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The Isra-l Settler Entity And

Rape Allegations

What is true and what is fake?

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Items are from 2023-12-07--2024-06-17

The Rape Allegations Against the Palestinian Resistance, Serve One Purpose Only

{ وَمَكَرُوا وَمَكَرَ اللّٰهُ وَاللّٰهُ خَيْرُ الْمَاكِرِينَ }

{And the disbelievers planned, but Allah planned.
And Allah is the best of planners.}

Quran, Sura 3-54

The rape allegations against the Palestinian resistance, and against Hamas in particular, started in October 2023, and they are continually resurfacing and again and again propagated to the public. We are been told repeatedly that Hamas used rape systematically as a weapon of war against Isra-lic[11] people on October 7, 2023.

However, these allegations have been debunked and rejected as a hoax, at first by the alternative media, (Greyzone, Electronic Intifada and others, then in March 2024 by the United Nations) and also in parts by the Isra-l[11] media, because of lack of evidence (a fact which we detail here on this page).

What we see after eight months of the worst genocidal onslaught (in living memory) on an occupied and colonized indigenous people (the Palestinian people), is that these false allegations are being refurbished, and again, and again pumped into the public sphere.

So how can it be possible that the German foreign minister A. Baerbock and later the German chancellor/ prime minister O. Scholz[12] have the audacity to claim to have seen a Hamas video of rape ( eight months after Oct. 7), which no one even knew existed all this time?
Ask yourself: who benefits from these kind of Machiavellian machinations?

The sad truth is that leaders in the ("democratic, liberal, progressive") West will do anything to support the genocide on Palestinas,
These governments and their 'elites' follow the Isra-lic leaders and lobby to continue theri war crimes, amounting to a 'modern' genocide.

We are 10 months into this abhorrent night-mare, which is a satanic policy of suffering and death - by lunatic, messianic Jewish criminals, who should be locked up as soon as possible. Then the responsible people will be punished, already in this life, and certainly in the Next.[5]

There is no doubt, that the genocidal, supremacist, Jewish state of so-called Israel will soon end. It has lost all of its legitimacy. There will be some kind of transformation to a normal, secular state, where all people, Muslims, Christians, Jews, and others will live side-by-side, respecting each other's rights, peacefully.

NB Atrocities were committed against Isra-l civilians on October 7.
However, it has been proven that 98% of Isra-l propaganda is a heap of disgraceful lies - serving their genocidal project.
If you still believe their disgraceful, fake stories (while Isra-l commits torture against Palestinians), you should check out other sources or do grow potatoes.

We are looking here at three groups of rape allegations.
The first and most recent group is (C), showing that those claims by Jewish supremacists (Zionists) are mostly unfounded.
In group (A) we not only document examples of Isra-lic individuals connected to rape allegations (in word or in deed), such as their chief rabbi for the 'army', but also the fact that the state of Isra-l has used sexual violence and humiliation as “an operating procedure” against Palestinians.[9]
Thirdly group (B), from early 2024, where we ask if there is evidence of the Islamic Palestinian Resistance committing rape on October 7.

C4 20240615 London Times 1st Western media to debunk Israel's "mass rapes" hoax
C3 Regurgitating Those Blatant Lies on Mainstream Media
C2 More info about so-called mass-rape by Palestinians, b, c, d, e, f, g
C1 German foreign minister Baerbock flat out lies about 7 October Hamas rape video

A0 Chief Rabbi About Raping Women (in Wartime)
A6 Rape and murder of Palestinan hostages in Isra-lic jails
A5 Isra-l uses sexual violence on Palestinian children, women and men.
A4 UN report: Isra-l has used sexual violence against Palestinians
A3 Isra-lic Influencer H Natali Under Investigation for Rape
A2 GAZA: Isra-l Soldier Threatens Pregnant Palestinian Woman With Rape
A1 13 Year Old Girl Raped in Prison by IOF* Soldiers
*IOF = Isra-l Occupation Force

B0 Regarding the allegations brought against the Islamic resistance
B13 The UN: Re. the Rape Blame Put on Hamas/ the Resistance
B12 Why the UN come out now with these false allegations?
B11 Isra-l food blogger scripted Hamas rape story for NYT
B10 BBC distances itself from 7 October “mass rape” claims
B9 The Israeli With Zero Credibility Promoting Rape Hoax
B8 Dozens Israelis Lied: They Were Not Victims of Oct7 Attack
B7 What Is "Non-Evidence Journalism"?
B6 Why 'Hamas mass rape' story doesn't pass the sniff test
B5 NYT Weaponized Both a Dead Woman and Sexual Violence
B4 The Flaws in Isra-l Sexual Violence Claims
B3 Debunking Isra-l’s “mass rape” propaganda
B2 My thoughts on the rape allegations, Muhammad Shehada
B1 No Physical Evidence of Rape by Hamas Militants


itemC4 ==

London Times is first mainstream outlet to debunk Israel's "mass rapes" hoax

≈ 2024-06-09

Quote from the beginning of the video:
"Israel's claims of mass rape by Hamas fighters on October 7th are a total lie. A fabrication that has been used to incite and justify Israel's ongoing genocide in Gaza. Israel has identified no victims living or dead, no credible eyewitnesses and no forensic evidence to support the claim that sexual violence was used on a wide scale as a weapon of war on October 7th."

"But if you - like most people - read the New York Times, watch the BBC, the CBC or read The Guardian or stories from Associated Press among countless other mainstream outlets, you would think all these lies are true, that this campaign of rape really happened and that only very marginal people would deny it. Now there is a significant if only partial break in this wall of lies."

"The first new development is that the Times of London[13] has become the first mainstream publication to acknowledge that there is simply no credible evidence for Israel's mass rape claims."
□ comment: And probably not even 1 incident. Other crimes certainly did happen.

"The Times of London is centuries old but for the last few decades it's been owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation and so it's considered quite right-wing and like other mainstream media participated fully in spreading Israel's genocidal lies. You can see for example this front page from October 11th spreading the lie that Hamas beheaded Israeli babies. So it's surprising that a newspaper like the Times of London would publish a story debunking the mass rape lies."

"it's surprising:" They want to keep their back door open, the day their bluff and their lies are exposed. Then they will cry: 'We are so sorry, we made a mistake.' This will be after tens of thousands of people will have been killed in Gaza and the West Bank.

Their front page from October 11th



itemC3 ==

Regurgitating Those Blatant Lies on Mainstream Media

This is astonishing. The Israeli police, intelligence and military literally confirmed to Haaretz that no photos or video footage of any rape/sexual assault exists, just as the UN confirmed it, yet they keep regurgitating this blatant lie on mainstream media with zero challenge.


The post included this CNN video of Isra-lic lies:

🚨On CNN today, Democrat Rep. @DWStweets lied that Israeli police showed her video filmed by Hamas of them "engaging" in sexual violence on Oct. 7 including "cutting off the breasts while raping."
Israeli authorities and UN are clear: No such video exists.

