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Gaza - One Day

in September 2024

Edit OmarKN

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STOP the killings, destruction, evictions going on in the West Bank by so-called Jews, who in reality are criminals with US weapons and should be locked up tomorrow!

The inevitable fact is that this racist, supremacist, messianic, entity of so-called Israel, has destroyed itself, and the United States and the West have shown their real face regarding international law, the Geneva Convention, justice, equality.

The elites of those states may not want to know it now, but they are certainly in manifest error!

{ لَفِي ضَلَالٍ مُّبِينٍ }

01 Every Single Day, Hundreds of Times a Day, for 11 Months
02a Killed, Injured, Massacres
02b Over 11,000 Students Martyred in Gaza Since Beginning of War
03 Here Is a Another Genocider, a Messianic "Jew"
04a Hundreds of Israeli Citizens Were Killed by Israeli Forces on Oct7
04b General Gave Order to Kill Isra-lic Civilians!
05 Isra-l: How Much More Can You Hate?
06 They Are Disgusting - Wake Up!
YT Recommended Videos from Janta Ka Reporter

01 Every Single Day, Hundreds of Times a Day, for 11 Months.

item01 == 2024-09-08 09:53 ==

Every single day, hundreds of times a day, for 11 months. Israel’s genocide continues.


Every single day, hundreds of times a day, for 11 months. Israel’s genocide continues. pic.twitter.com/VxjNpRr3Lh

— Dr. Omar Suleiman (@omarsuleiman) September 7, 2024


02a Killed, Injured, Massacres

item02 == 2024-09-08 ==

During the last 48 hours in Gaza.


02b Over 11,000 Students Martyred in Gaza Since Beginning of War

Since the beginning of the war against Gaza on October 7, 2023 750 employees of educational centers in this strip were martyred in the attacks of the Zionist regime.


The information office of the Palestinian government in the Gaza Strip also pointed out that more than 11,000 Palestinian students were martyred and thousands of others were injured in the attacks of the Zionist army since the beginning of the war against Gaza.

The Information Office of the Palestinian Authority also announced that the Israeli occupation forces completely destroyed 120 schools and universities, and 340 other universities and schools were also damaged.

The Hamas movement emphasized in a statement about this that the encroachment of the occupiers on the Palestinian education sector is a Zionist crime that will not succeed in erasing the identity of the Palestinian nation and destroying their national rights.[4]


03 Here Is a Another Genocider, a Messianic "Jew"

In reality a sick daemon.


item03 == 2024-09-08 09:56 ==

This is supposed to be a man of god and a man of peace giving kill directions to the Israeli soldiers with regards to children, elderly and women: demented and genocidal!

- - responding to: - -

Another level of devilry we never knew before.

Another level of devilry we never knew before pic.twitter.com/mgKpQIs0X4

— HaShem GAZA (@HaShem_GAZA_) September 6, 2024

"You will not let every soul live."

Transcript as footnote[1]


04a This Was a Mass Hannibal

item04a == 2024-09-08

□ comment: Better late than never, but it took them 10 months to tell this very important story, after hundreds of thousands of innocent people have been killed or maimed for life!

Hundreds of Israeli Citizens Were Killed by Israeli Forces on Oct7.

“This was a mass Hannibal. Thousands of people in every type of vehicle, some with hostages” Colonel Erez said.
“28 fighter helicopters shot all of the ammunition in their bellies,”
[ □ comment: reloading, recharging many times and returning…]

Hundreds of Israeli citizens were killed by Israeli forces on Oct7.

+ comments as footnote[2]


Watch on TikTok

Who would believe that AK-47s and rocket-propelled grenades by Hamas and Islamic Jihad would be able to destroy vehicles in this way?


04b General Gave Order to Kill Isra-lic Civilians!

item04b ==

How Isra-lic General Barak Hiram gave order to kill Israeli civilians and children, with a tank shelling at Kibutz.
[ □ comment: this is one confirmed instance, no independent, international investigation has been allowed into the country.]

Killing their own to justify the start of ethnic cleansing.

Israelis truly believe they are the chosen ones, that international law does not apply to them, and that even as the occupier inhuman terroristorganization, they are the victims. Despicable.
@FranceskAlbs @UN @antonioguterres @amnesty @AmnestyIreland - Dec 29, 2023

How Israeli General Barak Hiram gave order to kill Israeli Civillians and children's, with a tank shelling at Kibutz.
Killing their own to justify the start of ethnic cleansing.
Israelis truly believe they are the chosen ones, that international law does not apply to them, and… pic.twitter.com/OWZ5kznGg8

— Dyor (@Powerfulmindx) December 29, 2023

This clip is from 24 December 2023 [5]


05 Isra-l: How Much More Can You Hate?

item05 == 2024-09-08 ==

How much more can you hate a group of people and country?

