    by Shaykh ʿAbd al-Qadir ʿIsa

    Al Qadir IsaThe late Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir 'Isa رضي الله عنه   (d. 1312 H/1991 CE) was one of the revivers of the Sufi tradition in the Levant. In a time of gross materialism and imported profane ideologies into the Arab world, Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir 'Isa provided the keys for a reclamation of Islam's spiritual riches and revived the spiritual path, imparting guidance and instruction to scores of people from all strata of society.

    Realities of Sufism, the Shaykh's only book, takes readers on a journey to the heart of Islam. Expositing on the foundations of Islam's spiritual path, Sufism, Shaykh 'Abd al-Qadir simultaneously describes the workings of the path of excellence - ihsan - and answers the doubts of the orientalists, modernists, and would be Islamic revivalists. Some of the topics in this book include: the history and etymology of Sufism, the conditions of a true spiritual guide, the proper manners of a spiritual seeker, the outer manners of the path, the inner manners of the path, the deeds of the heart, spiritual unveiling, miracles, oneness of being, and historic testimonies to Sufism's key role and efficacy in purifying the souls and elevating the Sacred over the profane in the lives of man.

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