- German foreign minister says she saw nonexistent oct 7 rape video
- @AliAbunimah

- - responding to: - -

🚨On CNN today, Democrat Rep. @DWStweets lied that Israeli police showed her video filmed by Hamas of them "engaging" in sexual violence on Oct. 7 including "cutting off the breasts while raping." Israeli authorities and UN are clear: No such video exists https://t.co/1I7VNlaEdF pic.twitter.com/qDXaeBTV8p

— Ali Abunimah (@AliAbunimah) June 17, 2024


- German leader Olaf Scholz repeats lie about nonexistent Hamas "rape videos"
6 June 2024
- Germany smears journalist for challenging Baerbock's 7 Oct. rape video lie
4 June 2024
- Biden admits Israel's defeat in Gaza
31 May 2024
- ICC has no evidence for 7 October rapes, documents indicate
21 May 2024
- Denmark finds Israel's war crimes acceptable
11 June 2024


itemC2 ==

More info about so-called mass-rape by Palestinians

C2 was updated 2024-06-17


In a war-like situation like Oct. 7, it is possible that some sexual violence happened, however definitely no mass-rapes. All these claims have been debunked as we show here.

Those who perpetrated those claims are the same who devastated Gaza, killing 10s of thousands (at least), committing all kinds of warcrimes and plausible genocide against the Palestinian people since that day, who themselves (Isra-l) commit crimes sexual violence. [see part A4]

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itemC2b ==

txp == 2024-06-16 13:34 ==

A must read

The author @zei_squirrel:
I want to give a demonstration of how the media, in this particular case the New York Times, fabricates and launders genocidal atrocity propaganda intentionally.

This really does epitomize the depravity of the Western media class.

In its piece on the latest UN report the New York Times uses the term "sexual violence" 10 times. Let's see how they use it to carefully construct a propaganda lie as a way of laundering their own "mass rape" hoax, even though they have to begrudgingly admit later in the piece, for the first time they have done so, that the UN report actually debunks it.

□ comment: He is going to show ”how the New York Times and the media class fabricate propaganda under the pretense of doing "journalism" and "getting the facts right".”
He asks the international media (incl. the NYT):

”Can you please explain why there is no discussion at all of the extensive detailed and quite harrowing documentation of what the [UN] report says is actual systematic and planned Israeli sexual violence against Palestinian girls, boys, women and men?

No mention that the UN report said sexual violence by Israel actually is systematic and planned, and no harrowing details of the Israeli sexual violence, sexualized torture, beating, desecration and mutilation of Palestinian girls, boys, women and men.


Continue reading the detailed evidence of journalistic malpractice here at : threadreaderapp.com: zei_squirrel

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itemC2c ==

txp == 2024-06-03 20:21 ==
URL @Partisangirl

Syrian Girl 🇸🇾
BREAKING🚨: The UN secretary General and and Israel admit there is ZERO evidence of rape on Oct 7 after examining all of the 5,000 photos, 50 hours of videos and audio from the day.

Mass rape on Oct 7 was just another Israeli atrocity propaganda like 40 beheaded babies.




txp == 2024-06-03 20:25 ==
URL @drhossamsamy65

Dr.Sam Youssef Ph.D.,M.Sc.,DPT.
رسميا : تبرئة المقاومة الفلسطينية من تهم الاغتصاب في ٧ اكتوبر من مكتب مكافحة جرائم الاغتصاب اثناء الحروب بالأمم المتحدة ..


same pic as above

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itemC2d ==

txp == 2024-06-03 20:27 ==
URL @QudsNen

Quds News Network
BREAKING | A new report by Associated Press has concluded the following:

⭕ Israeli settlers promoted false narratives accusing Hamas of sexual violence on October 7.

⭕ A settler's account of sexual violence, which spread worldwide, turned out to be fabricated and deliberately concocted.

⭕ A spokesperson for the ZAKA organization says they have asked one of the settlers to stop telling the fabricated story about sexual violence, but he did not comply until three months later.
May 22, 2024

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itemC2e ==

txp == 2024-06-03 20:33 ==
URL @Jonathan_K_Cook

Jonathan Cook
Al Jazeera’s research finds no evidence of systematic or mass rape on 7 October. In fact, it is Israel that has been blocking efforts by international bodies to investigate any sexual violence that day.

Respected outlets like the New York Times, the BBC and Guardian have repeatedly breathed credibility into the claims of systematic rape by Hamas, but only by unquestioningly repeating Israeli atrocity propaganda.

Madeleine Rees, secretary general of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, told Al Jazeera: “A state has instrumentalised the horrific attacks on women in order, we believe, to justify an attack on Gaza, of which the majority suffering are other women.”

In other cases, Israel has blamed Hamas for mutilating the bodies of Israeli victims, including by driving over them, smashing their pelvises. In several cases, Al Jazeera’s investigation showed that the bodies were of Hamas fighters mutilated or driven over by Israeli soldiers.

The documentary notes that reporting by the Israeli media – followed by the western media – “focuses not on the crimes they [Hamas] committed but on the crimes they did not”.

The question is why, when there were plenty of real atrocities by Hamas to report, did Israel feel the need to fabricate even worse ones? And why, especially after the initial fabrication of beheaded babies was debunked, did the western media carry on credulously recycling improbable stories of Hamas savagery?

The answer to the first question is that Israel needed to manufacture a favourable political climate that would excuse its genocide in Gaza as necessary.

Netanyahu is shown congratulating the leaders of Zaka – the first responders' unit that fabricated so many of these stories – on their role in influencing world opinion: “We need to buy time, which we gain by turning to world leaders and to public opinion. You have an important role in influencing public opinion, which also influences leaders.”

The answer to the second question is that western journalists’ racist preconceptions ensured they would be easily persuaded that brown people were capable of such barbarity.

More from my article We were lied into the Gaza genocide. Al Jazeera has shown us how can be read here:
middleeasteye.net Mar 30, 2024

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itemC2e ==

@Yn5Xi9PQSFcY7UU · Mar 30
very disappointed to see that you continue to neglect to credit the real heroes that debunked this garbage when it was so contentious to question these rape claims

@MaxBlumenthal, @aaronjmate, @TheGrayzoneNews, @intifada, @Mondoweiss


christine dawson
· Mar 30 Lawyer behind 'Hamas rape' claims exposed as fraud

Israeli officials have "dissociated themselves" from a lawyer who has played a vital role in promoting false claims that Hamas carried out systematic rape and sexual abuse on 7 October, Yedioth Ahronoth reported on 24 March.

The Israeli newspaper reported claims by Israeli ministry officials that lawyer Cochav Elkayam-Levy had produced inaccurate research, spread false stories about Hamas atrocities, and sought to collect millions of dollars in donations for a so-called ‘civic commission’ of which she is the only member…


Comment to Cradle report

Fred Walter Hosea III, MAR 27, 2024

Zionist fundamentalism is pulling millions of Israelis and diaspora Jews into a vortex of mythological insanity, where lies, fear and violence are more important than truth, courage and compassion. Zionism is degrading Judaism, perhaps to a point of no return. The Judaism that survived centuries of repression and the holocaust is now more at risk from its own zionist corruption than it was from the Nazis. It was a zionist, Yigal Amir, not a Palestinian, who assassinated Prime Minister Rabin.

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itemC2f ==

txp == 2024-06-03 20:48 ==
URL @MintPressNews

MintPress News
The recent publication by The New York Times admits it spread false claims of "mass rape" by Palestinians.

The hoax was perpetuated by Adam Sella, Anat Schwartz, and Jeffrey Gettleman, journalists whose false claims The New York Times has also inexplicably chosen to defend. Mar 26, 2024



On a sidenote MintPress News, @MintPressNews reports

🔴 We were banned by PayPal, had our balances seized, then Indiegogo took down our fundraisers and banned us too. Our journalists have been targeted by the Israel lobby and national security agencies for our watchdog journalism.

