A nation that is led by a woman will not succeed.
[ o/abfm_e. ] [ o/wbm_e. ]
A people will come out at the end of times, immature, foolish and … [+]
corrupt. They will hold the discourse of the best of creation and recite Qur'an, but it will not go past their throats. They will pass through religion the way an arrow passes through its quarry. If you find them, kill them, for verily whoever kills them will have his reward from Allah the Day of Judgment.
[ k/hpf_e. ]
A Sura has just been revealed to me, and then recited: { In the Name of Allah … } [+]
{ the Compassionate, the Merciful. Verily we have given you al-Kawthar. Therefore turn to thy Lord for the prayer and offer sacrifice, and surely thy enemy is cut off (from the good).' } Then he asked, 'do you know what al-Kawthar is?' We said, 'Allah and His Messenger know best.' He said, 'It is a river which my Lord, the Exalted and Glorious, has promised me, and there is an abundance of good in it. …
[ k/hklh_e.#4 ]
Actions are only according to intentions, and to
each only what he intended.
[ n/intn_e. ]
After the sperm-and-ovum drop (nut.fa) has been forty-two days, … [+]
Allah sends it
an angel that gives it form and fashions its
hearing, sight, skin, flesh, and skeleton.
[ n/hfhl_e. ]
Al-hamdu lillāh is the Mother of the Qur'ān and the Mother of the Book … [+]
and the Seven Oft-Repeated.
[ n/qms_e.#20b ]
Allāh does not destroy except one who is already destroyed.
[ n/qms_e.#a ]
Allah loves spending and detests miserliness … [+]
O ʿImran, truly, ~
Spend and feed others, do not withhold your wealth lest obtaining it will be made difficult for you. Know that Allah loves a keen mind in the midst of ambiguities and a sharp mind when pleasures descend. He loves forbearance, even over a few dates, and he loves courage, even if only to kill a snake or a scorpion.
[ n/hv_e…#h4 ]
Avoid relating my words except what you know for sure. Whoever lies … [+]
about me willfully, let him take from now his seat in the Fire!
[ n/sth_e.#av ]
As-Salāmu ʿalaykum Ahl al-Bayt! wa rahmatullah
[ k/tab_e. ]
Because, you women grumble so much, and show ingratitude to … [+]
your husbands! Even if the poor fellows spent all their lives doing good things for you, you have only to be upset at the least thing and you will say, 'I have never received any good from you!'
[ k/wiha_e.#tp ]
Blessings and glad tidings to the strangers, … [+]
a few righteous people among many evil ones, those who disobey them are more numerous than those that obey them.
[ sp1#36 ]
Bright does Allah make the face of his servant that records and conveys … [+]
what he hears from me.
[ n/sth_e.#brh ]
Charity (al-sadaqa) certainly extinguishes the Lord's anger and repels a bad death.
[ n/qms_e.#21 ]
Choose well where your seeds will go.
[ n/hfhl_e. ]
Could any of you beat his wife as he would beat a slave, and then [+]
lie with her in the evening?
[ fiqhi/fiqha_e32. ]
Disputing foreordained destiny (qadar) is for the worst of my Community … [+]
at the end of time.
[ n/qms_e. ]
Do not hit the maidservants of Allah!
[ fiqhi/fiqha_e32. ]
Do not let length of time harden your hearts as … [+]
as were hardened the hearts of those before you.
[ n/hv_e…#h3 ]
Do you know what al-Kawthar is?
[ k/hklh_e.#4 ]
Do you not know that the face is taboo?
[ fiqhi/fiqha_e32. ]
Every innovation is misguidance.
[ n/sdb_e.#ch-5 ]
Every lineage and means will be severed on the Day of Judgment … [+]
except my lineage and my means.
[ o/umuk_e. ] ( o/laqj_e.#lin )
Everything other than Allah is vain.
[ n/bhfd_e. ]
Fear of Allah is right here (al-taqwā hāhunā)
[ n/rkx_e.#up-3-8 ]
From every succeeding generation its upright folk shall carry this knowledge in turn.
[ n/sth_e.#brh ]
Glory to You! I cannot sufficiently extol Your praise! … [+]
Truly, You are just as You have glorified Yourself!
[ k/khkr_e. ]
God loves bravery … [+]
even if it is only in the killing of a snake.
[ n/hv_e…#h4 ]
He for whom Allah
desires great good, He grants him understanding in the Religion.