Amazing what we’ve all witnessed the past 11 months.

It’s been going on far longer than 11 months but thanks to X and Rumble it’s out for everyone to see the evil.

- - responding to: - -

Zionist Break a Woman’s Hand for Praying at the Mosque



— The Saviour (@stairwayto3dom) September 8, 2024


06 They Are Disgusting - Wake Up!


Israeli Lawmakers Consider Passing Law Making It LEGAL To R۸Pع P۸lestini۸ns


Israeli Lawmakers Consider Passing Law Making It LEGAL To R۸Pع P۸lestini۸ns pic.twitter.com/00yBGlRRSO

— Ryan Rozbiani (@RyanRozbiani) September 3, 2024
More to come here[6] inshaAllah.

There are extensive sources about this evil state of affairs in Isra-l, it's so disgusting and depraved that it is a pain to even to have to deal with publishing it. Suffice this video here as a summary (for now).
The reader may do his/ her own research.


3 Recommended Videos - YouTube

- Jordan’s Foreign Minister publicly insults German counterpart on Israel support
Janta Ka Reporter
- Brave Norwegian reporter busts Israeli lies, lesson for BBC, western media
Janta Ka Reporter

- Palestine Talks | In conversation with Ashish Prashar
TRT World



"In any case, what Westerners call civilization, the others would call barbarity, because it is precisely lacking in the essential, that is to say, a principle of a higher order."
René Guénon, East And West, 1924

صلّى الله على سيّدنا محمّد و على آله و صحبه و سلّم

The blessings and peace of Allah on the Prophet, his Family, and his Companions, ( sallAllahu `aleihi wa sallam ) .


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  1. Transcript: Rabbi from the school of Satan, explaining the Torah

    The basic principle that we have is that when we live through "the holy war of the mitzvah", in this case, in Gaza, according to the choice of the judge, you will not let every soul live.
    The meaning is very clear, if you don't kill them, first, they will kill you.

    The terrorists of the day are the children of the past, who remained in their lives.

    And in reality, is the women who create these terrorists. What this means is that the definition of "not every soul shall live" is very clear in the Scriptures:
    It's either you or them.

    In fact, the definition of "not every soul shall live" is based on the Scriptures of "if your enemy comes to slay you in the night, kill them in the morning."

    In the broader sense, in the Scriptures, it is not only the man between 18, 16, 20, 30, who shoots at with a weapon, but also the new generation of the future, and also those who create degeneration of the future.
    Because there is no difference.

    (Question): What what about old people?

    There are no innocent people. It's the same with an elderly person, who is able to carry a weapon.

    The Torah is also very clear in the book. In Gaza, according to all estimates of the security forces, 95 to 98% want to destroy us, that is the majority.

    (Question): also the same with children?

    It is the same thing. It is the same thing (Shrugging his shoulders).

    If you save him… Don't try to outsmart the Torah. The Torah does not allow you to let everyone live.

    Today, he is a child. Today is a boy.
    Tomorrow, he is not. The fighters, the terrorists who are eighteen today, where eight-years olds in the previous war. (Shrugging his shoulders).

  2. Israeli forces accused of killing their own citizens under the 'Hannibal Directive' during October 7 chaos - ABC News

    The Israelis were very quick to spread propaganda about beheaded babies to dehumanise the Palestinians, so that the IDF could then go actually behead Palestinian children. But unfortunately they're "still investigating" whether there were orders to kill their own citizens.

    24 Apaches flew 3 sorties each, firing 1300 cannon rounds, each to the equivalent of a grenade.
    That's 100,000 grenades folks while the 2000 resistance fighters had a few grenades each
    We know who incinerated all the cars at the Nova festival and it wasn't the Palestinian resistance.

    So, it wasn't a fleet of Hamas airforce attack helicopters. Makes sense I guess because they don't have any.

  3. The Racists' Revenge until Extermination
    2d. Wartime verses in the Torah

  4. Over 11,000 students martyred in Gaza since beginning of war - IRNA English

  5. Israeli general killed Israelis on 7 October then lied about it | The Electronic Intifada

  6. Rape Allegations from the Isra-l Settler Entity


* Living Islam – Islamic Tradition *