Join our 'Say No to Censorship' campaign to help us continue our reporting from Gaza to Yemen and to expose the war profiteers

Mar 27, 2024

+ Related


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itemC2g ==

txp == 2024-06-03 21:25 ==
URL @omarvaid

Omar Vaid
The New York Times has officially been busted. IDF soldiers masquerading as “unbiased reporters” as they run literal propaganda— from a reporter who won a pulitzer while there. (Watch the clip from the URL)

Feb 27, 2024



itemc1 ==

German foreign minister Baerbock flat out lies about 7 October Hamas rape video

Includes this clip
German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock speaking at the "Democracy Festival" in Berlin on 26 May 2024 claims she saw a nonexistent video of a rape filmed by a Hamas fighter on 7 October 2023.
German foreign minister flat out lies about 7 October Hamas rape video, with Ali Abunimah - YouTube
Mr. Über-Zionist Netanyahu must have been very kind to her, whispering sweet words into her ears, which fit well into Germany's "Staatsräson"[8]


German Foreign Minister's SHAMELESS take on Gaza! - YouTube

German Foreign Minister A Baerbock:
"Israel cares about the Palestinians in Gaza."**
□ comment: This is riduculous and she with all of Germany's government are complicit in the Gaza genocide.

** This reminds us of the Canadian National Post columnist @HowardLevittLaw who made the unhinged claim that Israel’s genocidal rampage in Gaza is “the most moral war in the history of the world”.
Source: Re. the McCarthyite witch-hunt


itemA0 ==

Chief Rabbi About Raping Women (in Wartime)

IDF's chief rabbi-to-be permits raping women in wartime
Elisha Ben Kimon, Telem Yahav & Kobi Nachshoni | Published: 07.12.16 (2023)

Col. Eyal Karim, the IDF's intended next chief rabbi, has previously provided misogynistic interpretations of Jewish law that consider female conscription 'utterly forbidden' and permits raping 'attracting Gentile women' as a way to keep up morale; female MKs and women's rights organizations, incensed, call for his appointment to be cancelled.

Rabbi Col. Eyal Karim, who was announced on Monday as the IDF's intended new chief rabbi, has provoked controversy with previous misogynistic statements, such as opposing female conscription and implying that rape was permissible in times of war.

The rabbi gave a more shocking answer on the same site when asked if soldiers were permitted to rape women during war. Karim replied that, as part of maintaining fitness for the army and the soldiers' morale during fighting, it is permitted to "breach" the walls of modesty and "satisfy the evil inclination by lying with attractive Gentile women against their will, out of consideration for the difficulties faced by the soldiers and for overall success."

□ comment:
Thankfully, this deranged person got a lot of fire from women and others in Isra-l, however, his position for chief rabbi for the IDF has not been revoked, instead, the Isra-l Occupation Army "IDF" try to whitewash his character, talking about dignity, as can be seen in the final quote below.

The IDF Spokesperson's Office issued a reply:
"Col. Karim asks to clarify that his statement was issued as the answer to a theoretical question and not in any way whatsoever a question of practical Jewish law. Rabbi Karim has never written, said or even thought that and IDF soldier is permitted to sexually assault a woman in war—anyone who interprets his words otherwise is completely mistaken.[1] Rabbi Karim's moral approach is attested by his years of military service in command, combat, and rabbinical positions in which he displayed complete loyalty to the values and spirit of the IDF, in particular the dignity of the person."

□ comment:
Firstly, any sane person who has some degree of humanity in his heart, will ask himself, how is it possible that a learned man in the religion of Judaism thinks he has to come up with such evil words?
Secondly, what is the effect of this evil speech on young impressionable men in the army or working for example in the prisons? What evil thoughts are generated or promoted here?
Thirdly, for the Isra-l Occupation Army "IDF" to excuse and whitewash him is wrong. They did neither sack him, nor punish him, instead they support him! So, what effect does this have on the morality of the troops, which, supposedly, are part of the "most moral army in the world".

حسبى الله ونعم الوكيل


itemA6 ==



Israeli Lawmakers Consider Passing Law Making It LEGAL To R۸Pع P۸lestini۸ns

There are extensive sources about this evil state of affairs in Isra-l, it's so disgusting and depraved that it is a pain to even to have to deal with publishing it. Suffice this video here as a summary (for now), but more to come, inshaAllah.
The reader may do his/ her own research.


Israeli Lawmakers Consider Passing Law Making It LEGAL To R۸Pع P۸lestini۸ns pic.twitter.com/00yBGlRRSO

— Ryan Rozbiani (@RyanRozbiani) September 3, 2024


itemA5 ==

Isra-l intentionally kidnaps, uses sexual violence on Palestinian children, women and men.

txp == 2024-06-16 13:44 ==

BREAKING: The UN Human Rights Council in February and its report published yesterday concludes there is intentional, planned and systematic Israeli kidnapping, rape, sexual violence, torture and mutilation of Palestinian babies, children, women and men.


A thread of evidence inn more detail, the UN report
- @zei_squirrel


itemA4 ==

Evidence that Israel has used sexual violence as “an operating procedure” against Palestinians

Jonathan Cook
For months the BBC, Guardian, NYT and others have kicked up a furore – based so far on zero evidence – that Hamas ordered rape as a weapon of war.


See: Excerpts from the Human Rights Council Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), including East Jerusalem, and Israel (27 May 2024)[10]

So why are these same outlets apparently so unperturbed by a UN report that, by contrast, does find evidence that Israel has used sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) as “an operating procedure” against Palestinians?

The report states that Israeli forces

"systematically targeted and subjected Palestinians to SGBV online and in person since October 7, including through forced public nudity, forced public stripping, sexualized torture and abuse, and sexual humiliation and harassment…"

"Based on testimonies and verified video footage and photographs, the Commission finds that sexual violence has been perpetrated throughout the OPT [Occupied Palestinian Territories] during evacuation processes, prior to or during arrest, at civilian homes and at a shelter for women and girls. Sexual acts were carried out by force, including under threats, intimidation and other forms of duress, in inherently coercive circumstances due to the armed conflict and the presence of armed Israeli soldiers...

"SGBV [sexual and gender-based violence] constitutes a major element in the ill-treatment of Palestinians, intended to humiliate the community at large. This violence is intrinsically linked to the wider context of inequality and prolonged occupation, which have provided the conditions and the rationale for gender-based crimes, to further accentuate the subordination of the occupied people."

It's hard not to conclude that the establishment media's supposed concern about the sexualised nature of war crimes isn't genuine. It's simply a way to help Israel create a narrative to justify a genocide in Gaza.

More here:
- ohchr.org/en/press-releases[10]
- @Jonathan_K_Cook, Jun 14, 2024


itemA3 ==

Israeli Social Media Influencer Hananya Natali Under Investigation for Rape

Kakeru Sakamaki
Israeli influencer @HananyaNaftali who constantly accuses Hamas members of rape is under investigation for rape himself.