[ n/rkx_e.#12 ]
How can you kill him after he said La ilaha illallah?
[ o/ftaw_e.#hk ]
I am as My servant thinks of Me and I sit with him when he remembers Me … [+]
If he mentions Me in himself I mention him in Myself. If he mentions Me in a gathering I mention him in a better gathering.
[ naw/daa_e. ]
I am leaving among you the two weighty matters: Allah's Book and the People of my House.
[ k/ab_e. ]
I dozed off and saw my Lord.
[ n/va_e. ]
I exhort you to beware of Allah - Almighty and Exalted! I exhort you to hear … [+]
and obey even if your leader is a black Ethiopian.
[ k/fms_e. ]
I forbade you to visit the graves but [now] do visit them!
[ n/absn_ei. ]
I have left among you two matters by holding fast to which … [+]
you shall never be misguided: the Book of Allah and the Sunna of His Prophet.
[ sm1#6 ]
I have not seen any one more deficient in intelligence and religion than you … [+]
A cautious, sensible man could be led astray by some of you.
[ k/wiha_e. ]
I saw my Lord ( ra'aytu rabbi )
[ n/va_e. ] [ n/bvis_e. ]
I was ordered to fight people until they say: 'There is no God but … [+]
The One God [Allah].' When they say it, they have made untouchable by me their life and property, apart from the rights due upon them.
[ o/abil_e.#o ] [ n/shfi_e.#twd ]
If Abu Talib were
alive he would have liked to see this … [+]
Who will recite for us what he said?
[ o/twua_e.#at ]
If one of you stands in prayer, let him not spit in front of him for Allah is in front of him.
[ n/itsw_e.#ns ]
If what you say of him is true, you have slandered him
[i.e. it is backbiting] … [+]
and if what you say of him is not true, you have reviled him [i.e. it is calumny, a worse sin than backbiting].
[ o/dstm_e.#sl ]
It is not fitting that any human being should prostrate to another human being … [+]
and if it were, I would order woman to prostrate to her husband due to the greatness of his right over her.
[ o/mmcr_e. ]
It may be one carries understanding (fiqh) without being a person of understanding (faqīh).
[ n/shfi_e.#uf ]
Jump, O Banu Arfada!
[ k/hdra_e.#j ]
Keeping family ties and good manners builds up one's house and increases life.
[ n/qms_e.#21 ]
Let absolutely no woman lead a man in prayer!
[ o/wbm_e. ]
Let none of you come to me with anything (negative) about any of my Companions!
[ n/shb_e.#lny ]
May Allah Taãla bless the person who keeps a lash hanging in his house for … [+]
the admonition of his house folk.
[ k/dpd_e. ]
Most of the people of Paradise are the naive (al-bulh).
[ n/rkx_e.#5h ]
My Community shall not agree on an error.
[ o/ftaw_e.#ce ]
My intercession is for the grave sinners of My Community.
[ n/qms_e.#3 ]
My life is an immense good for you: you bring up new matters … [+]
and new matters are brought up for you. My death, also, is an immense good for you: your actions will be shown to me; if I see goodness I shall praise Allah and if I see evil I shall ask forgiveness of Him for you.
[ k/hklh_e.#1 ]
My Lord came to me in the best form.
[ n/bvis_e. ]
Narrate from
the hadith of Bani Isra'il and there is no harm in doing it.
[ n/vwh_e.#nbi ]
No, lest people say: Muhammad kills his own companions.
[ k/hklh_e.#2 ]
No capital requital except by the sword (lā qawad illā bil-sayf)
[ n/akaw_e. ]
No nation shall succeed that is led by a woman.
[ o/abfm_e. ] [ o/wbm_e. ]
No people mention Allah but the angels surround them,
mercy covers them … [+]
tranquility descends on them, and ALLAH mentions them to those who are with Him.
[ naw/daa_e. ]
No Prophet will come after me.
[ sp1#44 ]
None of you is a believer until he loves me more than his own soul.
[ n/tufm_e. ]
Nor do I hesitate to do anything as I hesitate to take back the believer's soul … [+]
for he hates death and I hate to hurt him.
[ k/asht_e. ]
O Allah! Do not make any loss of ours be in our Religion, nor make the world … [+]
the greatest concern, nor make it the sum total of our knowledge
[ n/rkx_e.#5h ]
O Allah! Guide Quraysh, for the science of the scholar that comes from them … [+]
will encompass the earth. O Allah! You have let the first of them taste bitterness, so let the latter of them taste reward.
