
Selected Posts By Shaykh M Aslam

Shaykh Mohammed Aslam is a caller to Allah and His Prophet .


He is a graduate of Fath al-Islami (Damascus), founder of the Prophet of Change & City of Knowledge Academy. He has studied at مجمع الفتح الإسلامي ـ الصفحة الرسمية Damascus University


His posts inspire the Muslims - to increase in sincerity ( ikhlas ) and  worship ( `ibada ), for the love of Allah (swt) and the love and following of the Messenger of Allah, Prophet Muhammad .


Some selected posts by the shaykh from Facebook will be presented here for the benefit of the Umma, inshah Allah. The section /sma at this site is dedicated to his posts, titles are mine. With permission by the author.



His Facebook page is here.


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