@HananyaNaftali you're a pathetic looser.
2024-02-15 @5akamaki


Haaretz: Israeli Social Media Influencer Hananya Natali Under Investigation for Rape
He: "How You Can Defend Israel"
[ □ comment: Innocent until proven guilty, as the saying goes!]


itemA2 ==

GAZA: Israeli Soldier Threatens Pregnant Palestinian Woman With Rape

Idris Palmer:
Horrific testimony from a pregnant Palestinian woman who was detained by Israeli occupation forces:

“They (Israeli soldiers) asked me to strip off my clothes. I told him I’m 5 months pregnant but he still hit me in the stomach, and until now my stomach hurts, and he hit me on my head. Then they said if I don’t speak the soldiers will rape me.”

Where is the global outrage?

israeli-soldiers-asked-me-to-stripIsrael soldiers asked me to strip



itemA1 ==

13 Year Old Girl Raped in Prison by IOF Soldiers

Palestine and MENA Info Center:
A friend of mine lives in Jenin on the West Bank. During one of the raids of the IOF on Jenin, his 13 year old daughter Layan threw a rock at one of the IOF’s armored vehicles. They arrested her and placed her under “administrative detention”, aka without charging her with anything.

They starved her for 5 days and gang-raped her both vaginally and anally, so brutally that she was ruptured from front to back. They released her this evening by dropping her off at a checkpoint near Jenin. Her father drove her to a hospital immediately where she is now undergoing emergency surgery to fix the ruptures in her lower body.

And people have the audacity to say Hamas is evil? Layan is not the only young girl who got this “treatment” from the IOF.[2] They told her that if she would speak to the media about what happened to her in prison, they would do the same thing to her 9 year old sister.

13-year-old-girl-raped-in-prison-by-iof-soldiers-AIAI produced



B. Regarding the allegations brought against the Islamic resistance ("Hamas")

itemB0 ==

Not Finding Victims of Alleged Sexual Assaults

Ramy Abdu| رامي عبده :
Haaretz: Israeli police are facing difficulties in finding victims of alleged sexual assaults in the October 7th incident. The police are struggling to locate eyewitnesses confirming the occurrence of alleged sexual crimes in the October 7th incident. From haaretz.co.il
Challenges arise in linking current sexual assault testimonies with the described victims. Most testimonies of sexual assaults, including those presented to the United Nations and published by The New York Times, are based on the accounts of a single young individual. The Israeli police have not succeeded in reaching the women described in The New York Times report. @RamAbdu, 2024-01-04




itemB13 ==

Regarding the Rape Blame Put on Hamas/ the Resistance

"Wow @elonmusk, UN turned Hamas?"

26. The Commission has reviewed testimonies obtained by journalists and the Israeli police concering rape but has not been able to independently venfy such allegations, due to a lack of access to victims, witnesses and crime sites and the obstruction of its investigations by the Israeli authorities.

The Commission was unable to review the unedited version of such testimonies. For the same reasons, the Commission was also unable to verify reports of sexualized torture and genital mutilation.

Additionally, the Commission found some specific allegations to be false, inaccurate or contradictory with other evidence or statements and discounted these from its assessment.

95. The Commission did not find credible evidence, however, that militants received orders to commit sexual violence and so it was unable to make conclusions on this issue.
Source: @elerrantenomad


See: Excerpts from the Human Rights Council Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), including East Jerusalem, and Israel (27 May 2024)[10]


itemB12 ==

Why the UN come out now with these false allegations?

Abdelgader Legnain
The Zionist is again exposed.

After 5 months and with no evidence … why the UN come out now with these false allegations?

The answer is because of the Zionist pressure.

The UN said today its information on the sexual violence on Oct 7th are solely based on Israeli sources.

"It must be noted that the information gathered by the mission team was in a large part sourced from Israeli national institutions."
□ comment:
So, do they think we are stupid to believe those same "national institutions", which are right now, bombing, killing and starving Palestinians, every day and night since October?

Source: @legnain


itemB11 ==

Isra-l food blogger scripted Hamas rape story for NYT

While the New York Times pushes its virally debunked Hamas mass rape lies, a social media whistleblower under the name @zei_squirrel managed to compile data concerning two of the co-authors of the running article.

Adam Sella and Anat Schwartz, who co-authored the NYT's widely-known false article alongside Jeffrey Gettleman, have been called out for their credibility and their attempt to promote a fabricated narrative that the NYT proudly endorsed.

"If I told you that the New York Times hired a recently graduated college student with only a couple prior articles written on the subject of food and cooking to be their lead on the ground "reporter" on the "mass rape" hoax they fabricated, would you believe it? That's Adam Sella", the user said on a thread on X.
28 Feb 2024

Food blogger, Israeli film director scripted Hamas rape story for NYT | Al Mayadeen English


itemB10 ==

BBC distances itself from 7 October “mass rape” claims

BBC distances itself from 7 October “mass rape” claims Panorama climbdown follows The Electronic Intifada’s reporting.

to be updated…


itemB9 ==

The Israeli With Zero Credibility Promoting Rape Hoax

For example on Jan 31, she said on @SkyNews
"Women had legs cut off. It seemed like there was a systematic genital mutilation of women in the women we saw."

This is from the thread:[7]
Exposing Shari Mendes: by Mr N @DontFollowMrN; 2024-02-02,


Go to page [7] The Israeli (Person) With Zero Credibility Promoting Rape Hoax


itemB8 ==

Dozens of Israelis Lied: They Were Not Victims of Oct7 Attack

Pretend to be shocked 😳

“Israeli Kan News broadcaster revealed in its investigation that dozens of Israelis lied fraudulently claiming that they were victims of Oct7 attack and attended the Nova music festival on October 7 when they didn't in order to receive thousands of Shekels as compensations.”

The video is not accessible.


Without shame: the Israelis who pose as the survivors of the Nova massacre

Since October 7, the National Insurance has accumulated dozens of false complaints from Israelis who claim to have survived the massacre at a party in Ra'i. They even provide evidence of the horrors they experienced - all in an attempt to receive compensation from the state that can reach tens of thousands of shekels. Criminal investigations are already underway against these impersonators.
2024-02-06 @abierkhatib


itemB7 ==

What Is "Non-Evidence Journalism"?

□ comment: We can see how the deniers of truth and decency, the modern idol worshipers of death and destruction are becoming more brazen and proud.

Max Blumenthal
Jeffrey Gettleman, the NYT correspondent who claimed with absolute confidence to have proven that Hamas employed "systematic sexual violence" on October 7, now says, "it's not my role" to provide evidence for the claims he published.

First time I've heard a self-styled journalist attempt to minimize the importance of evidence, but understandable given the NYT already canceled a podcast episode about Gettleman's discredited article under internal pressure. 2024-02-09 @MaxBlumenthal

- - responding to - -

Dawn Clancy
“And what we found I don't want to even use the word evidence because evidence is almost like the legal term that suggests you're trying to prove an allegation or prove a case in court.” @dawnmclancy

@nytimes journo @gettleman describing his reporting in [the NYT article], Screams Without Words, as not evidence.

@pass_blue @theintercept @AliAbunimah

“And what we found I don't want to even use the word evidence because evidence is almost like the legal term that suggests you're trying to prove an allegation or prove a case in court.” @nytimes journo @gettleman describing his reporting in, Screams Without Words, as not… pic.twitter.com/XlEfxYd7mW

— Dawn Clancy (@dawnmclancy) February 9, 2024


In short there’s no evidence to support the atrocity propaganda NYT mercenary Gettleman has tried to spread to whitewash and justify the genocide in Gaza.