[ n/shfi_e.#2hs ]
O Allah! Make harmony between them and make them love one another.
[ o/mmcr_e. ]
O Allah! Make Your little servant and his mother beloved to Your believing … [+]
servants and make the believers beloved to the two of them.
Not one believer is brought into existence who hears about me without seeing me except he loves me.
[ n/vii_e.#ah ]
On the Day of Resurrection, Allāh shall come to the people in the form … [+]
(s.ūra) that is familiar to them.
[ n/slfm_e. ]
On the
Day of Resurrection every means and lineage will be cut off except … [+]
my means and my lineage.
[ o/laqj_e.#lin ] ( o/umuk_e. )
Order your boys to pray at seven and hit them for [neglecting] it at ten.
[ k/dpd_e. ]
Peace be upon you, abode of the believing people and we, if God so wills … [+]
are about to join you! I love to see my brothers.
[ k/hklh_e.#3 ]
Righteousness (al-birr) is whatever your chest becomes dilated in doing … [+]
while iniquity (al-ithm) is whatever your chest becomes constricted in doing, regardless of what people recommend.
[ n/rkx_e.#3 ]
Say nothing to me as long as I say nothing to you. Were it not for fear that you … [+]
would stop burying one another (lawlā an lā tadāfanū) I could certainly tell you about a great number of those who will be in the Fire and you would know who they are. If I am ordered to do it I shall certainly do it!
[ n/asym_e. ]
Shall I not inform you of the one who will carry the lightest burden on the
Day … [+]
of Judgment in front of Allāh? It is the one who races towards good deeds, walking barefoot. Gibrīl told me: 'Allāh looks kindly upon a servant of His who walks barefoot in the pursuit of good.'
[ n/annj_e. ]
Seek knowledge even as far as China.
[ n/skx_e. ]
Sin (al-ithm) is whatever pricks the conscience.
[ n/rkx_e.#aq ]
The Antichrist (al-dajjal) is one-eyed whereas your Lord is not one-eyed.
[ n/slfm_e. ]
The believer is easy and lenient (hayyinun layyinun) to the point … [+]
you will think him a fool (ahmaq) in his leniency.
[ n/rkx_e.#5h ]
The believer is guileless and noble (al-mu'minu ghirron karīm) … [+]
while the wicked man is perfidious and miserly
[ n/rkx_e.#5h ]
The best of muslim believers is the one from whose tongue and hand muslims … [+]
are secure and the emigrate is the one who leaves what Allah has forbidden.
[ o/dstm_e.#bm ]
The best of the men's prayer-rows is the first and the worst the last … [+]
while the best of the women's prayer-rows is the last and the worst is the first.
[ o/wbm_e. ]
The destruction of my Community will take place at the hands of boys … [+]
(ghilma) from the Quraysh.' I can name them if you wish. They are the Banū Fulān and the Banū Fulān.
[ n/ahtv_e.#dq ] [ n/asym_e.#db ] ( k/ahpp_e. )
The final hour will not begin until the sun rises from its point of setting … [+]
When the sun rises from the West and the people see that, they will all believe. However, at that time, { its belief avails naught a soul which theretofore believed not. }
[ n/hc_e.#fh ]
The Fire complained to its Lord and said, 'My constituent parts are consuming … [+]
one another,' whereupon He gave it two breaths every year, one breath in the winter and one breath in the summer. The harshest heat you experience is from its heat and the harshest cold from its cold.
[ n/maq_e. ]
The Hour will not rise until ALLAH, ALLAH is no longer said on the earth.
[ naw/daa_e.#th ]
The men and women who remember Allah much /the single-minded (mufarridūn)
[ k/hdra_e.#s ]
The mujahid is he who makes jihad against his nafs (ego)
for the sake of obeying Allah.
[ sp1#jhdn ]
The pursuit of knowledge is an obligation upon every Muslim.
[ n/vwh_e.#w40 ]
The Qadariyya are the Zoroastrians (majūs) of this Community.
[ n/qms_e.#qz ]
The right of the husband over the wife is that
if he wants her she must not prevent … [+]
him even if she were sitting on the back (z.ahr) of a camel. Also among his rights is that she must not give out anything from his house except by his permission. Otherwise, she shall bear the burden of sin while he shall obtain the reward.
