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“Politicians seldom dare to speak openly about any feelings of support for Palestinian nationhood. On the contrary, they so easily join that lobby that says ‘support Israel at all costs.' Essentially these politicians are cowards…”
“Until recently the Palestinian story was seldom heard. The public was swamped with the claims that Israel was the only democracy in the Middle East and a crucial ally in the fight against terrorism…”
“In all my years of studying and writing about governments’ social and foreign policies, I have seldom come across a nation, which makes cruelty towards vulnerable people the hallmark of its policies. Cruelty — allied to ethnic cleansing and coupled to claims about democracy — represents Israeli policies.”
The prominent Australian academic and ethicist Stuart Rees, professor emeritus at the University of Sydney
LINK: electronicintifada.net
“… Because I wake up to hate mail. It’s never about the actual details of anything. It’s always separated from what the boycott (movement) actually seeks to achieve, it’s always separated from actual international law, it’s always separated from historical facts on the ground, and it’s always framed as ‘I'm anti-Israel,' and by saying that, ‘I'm anti-Semitic.’ So we never actually get to talk about the (reality) in its complexity, where the meat of the matter is at — we have to constantly defend ourselves on either the most base fundamental charges of racism, or historical ignorance for the Jewish plight in the world.”
“I mean, think about this, I teach about how the United States disregards its own treaties with native Americans all the time and no one ever complains. But the moment I provide a link to a website that is critical of Israel’s policies, I cross the line. Why is that the line? Why has one topic been taken off the table for conversation? This sort of rabid reaction actually looks more suspicious and hints at the importance of the discussion. If I told you that you could do everything but one thing, what would you think is oddly different and worthy of exploration? Criticizing Israel is analogous to the forbidden fruit now. Talk about anything — except Israel’s treatment of Palestinians.”
According to its critics, it is a “dangerous, highly sophisticated propaganda operation, disseminating hate and disinformation on an unprecedented worldwide basis.”
“‘They use the same sort of propaganda techniques as the Nazis,' acc. to Professor Norman G. Finkelstein, a well-known scholar on Israel/Palestine. ‘They take things out of context in order to do personal and political harm to people they don't like.'
“Take the case of Professor Halim Barakat, a novelist and scholar associated with the Center for Contemporary Arab Studies at Georgetown University.
In 2002, he published an article on Zionism in London's Al-Hayat Daily, but says that in certain instances, MEMRI selectively edited what he wrote.
“‘I know how to make a distinction between Judaism and Zionism, but they distorted the article,' Barakat told InFocus. ‘They left out certain things and tried to make it look anti-Semitic.'”
“Long before George Orwell popularized the expression ‘war is peace' in his 1949 novel (1984), Zionism understood well that its colonial strategy depended on a deliberate and insistent confusion of the binary terms ‘war' and ‘peace' so that each of them hides behind the other as one and the same strategy: ‘peace' will always be the public name of a colonial war, and ‘war,' once it became necessary and public, would be articulated as the principal means to achieve the sought after ‘peace.' This is so central to Zionist and Israeli propaganda that Israel’s 1982 invasion of Lebanon, which killed 20,000 civilians, was termed operation ‘Peace for Galilee.' War and peace therefore were the same means whose only and ultimate strategic goal was the European Jewish colonization of Palestine and the subjugation and expulsion of Palestine’s native population.”
Watch this fascinating video lecture by Columbia Professor Joseph Massad on the current situation in Palestine, armed struggle, the power of the Israel lobby and the achievements of the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement. (Including the PLO, and PA being bought by the Zionists.)Joseph Massad, Associate Professor of Modern Arab Politics and Intellectual History at Columbia University
xL =broken link 2020-10-03: informationclearinghouse.info
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