So, in reporting such a story to millions of readers, we should NOT expect journalists to seek evidence? Journalists should just publish whatever discredited witnesses say and lend credence to hard-to-believe allegations of cutting "body parts" and tossing them around?

Your purpose is to communicate the truth, which inherently assumes it has been verified for your audience. What distinguishes people in your role from the billions of others on this planet is their commitment to this principle. Otherwise, what value do your words have? Zero.

Many journalists now are no more than channelers
Provided by @yipmann82


itemB6 ==

Why 'Hamas mass rape' story doesn't pass the sniff test

Jonathan Cook, quoting ~
In the latest of a cycle of "Hamas mass rape" articles, the Guardian joins the fray. It recycles a supposed eyewitness account of a group of Hamas fighters taking turns to rape a woman at the Nova festival on October 7, then cutting off her breast to play a football-like game with it at the side of the road.

We are supposed to believe this happened when we also know – from facts provided by the Israeli media – that Hamas stumbled on to the Nova festival totally unprepared and on their way to what they assumed would be a major confrontation with the Israeli military at a nearby army base; that its fighters were quickly confronted by paramilitary Israeli police who engaged them in gun battles; and that Israeli Apache helicopters, with little intelligence to work on, were firing Hellfire missiles at anything that moved, based on the “Hannibal directive” to prevent hostage-taking at all costs.

This image was not part of Jonathan Cook's article

Does any of that add up? Did Hamas’ most disciplined elite fighters – training for years and knowing that this might be their only, brief moment to take on the Israeli army in a near-fair fight or drag hostages back to Gaza for a prisoner swap before the Israeli military used its air power to overwhelm them – really take time out to indulge in a sick game involving a woman’s breast?

How is it that no one…[6]

See: Excerpts from the Human Rights Council Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), including East Jerusalem, and Israel (27 May 2024)[10]


itemB5 ==

NYT Weaponized Both a Dead Woman and Sexual Violence

The New York Times weaponized both a dead woman and sexual violence to spread propaganda in the service of a genocide.

Aaron Maté
A major embarrassment for NYT's @gettleman and his story on "How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence."

Gal Abdush is the Oct. 7th victim whose story leads and is featured throughout the NYT article. Her family is even featured as the cover image. NYT describes her as a "symbol" of Oct. 7th sexual violence.

But Abdush's sister says "there is no proof that there was rape." She also accuses the NYT of manipulating their family. They didn't know that she would be presented as a rape victim.

In other words, NYT weaponized both a dead woman and sexual violence to spread propaganda in the service of a genocide.
Source: @aaronjmate 2024-01-02

Sulaiman Ahmed
They had no knowledge the article was going to be about rape and were under the impression it was going to be about Gal ABDUAH'S memory.


Gal Abdush's sister denies rape claims mentioned in the New York Times propaganda article. She even states that the NYT manipulated her family and said they were writing a piece in her sister's memory. Their family had no knowledge of the article being about rape.

This page has more info from her brother, in Hebrew with translation.

miralalter ”but she was not raped just because there are no medical sheets and tests which prove that she had been raped mentioning that the New York Times that came to us indicated that they wanted to do a story In memory of Gal and Nagy and that's why we approved if we knew that it was a headline like rape slaughter we would never agree.”
@ShaykhSulaiman 2024-01-02


itemB4 ==

The Flaws in Isra-l Sexual Violence Claims

Aaron Maté
[The quote below is] from Israel’s Haaretz newspaper, auto-translated from Hebrew.

The police are having difficulty locating victims of sexual assault or witnesses to acts from the Hamas attack, and are unable to connect the existing evidence with the victims described in it. Now, three months after the massacre, the organization decided to turn to the public to encourage those who have information on the matter to come and testify.

חוקרת פשעי המין ב-7 באוקטובר: "אנחנו מאמינים שיש קורבנות שלא מסרו עדות. אני זמינה עבורם" - משפט ופלילים - הארץ 2024-01-04

Those of us who have pointed out the flaws in these sexual violence claims have been accused of rape denial. @aaronjmate


itemB3 ==

Debunking Isra-l’s “mass rape” propaganda

Ali Abunimah and the team at The Electronic Intifada watch it there or
on YouTube Debunking Israel's "mass rapes" atrocity propaganda

Israel and its proxies have launched a new media blitz, reviving unverified claims that Hamas fighters perpetrated mass rapes of Israeli women during its 7 October military operation.

Despite blanket coverage, Israel does not claim to have identified any specific victim of such crimes, nor produced any videos or forensic evidence corroborating that they took place…

[Mondoweiss] 2023-12-18

There’s a similar and equally sinister dynamic to Israeli propaganda now targeting Palestinians. Its purpose is to demonize them and soften up public opinion to tolerate or support Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza.

On Monday, Hamas condemned Western media for going along with “misleading Zionist campaigns that promote lies and baseless allegations” including the claims of rape and sexual assault by its fighters.”

The resistance group added that the latest campaign is “part of a series of lies propagated by the Zionist propaganda machine” which has consistently made false claims such as “the beheading of children, the targeting of revelers at the concert in the settlement of Re’im and not the least of which is the lie of using al-Shifa hospital for military purposes.”[3]


itemB2 ==

My thoughts on the rape allegations, Muhammad Shehada

Quoting here from his thread on Thread Reader App.

My thoughts on the rape allegations
I fully support an impartial international investigation & oppose out of hand denialism!

There's a range of crucial questions & uncertainties to answer (some raised by Israeli scholars) in order to make a "weaponization of rape" conclusion👇

The NYT article, quote:

Screams Without Words:
How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7
A Times investigation uncovered new details showing a pattern of rape, mutilation and extreme brutality against women in the attacks on Israel.

2\ Question 1: What is the compelling evidence alleged rape incidents were used as "a weapon of war"?

To establish "weaponization" of alleged rape rather than individual incidents, 2 prerequisites need to be fulfilled:

That it was *both*
a) Premeditated/instructed
b) Systematic


3\ The NYT article doesn't show any argument that the alleged rape was premeditated/instructed.

The authors did well to NOT cite any "confessions of rape" by detained Gazans in Israeli prisons b/c Israel's own Physicians for Human Rights dismissed them as extracted under torture.

4\ Israel "leaked" videos of kidnapped & visibly tortured Gazans as "Hamas operatives' admissions of rape", like Muhammad Nahed Al-Arja (21) whose family announced he & his 2 cousins went missing & has been seeking help to locate them & says they were NEVER affiliated with Hamas!

5\ Was the alleged rape systematic?
NYT cites unnamed IDF soldiers & ZAKA volunteers that they overall found 30 bodies with "signs of abuse".

[ □ comment: Both sources, "unnamed IDF soldiers & ZAKA volunteers" have been found very unreliable (i.e. lying), they also reported about the 40 beheaded babies and the baby in the oven, which have been debunked after the propaganda had its pernicious effect on the Isra-l public and its military. ]
See our page: Hasbara - State Propaganda from the Zionist Entity

On Oct 7, ≈3,000 militants crossed into Israel (The Times of Israel)

Serious question to experts: is 30 out of 3000 sufficient to establish it was systematic?

6\Question 2: Does NYT have evidence to link the alleged rape to Hamas militants?