[ n/nwph_e. ]
The two eyes commit zina, the two hands commit zina … [+]
the two feet commit zina, and the genitals commit zina.
[ sp1#28 ]
There is no child born except in pristine disposition (fitra). Then … [+]
the two parents turn their child into a Jew, a Christian, a Magian. Likewise, the animal gives birth to a fully formed calf. Do you see in it the least disfigurement?
[ n/hfhl_e. ]
There is no goodness in the congregation of women except … [+]
[to pray] in the mosque or over the body of someone who was killed.
[ sm1#12 ]
There will be in my Community a dissent and a faction, a people with excellent … [+]
words and vile deeds. They will read Qur'an, but their faith does not go past their throats. They will pass through religion the way an arrow passes through its quarry. They will no more come back to the religion than the arrow will come back to its original course. They are the worst of human beings and the worst of all creation. The one who kills them or is killed by them is blessed. They summon to the book of Allah but they have nothing to do with it. Whoever kills them is closer to Allah than they. Their sign is that they shave (their heads).
[ k/hpf_e. ]
Therefore, treat women kindly.
[ n/qof2_e. ]
There will be, after
sixty years, { a later generation who have ruined worship and … … [+]
and have followed lusts. But they will meet deception } (19:59). Then there will be a later generation who recite Qur'ān but it will not reach beyond their throats. Three types will be reciting the Qur'ān [at that time]: the Believer, the hypocrite, and the open rebel.
[ n/asym_e.#un-3 ] [ n/ahtv_e. ]
They killed him, may Allāh kill them! Could they not ask if they knew not? … [+]
The only cure to ignorance is to ask! He could have made tayammum, wiped on top of his bandage, and washed the rest of his body.
[ n/hnp_e. ]
They transferred the Qur'anic verses meant to refer to unbelievers and made … [+]
them refer to believers.
[ k/hpf_e. ]
Think about everything but never think about [the Essence of] Allah Most High for … [+]
between the seventh heaven to His Seat of Authority (kursi) there are a thousand veils of light - and yet He is beyond that.
[ n/hc_e.#te ]
This particular clan (h.ayy) of the Quraysh shall remain safe until they turn away … [+]
from their Religion into apostates.
[ k/ahpp_e. ] ( n/asym_e. ) ( n/ahtv_e. )
Those who will destroy the people are this particular clan (hādhā al-h.ayyu) … [+]
of the Quraysh. They said, "What do you order us to do, Messenger of Allāh?" He replied: "If only the people stayed away from them (law anna al-nāsa i'tazalāhum)!
[ n/asym_e. ] [ n/ahtv_e. ] ( k/ahpp_e. )
Time shall grow short and knowledge decrease, dissensions appear … [+]
avarice confront the people, and massacres abound.
[ n/rkx_e.#tm ] [ n/rkx_e.#20 ]
Truly, Allah Most High created Adam from a handful of earth … [+]
He took from all the corners of the earth. Hence did human beings come according to the earth: among them the red, the white, the black, and those in-between; the plain and the arduous; the vicious and the good.
[ sp1#45 ]
Truly, Allah shall send forth for this Community, at the onset of every hundred … [+]
years someone who will renew their Religion for them.
[ n/shfi_e.#2hs ]
Truly, the sun and the moon are among the signs of Allah and they do not undergo eclipse.
[ k/ecl_e. ]
Truly, time has come around to the way it was the day Allah created the heavens … [+]
and the earth You shall all certainly meet your Lord and He shall ask you about your deeds. Do not go back! Do not go back, after me, to being misguided pagan unbelievers striking one another with swords! Lo! Let those that are present tell those that are absent. It may be that some of those they will tell will keep this instruction more faithfully than some of those who heard it directly. Lo! Have I made myself clear?
[ n/hc_e. ]
Two types of drunkenness shall be observed among you [Muslim] … [+]
: the drunkenness of ample living and the drunkenness of ignorance.
[ sm1#ccc ]
Verily, Allah has angels that roam the earth and convey to me the … [+]
the greeting of my Community." (Inna lillāhi malā'ikatan sayyāhīna fi al-ardi yuballighūnī min ummatī al-salām).
[ o/prb_e. ]
Verily, Allah is beautiful and loves beauty. … [+]
Arrogance is refusing to acknowledge what is right and considering others beneath one.