After Hamas' Nokhba took over IDF military bases surrounding Gaza & the separation fence collapsed, militants from at least 7 other groups rushed in without a central command & acted individually…[4]


itemB1 ==

No Physical Evidence of Rape by Hamas Militants

Aaron Maté
The key word here is "stories." To date, there is no physical evidence of rape by Hamas militants, nor any purported rape victims offering direct testimony.

There are only outlandish "stories" like this from a purported male witness, who uses odd language to describe "a beautiful woman with the face of an angel" being raped by "8 to 10" Hamas militants.

This same "witness" also claims that he then saw another Hamas militant who "took a shovel and beheaded" another woman, whose "head rolled along the ground." Again, where is the evidence to back this up?

Israel has been caught lying multiple times about atrocities (and Hamas' hospital HQ) to justify its mass murder campaign in Gaza. And "stories" like this are only starting to "surface" now. It seems clear that this is yet another fabrication in the service of genocide:


Aaron Maté
For people who have a hard time processing words when I say them, here's the Times of Israel reporting on November 9th -- that's one month after Oct. 7th -- that

"physical evidence of sexual assault was not collected from corpses." Moreover, "morgue officials have not designated individual cases as rape because of a lack of court-compliant physical proof."

Which leaves us to rely on the claims of Israeli government-furnished "witnesses" -- the same Israeli government that lied about beheaded babies; a baby killed in oven; a Hamas HQ in Al-Shifa; and other lies used to manufacture support for its genocide campaign in Gaza. ( twitter.com/muhammadshehad2) Don't be a dupe. 2023-12-04/05 @aaronjmate


"In any case, what Westerners call civilization, the others would call barbarity, because it is precisely lacking in the essential, that is to say, a principle of a higher order."
René Guénon, East And West, 1924

صلّى الله على سيّدنا محمّد و على آله و صحبه و سلّم

The blessings and peace of Allah on the Prophet, his Family, and his Companions, ( sallAllahu `aleihi wa sallam ) .



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link-inWhat really happened on October 7, 7c

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  1. From the article also this quote:

    After Karim was announced as the intended new IDF chief rabbi, members of Knesset and women's rights organizations called for the decision to be revoked. The head of the Knesset Committee on the Status of Women and Gender Equality, MK Aida Touma-Sliman (Joint Arab List), said, "Col. Karim's ruling on permitting raping non-Jewish women is similar to the fatwa of a murderous organization that's not so far from Israel's borders. I will contact the attorney general and oppose the appointment, and I call on female and male members of Knesset to join my request."

    First, there is no fatwa, has never been in any islamic organization, allowing this.
    Secondly, regarding the allegations of rape on October 7, see section B.

  2. IOF: Isra-l Offensive Forces

  3. Rape testimonies through Shin Beth

    This is an edited transcript from Debunking Israel's "mass rapes" atrocity propaganda

    To get so much attention, what's behind this? Well, you would think so, but let's go back to that Haarez's article again for a minute. The one with the sensational headline claiming that the scope of Hamas's campaign of rape against Israeli women is revealed testimony after testimony. Well, let's take a look at this highlight of the article pointed out by the excellent propaganda busting account propaganda and code. Their name is ironic, of course. And they point out that the headline claims that there is testimony after testimony. Regarding th Haaretz's article The Scope of Hamas' Campaign of Rape Against Israeli Women Is Revealed, Testimony After Testimony - Israel News - Haaretz.com PAYWALL

    But the article itself states, thus far has the allegedly independent commission headed by Dr. Cochav Elkayam-Levy, not taken testimony directly. And this is not the only giveaway in this article, there are other examples of alleged evidence.

    if we if we can. And this is the type of it allegedly contains. And again, now now I'm going to read a bit from the Aharets article.

    It says the Shinbet security service, of course, that's Israel's secret police notorious for its use of torture, has released recordings of at least two investigations of Nuchba terrorists.

    Nuckba is the elite unit of the Qassam Brigades, the Palestinian resistance. So it claims that they've released recordings from Nuckba terrorists who are asked whether they had been given specific orders to abuse women and children. Referring to the sex crimes, one of them said that the aim was to soil them, to rape them.

    A second terrorist related that quote, the commander said, you have to step on their heads, cut off their heads, do everything to them. And again, still reading from her, it's a military source cited by the daily yet.

    The other note noted that the terrorists related the aim of cutting off heads and rape was to sow fear and alarm in the Israeli public. But what do you notice about this?

    1st, they're citing interrogation videos from an agency whose use of torture is very well documented and acknowledged even in Israel and regulated in Israel. They allow a Shinbet to use torture.

    2nd, these these Palestinian fighters allegedly confessed they were giving or given orders to cut off heads. And yet there is not a single beheading or decapitation that has been documented. -no credibility.

    So how much can you give this?

    3rd, this is coming from a military source, so the accuser here is the army committing genocide. [ □ comment: How should we believe killers suddenly become truth-tellers?]

    So now another key part of the spin in the Haaretz article profiling Kochev El-Kayyam Levy and her supposedly independent commission is

    she complains a lot about the fact that independent bodies and even journalists are for more concrete evidence. For example, even just a rough estimate of the number of victims or whether there's forensic evidence.

    So what is El-Kayyam Levy answer: no, I do not go there myself, even with the requests for numbers, I don't cooperate. They ask me how many, how many, how many?

    Nothing wrong with that question? You could you could say, well, we're not 100 percent sure yet, but we think it's in this way.

    Other examples of dubious or non-existent evidence.

    So go back to the Mondoweiss article, a really important article I pointed to earlier. They in that CNN report by Jake Tapper that they discuss, they they there's one example that's talked about where they say that

    the CNN report presents a video of an Israeli soldier showing only his back and identified by the letter G claiming to be a paramedic of unit 669, the Israeli Air Force Special Tactics Rescue Unit. And in his testimony,

    the soldier says that during a search of the houses in Kibbutz, Bery, he opened the door of a bedroom to find the bodies of two girls aged between 13 and 15, both killed, one of them naked with semen remains on her lower back. I mean, this is, you know, these I'm sorry for these graphic images. That's what he claimed. And he claimed this was during combat.

    But as Mondoweiss notes, upon examining the names of all girls killed in Kibbutz, Bery, on October 7th to match the facts, no pair of Israeli teenagers meeting that description were found dead together.

    There are other problems with this particular example. That's just one of them.

    Another being that there's no evidence that this unit, 669, was ever in Bery. And there's there's also a claim from CNN and other media that there's one so-called eyewitness who hasn't been named that Israeli police played a recording of at a press conference in mid November.

    And the recording of this eyewitness claimed that she saw with her own eyes a group of Palestinians raping an Israeli woman.

    And then I think this was the story where they claimed that they then cut off her breast and started tossing it to each other like a ball. Horrifying stuff.

    But CNN and the other media did not report another thing this alleged eyewitness said in the same recording played by the Israeli police.

    And I quote from the recording, ”I saw one of them carrying a naked girl on his shoulder while the others were raising decapitated heads like in a kind of demonstration of power.”

    So has anyone said, has anyone else said that they saw Palestinian fighters carrying decapitated heads?

    Even the Israeli government hasn't said that. But that shows you the credibility of this alleged eyewitness who was who has been widely cited. And up till up till recent days, the only alleged eyewitness.

    And finally, on Kocav El-Kayyam HaLevy, the journalist Max Blumenthal has pointed out that while she is unwilling to share any real information, not even numbers, although she claims to have this vast database of evidence, she's happy to spread disinformation.