[ sp1#47 ]
Verily, Allah looks not at your bodies nor at your faces but He looks at your hearts.
[ n/rkx_e.#up-3-8 ]
Verily, you shall not see Allah until you die.
[ n/bvis_e. ]
Verily you shall conquer Constantinople. What a wonderful leader will her … [+]
leader be and what a wonderful army will that army be!
[ n/signh_e. ]
Verily, you shall not see Allah until you die.
[ n/va_e.#sa ] [ n/va_e. ]
Verily, the lawful is manifest and the forbidden is manifest, but
between them … [+]
there are dubious matters which many people do not know. Therefore, whoever bewares of dubious matters has made himself exempt [of guilt] for the sake of his religion and his honor, and whoever falls into dubious matters, falls into the forbidden.
It is as with the shepherd that grazes his herd around guarded grounds: he greatly risks grazing it inside it. Lo! Every king possesses guarded grounds. Lo! Verily, Allah's guarded grounds are His prohibitions.
Lo! Verily, there is in the body a small piece of flesh; if it is good the whole body is good and if it is corrupted the whole body is corrupted; lo! It is the heart.
[ n/rkx_e.#1 ]
Verily, there is in the body a small piece of flesh; if it is good … [+]
the whole body is good and if it is corrupted the whole body is
corrupted; lo! it is the heart.
[ n/rkx_e.#hrt-rkx_e ]
What I most fear in my community is a man who interprets verses of the Qur'an … [+]
out of context.
[ k/hpf_e. ]
When Allah Most High was mentioned they swayed the way trees sway on a windy day.
[ k/hdra_e.#f ]
When one of you dies and you smooth the earth over him, let one of you stand … [+]
at the head of his grave and say:
[ k/idab_e.#e ]
When you meet the idolatrous enemy, call them to three things. … [+]
If they respond, accept it from them and stop fighting them. Call them to Islam. If they respond, accept it from them and stop fighting them. Then call them to move from their residence to the residence of the Emigrants. Tell them, if they do, that they have the rights and responsibilities of the Emigrants, no more and no less.
If they enter Islam but prefer their own residence …
[ o/abil_e.#w ]
Whoever among you lives to see the time of the Anti-Christ should recite … [+]
- for protection against him - the first few verses of Surat al-Kahf. He will come out from a crater (khalla) between Syro-Palestine and Iraq. He will spread corruption and evil right and left like wildfire. Servants of Allah! Be steadfast! His period on earth will last for forty days: one day will be like a year, one like a month, one like a week and the rest of his days will be like your days.
[ n/hc_e.#2 ]
Whoever calls his [Muslim] brother ‘kafir', it becomes definitely true of one of the two.
[ o/murb_e.#c ]
Whoever denies belief in the Dajjal, has certainly committed disbelief … [+]
(man kadhdhaba bil-dajjali fa-qad kafara), and whoever denies belief in the Mahdi, has certainly committed disbelief (wa-man kadhdhaba bil-mahdi fa-qad kafara).
[ o/murb_e.#up-n3 ]
Whoever enters the market then says 'There is no divinity but Allāh, alone … [+]
without partner! His alone is the Kingdom, and to Him alone is due all praise! He causes death and brings to life, in His power is all goodness, and He is able over all things!' Allāh will write one million good deeds for him, erase one million sins, and raise him one million levels!
[ n/js_e.#mrk ]
Whoever invokes one blessing upon me, Allah blesses him ten times.
[ k/dt_e.#wi ]
Whoever prays the dawn prayer in congregation then waits patiently until … [+]
he offers the Duha prayer, there shall be for him the reward of a pilgrim for both the major and minor pilgrimages, complete and not missing anything.
[ n/sldh_e. ]
Whoever preserves 40 hadiths for my Umma.
[ n/vwh_e.#w40 ]
Whosoever visits me, I shall be his intercessor or witness for him; and … [+]
whosoever dies in one of the two Holy Sanctuaries, Allah Most High shall resurrect him the Day of Resurrection among those who are safe.
[ k/brd35_e.#v ]
Whoever visits my grave, my intercession will be guaranteed for him.
[ n/itay_e.#20 ] [ d/itp.#wvmg ]
Whoever wholly dedicates to Allah forty days,
the wellsprings of wisdom … [+]
shall appear from his heart to his tongue.
[ k/ta_e. ] [ n/rw40_e. ]
Whoever would like for Allāh to increase his income and lengthen his span … [+]
of life, let him keep family connections.