    And here's a video of her presenting an old photo of a deceased Kurdish female fighter, nothing to do with Palestine, and claiming that it is an Israeli woman assaulted at the Supernova rave on October 7th.

    □ comment: this image Examples of Fake Isra-l Propaganda - Living Islam - Islamic Tradition

  4. 7\ A witness quoted by NYT claims he saw 5 men in "civilian clothes" committing an alleged act of rape.

    Hamas militants wore military gear & (often) green arm or head bands..

    To establish a "weaponization" of alleged rape, there's a need for evidence linking these acts to Hamas.

    8\ Israel itself says ONLY 1 person -out of over 200 militants detained on Oct 7 & 1000s detained in Gaza- allegedly "admitted" (under torture) to committing an act of rape.

    That alleged detainee is from the PIJ not Hamas & Israel hasn't found his alleged "victim" yet.

    DISCLOSURE: FIRST CONFESSION OF A TERRORIST in rape in the October 7 massacre In the hands of Israel are additional testimonies and evidence of horrific sex crimes committed by the terrorists on Black Sabbath

    9\ Question 3: Did the NYT consider that some of the quoted witnesses have changed parts of their testimonies or had previously made other allegations that were proven to be false? Does this impact their testimony here?

    Was any background check conducted about the interviewees?

    10\ E.g. Shari Mendes told NYT she only saw 4 women with signs of sexual abuse, inc. some with “a lot of blood in their pelvic areas.”

    But Shari said elsewhere she saw "evidence of MASS rape of so brutal that they *broke* their victims’ pelvis – women, grandmothers, children"!

    11\ Shari had also claimed elsewhere to have seen a "decapitated pregnant woman and her beheaded unborn child" (a claim debunked by Haaretz).

    She had also expressed strong opinions on Gaza regarding how the PR (public relations) battle for Israel's image "may make the military battlefield look easy".


    For the sake of brevity, points 12 to 14 were not included, see the complete thread by @muhammadshehad2 on Thread Reader App.

    15\I understand the extreme sensitivity of this topic to women & victims & wish in no way to minimize what may have happened on Oct 7.
    [ □ comment: On that day, atrocities did occur.
    See our 3 pages,
    What really happened on Oct 7, 2023 ]

    Please understand it's also an extremely sensitive topic to Palestinians as it's being weaponized for dehumanizion & genocidal incitement re Gaza.
    • • •

    Thread by @muhammadshehad2 on Thread Reader App

  5. Everyone, and especially the Jewish people in Isra-l, are exposed to this propaganda.
    Probably the most elaborate, sinister, deceitful propaganda, which uses proven psychological tools is the 'hasbara' propaganda by Israel, and also the lies promulgated by the United States and other large powers to various degrees.

    On propaganda see more from our pages

    - Hasbara - State Propaganda from the Zionist Entity
    - Defending Humanity in Jerusalem and Everywhere! pt.1 Examples Of Hasbara / Lies, Whitewashing
    - How the Media Rigs News on Palestine and Israel Example: The New York Times
    Also mentioned
    - Defending Humanity in Jerusalem and Everywhere! pt.3
    - Palestine Resistance 2017

  6. How is it that no one – the Guardian reporter, her section editors, the paper's editors – stopped for a moment and thought “Is this really plausible?” and “Am I being played to advance a nefarious agenda?” – in this case, genocide. Or did they simply recite in their minds – as Israel knew they would – “Believe women!”, especially if they are confirming a racist assumption that Arab men are blood-thirsty, sex-obsessed primitives?

    In fact, the Zaka volunteers who are being heavily relied on in this Guardian “report” are Jewish religious extremist men, also with a proven record of lying: they came up with the complete fabrication of “40 beheaded babies”, when no babies were beheaded. Two infants are recorded dying that day.

    The woman leading the “Hamas mass rape” campaign – now an academic – is a former spokesperson for the Israeli military. Their job, as any honest reporter will tell you, is to lie to journalists to excuse Israel's incessant war crimes.

    What we now know – from multiple credible Israeli sources – is that Israel killed lots of its own civilians on October 7. Ynet, Israel's biggest media outlet, has just published an investigation in Hebrew showing that Hamas successfully took out Israel's all-seeing drone “eyes” over Gaza that day, leaving the Israeli military blind about what was happening. Panicked, Israeli commanders invoked the Hannibal directive, allowing those in the field to order tanks and helicopters to fire at anything that moved.

    It was Israel that incinerated the hundreds of cars trying to flee the Nova festival, killing potentially hundreds of the 1,140 Israeli civilians that died that day, as well as Hamas fighters. It was an Israeli tank that incinerated 13 Israeli civilians, and 40 Hamas fighters, holed up in a house in Kibbutz Be'eri by blasting a shell through its front wall.

    More from my (Jonathan Cook's) latest article can be read here: Why the Guardian's 'Hamas mass rape' story doesn't pass the sniff test
    Jan 19, 2024

    Some comments - - responding to the above - -

    It does seem worrying, that a lot of people who you would consider might have credibility, Schama for example, retweet reports from the Guardian without a critical appraisal. As if, if the Guardian report it, it must have credibility.
    Jonathan Cook @Jonathan_K_Cook
    That's precisely the Guardian's role. The left thinks, if it's in the Guardian, it must be true. That's what the left keeps falling for establishment psyops

    There is the footage of multiple dead bodies, not strafed by helicopters, but murdered by hamas thugs. There is footage Of youngsters running from nova at 7.10am being gunned down by hamas thugs. . Kids hiding in a container had grenades thrown in at them. Stop lying

    Those allegations, even if true, do not in any way excuse all the IDF's indiscriminate slaughter, let alone how it was all falsely blamed on Hamas so as to provide figleaf justification for Israel's genocidal orgy of destruction and mass-killing in Gaza.


    The videos of the festival show there was nonstop gunfire then nonstop massive missiles starting about 30 minutes in. There was no time for that. This is a compilation of all the social media feeds reassembled by time.
    NOVA -סרט דוקו yes

    I am shocked & disappointed with @guardian

    Telling penultimate paragraph says despite the broader insinuation of the article - actually they lack a single victim, as well as evidence that qualifies for ‘beyond reasonable doubt’.

    pic m2 An-international-investigation-has-more-potential-Halperin-Kaddari.jpeg

    When you're actively dodging Apache helicopter fire, everyone knows the best thing to do at that moment is take time out & have a game of football with a decapitated breast. Every time I think The Guardian has reached the height of absurdity, it always manages to outdo itself.

    The MSM keeping going back to Oct. 7, much of it debunked, as if this placates the GENOCIDE & ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians, when NOTHING absolutely NOTHING justifies the horrors in what the Israelis are doing in Gaza.

    Mainstream media seems focused on spreading Israel propaganda. For some reason they cannot let go of the rape lie.


    “How is it that no one – the Guardian reporter, her section editors, the paper's editors – stopped for a moment and thought “Is this really plausible?” and “Am I being played to advance a nefarious agenda?” – in this case, genocide.”

    The festival was moved to that venue only 48 hours prior. Their border ops, Egypt and US warned of imminent attack. They stood down from the border that day. No independent access to the sites, survivors or witnesses. Dozens of questions but only deflection and propaganda.

    Our media has lost all credibility, their demonisation of all opposition to government is standard lies, stirring up hatred for the other side of this story. Still living in a colonial mindset. Not one of them has lived in the middle east unlike you or in fact me!