[ n/qms_e.#21 ]
When you meet the idolatrous enemy, call them to three things … [+]
If they accept even one of them, accept it from them and stop fighting them. Call them to Islam. If they accept, accept it from them and stop fighting them. Then call them to move from their residence to the residence of the Emigrants …
[ o/abil_e. ] ( o/abil_e.#w )
Women who are clothed but (at the same time) naked , turning their heads … [+]
sideways this way and that like the humps of the camel, shall never enter Paradise nor even smell its fragrance.
[ n/vii_e. ]
Worship Allah as if you see Him.
[ n/bvis_e. ]
You are my companions, and our brothers are those who have, so far, not … [+]
come into the world.
[ k/hklh_e.#3 ]
You are my freedman (anta mawlay)
[ k/hdra_e.#f ]
You do not know they turned Apostates?
[ k/hklh_e.#2 ]
You have come for the best, from the smaller jihad (al-jihad al-asghar) to the … [+]
greater jihad (al-jihad al-akbar). Someone said, What is the greater jihad? He said: The servant's struggle against his lust (mujahadat al-ʿabdi hawah).
[ n/dgjh_e. ]
You must follow my Sunna and the Sunna of the rightly-guided, upright … [+]
successors after me.
[ k/fms_e. ]
Your life in comparison to the lifetime of past nations is like the period between … [+]
he time of the mid- afternoon prayer (ʿasr) and sunset. Your example and the example of the Jews and Christians is that of a man who employed laborers and said to them: 'Who will work for me until mid-day for one qirāt (a unit of measure, part of a dinar) each?' …
[ ahanifa_e. ]
2. Hadith Referenced to these Pages
Anyone that insults his Companions is cursed.
[ o/murb_e.#c ]
Donating sadaqa for the deceased
[ sm1#drs ]
Eve Created From Adam's Rib
[ sp1#1 ]
Mahdi mentioned in hadith
[ sp1#3 ]
the killing of recidivist drunkards abrogated
[ sp1#8 ]
two green stalks planted on grave
[ sp1#2 ]
Water and clay / spirit and body hadith
[ sp1#14 ]
the hadith of the creation of woman from Adam's rib
[ n/qof2_e. ]
The use of the Prophet's uncle for tawassul
[ o/twua_e. ]
[placing] a stalk on top of the grave
[ n/tsvv_e. ]
ʿIsa (a.s.) will descend (again) from heaven both body and soul
[ sp1#33 ]
there is no rahbaniyya (monastic vows) in Islam
[ sp1#50 ]
3a. Pages About Hadith
Is Studying Hadith Fr. Al-Bukhari & Muslim
A Famous Hadith Qudsi On Allah's Comp
40 Hadiths Illustrating the Superlative El
Memorization of Hadith
Ethics in Hadith transmission
Attributes of the Masters of Hadith
The Gibril-Hadith
Upgrading very weak hadiths & other
Main Hadith Collections
Various Issues About Hadiths
Unreliability of t Righteous in Hadith
Unreliability of t Righteous in Hadith N
The Story of Hadith
The Superiority Of Fiqh Over Hadith
80 Hadiths on the Prophet's Knowledge
Lone-Narrated Reports (hadith)
Verification Of Several Hadith
Hadiths On The Formation Of Human Life
Imams of hadith
Weak Hadiths in Sahih Bukhari
Hadith on the
Hadith Our Lord
Hadith on Surat
Studies In Hadith Me
Strictness and Laxity in Hadith Criticism
al-Qārī's Dictionary of Hadīth Forgeries
My Companions are like the stars
Forged Hadith: The Ink of The Ulema'
The Hadith Of Adam's tawassul through the Prophet
(Foreword To) Sunna Notes: Hadith History & Principles (pdf)
A Hadith on Fasting in The Month of Rajab
Mahdi in hadith
If Hadith Authentic, Madhhab
Problematic Hadiths And Various Questions
3b. Pages About Hadith
The Statement "If the Hadith is Authentic, that is my Madhhab"
[ sp1#18 ]
What is the Sunnah?
[ sp1#15 ]
A def of ahl al-Sunna / ahl al-hadith
[ sm1#1 ]
"Bukhari-only" heresy
[ sp1#39 ]
about the saying:
Whoever knows himself, he knows his Lord
[ k/khkr_e. ]