    @zei_squirrel former senior CIA agent John Stockwell: "We pumped dozens of stories about Cuban atrocities, Cuban rapists. We ran fake photographs that made every paper in the country. It was pure raw false propaganda to create the illusion of Communists eating babies for breakfast."


  7. Go to the detailed page [7] The Israeli (Person) With Zero Credibility Promoting Rape Hoax

  8. See for ex. “We Are All Israelis”: The Consequences of Germany’s Staatsräson - Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
    "By unconditionally supporting Israel’s war, Germany is increasingly isolating itself on the global stage." March 28, 2024, Lena Obermaier

  9. Re. sexual violence against Palestinian prisoners there is much more to tell about, and in future more will come out.
    Two examples here:
    - Sexual & Gender-Based Violence Committed by Israeli Military & Security Forces against Palestinians in Israeli Prisons | רופאים לזכויות אדם
    - In testimonies to Euro-Med Monitor, women from Gaza report being subjected to sexual violence, torture by Israeli forces [EN/AR] - occupied Palestinian territory | ReliefWeb

  10. The original link: ohchr.org - documents

    Human Rights Council
    Fifty sixth session
    18 June - 12 July 2024

    Report of the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT), including East Jerusalem, and Israel

    This report ”examines violations of international human rights law (IHRL), international humanitarian law (IHL) and possible international crimes committed by all parties between 7 October and 31 December 2023.”


    25. Hamas military wing rejected all accusations that its forces committed sexual violence against Israeli women. However, the Commission documented cases indicative of sexual violence perpetrated against women and men in and around the Nova festival site, as well as the Nahal Oz military outpost and several kibbutzim, including Kfar Aza, Re’im and Nir Oz. It collected and preserved digital evidence, including images of victims’ bodies displaying indications of sexual violence, a pattern corroborated by independent testimonies from witnesses. Reliable witness accounts obtained by the Commission describe bodies that had been undressed, in some incidents with exposed genitals. The Commission received reports and verified digital evidence concerning the restraining of women, including hands and sometimes feet of women being bound, often behind the victims’ backs, prior to their abduction or killing. Additionally, the Commission made assessments based on the position of the body, for example images displaying legs spread or bent over, and signs of struggle or violence on the body, such as stab wounds, burns, lacerations and abrasions.

    26. The Commission has reviewed testimonies obtained by journalists and the Israeli police concerning rape but has not been able to independently verify such allegations, due to a lack of access to victims, witnesses and crime sites and the obstruction of its investigations by the Israeli authorities. The Commission was unable to review the unedited version of such testimonies. For the same reasons, the Commission was also unable to verify reports of sexualized torture and genital mutilation. Additionally, the Commission found some specific allegations to be false, inaccurate or contradictory with other evidence or statements and discounted these from its assessment.

    [Instances of sexual violence by members of Hamas and/ or other groups/ individuals]

    95. The Commission identified patterns indicative of sexual violence in several locations and concludes that Israeli women were disproportionally subjected to these crimes. The attack on 7 October enabled perpetrators to commit SGBV and this violence was not isolated but perpetrated in similar ways in several locations and by multiple Palestinian perpetrators. The Commission did not find credible evidence, however, that militants received orders to commit sexual violence and so it was unable to make conclusions on this issue. However, inflammatory language and disbelief around sexual violence, observed with both parties, risks silencing and discrediting survivors, further exacerbating trauma and stigmatization.

    96. The Commission notes that Israeli authorities failed to protect civilians in southern Israel on almost every front. This included failing to swiftly deploy sufficient security forces to protect civilians and evacuate them from civilian locations on 7 October. In several locations ISF applied the so-called ‘Hannibal Directive’ and killed at least 14 Israeli civilians. Israeli authorities also failed to ensure that forensic evidence was systematically collected by concerned authorities and first responders, particularly in relation to allegations of sexual violence, undermining the possibility of future judicial proceedings, accountability and justice.

    99. ISF (Israeli Security Forces) has killed and maimed tens of thousands of children, resulting in permanent physical impairment for thousands of children and long-term emotional trauma for all children. Israel has the obligation under international law to ensure that the needs of all children, particularly of the large number of orphans and children separated from their families, are prioritised and addressed. It has a duty to avoid the separation of families and to facilitate their reunification, noting the particular impact separation of family member has on mothers and children.

    100. The Commission concludes that evacuation orders issued by ISF were at times insufficient, unclear and conflicting, and did not provide adequate time or support for safe evacuations. Moreover, areas evacuated were attacked with no regard for those who could not or would not evacuate, and evacuees were targeted along the evacuation routes and in designated safe zones. Civilians who choose not to evacuate do not lose their protected status under international law. Moreover, statements by Israeli officials demonstrated an intent to forcibly transfer the population.

    101. Israeli authorities consistently presented their military objectives as destroying all of Hamas, releasing Israeli hostages and preventing future threats to the State of Israel emanating from the Gaza Strip, yet their actions and the consequences of their actions indicate other motivations including, vengeance and collective punishment. Statements made by Israeli officials reflected policy and practice of inflicting widespread destruction, killing large numbers of civilians and forcible transfer. The Commission found that statements made by Israeli officials amounted to incitement and may constitute other serious international crimes. Statements aimed at systematically dehumanizing Palestinians, particularly Palestinian men and boys, and called for collective punishment.

    102. The Commission concludes that Israel has used starvation as a method of war, affecting the entire population of the Gaza Strip for decades to come, with particularly negative consequences for children. This is a war crime. At the time of writing this report, children have already died due to acute malnutrition and dehydration. Through the siege it imposed, Israel has weaponized the withholding of life-sustaining necessities, cutting off supplies of water, food, electricity, fuel and other essential supplies, including humanitarian assistance. This constitutes collective punishment and reprisal against the civilian population, both of which are clear violations of IHL.

    103. The frequency, prevalence and severity of sexual and gender-based crimes perpetrated against Palestinians since 7 October across the OPT indicate that specific forms of SGBV are part of ISF operating procedures. Palestinian men and boys experienced specific persecutory acts intended to punish them in retaliation for the crimes committed on 7 October. The way in which these acts were committed, including their filming and photographing, in conjunction with similar cases documented in several locations, leads the Commission to conclude that forced public stripping and nudity and other related types of abuse were either ordered or condoned by Israeli authorities.

    104. SGBV constitutes a major element in the ill-treatment of Palestinians, intended to humiliate the community at large. This violence is intrinsically linked to the wider context of inequality and prolonged occupation, which have provided the conditions and the rationale for gender-based crimes, to further accentuate the subordination of the occupied people. The Commission notes that these crimes must be addressed by tackling their root cause; through dismantling the historically oppressive structures and institutionalized system of discrimination against Palestinians, which are at the core of the occupation.

    105. The situation in the West Bank has continued to deteriorate, with Palestinian fatalities recorded since 7 October exceeding any other period since 2005. The rise in fatalities is linked to several highly militarized ISF operations and a surge in violent settler attacks on Palestinian communities, often assisted or condoned by ISF (Israeli Security Forces).

  11. Why Isra-l and not Israel?

  12. He is the chancellor / PM of Germany, but forgot all about finding out who bombed the Northstream pipeline!

  13. The article was printed in the Sunday edition of the London Times.


* Living Islam – Islamic Tradition *