
Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet saws said, "Belief is Yemenite while afflictions appear from there (the East) from where the side of the head of Satan will appear."
(Sahih Bukhari, Book no.59, Hadith 672)*

Saud STOP it now!

Some Reports Of The Saud KSA

Bombing Of Yemen

= Bombing Of Yemeni People

by OmarKN, 2017-12-24



Saud bringing death and destruction on the Yemeni people, 98% being civilians!

This infighting and external intervention will not solve the fitna of Yemen, all factions need to lay down their arms NOW and come to some agreement on power-sharing to bring about an enduring peace before it is too late! (And it is already very late.)

We are not taking sides here: Houthis or other Yemenis - all are HUMAN BEINGS and our religion of ISLAM has distinct rules how to engage in war!

There are different factions in Yemen fighting each other, Houthis, others, also Daesh and other extremists. It is a bad, horrible fitna!
Saud KSA has started a war of attrition* and utmost destruction against the Yemeni people. Since March 2015 until now (2017-12-24) the Saudies are flattening the Yemeni civilization, they are using the US- and UK-supplied airforce and weaponry in order to fight the other side by bombing from the air, so as not to engage them on the ground.
*(attrition: the process of reducing something's strength or effectiveness through sustained attack or pressure. Apple Dictionary)

1.) To interfere into the internal affairs of Yemen and to attack the country is against international and Islamic law!
2.) The way Saud is conducting this war amounts to war crimes! They were even bombing on Eid ul-Adha! Bombing during the Hajj!
3.) Killing innocent civilians, destroying the infrastructure! Preventing help deliveries to arrive to Yemen!
All this is far from anything the Prophet of Islam Prophet instructed us!
Below we document some tiny part (from Aug 28 2015 - 2017-12-24) of some of the evidence from the Yemeni people from what they have reported, but words and pictures cannot describe their suffering!

see also: [Yemen War Crimes]

top = newest

89 - All for year 2017

86 -

85 -

84 -

83 - Before Saud's Bombing

82 - Before Saud's Bombing

81 - Before Saud's Bombing

80 - 2017 much worse

80b - 2017 much worse

79 -

78 - Minaret of the Jacob Mosque, Jibla City, Ibb, Yemen
- Before Saud's Bombing

77 - Before Saud's Bombing

76 - Before Saud's Bombing

75 -

74 - Before Saud's Bombing

73 -

72 -

71 - Before Saud's Bombing

70 -

69 -

68 -

67 - Before Saud's Bombing

66 - Yemen: Enough! The West Must Stop the War and Devastation Fueled by Their Arms and #Gulf Perpetrators/Friends. By Jahaf - 2017-04-10

65 - Most important Neglected Middle East Stories of 2015
By Juan Cole | (Informed Comment)

2. The Saudi-led war on Yemen, which began last spring, has not brought the swift victory Riyadh and its allies had hoped for. Mainly pursued by an indiscriminate bombing campaign, the war has succeeded in expelling the Houthi rebels from Aden (which they only took in late spring in a desperate attempt to forestall the invasion from the Gulf). But the Houthis still control the capital and other key territory, though what they control has been bombed to rubble in some instances. The war is a drain on Gulf finances and the lack of a swift victory threatens a quagmire and public opinion backlash at home. There have been some casualties among troops of the Gulf Cooperation Council, which have such small populations that each loss stings the whole country. Yemen’s infrastructure has been deeply harmed, including its ports. Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has taken advantage of the chaos to extend its reach [and Daesh]. There is already a humanitarian crisis that could grow many times worse. Unless the Saudis and their allies can wrap this thing up in the next few months, they could suffer severe loss of prestige (quagmires do that to you). And even a victory will be a Pyrrhic one in all likelihood. Along with the fall in oil prices, the hard slog in Yemen have reduced Saudi credibility in the region.
- [juancole.com/2015]

64 - Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen
Read more on t situation of t 2.5m displaced ppl in #Yemen in our latest bulletin: https://t.co/ahENDLq82v http://pic.twitter.com/dkSXC1GBja

— OCHA Yemen (@OCHAYemen) December 20, 2015

63 - Be a voice for #Yemen
#Tweetstorm on dec. 26
- end the black out
- request that #NATO & #UN put an end to the war http://pic.twitter.com/UyGJnJyYYF

— lames (@JustLames123) December 19, 2015

62 - Saud Bombing Yemen
Number of people in #Yemen in need of humanitarian aid is close to double of those in Syria. Let sink in for a min. http://pic.twitter.com/NiETTWr3kS

— Hisham Al-Omeisy (@omeisy) December 17, 2015

61 - Saud Bombing Yemen
In #Yemen "war worsening already extremely high levels of food insecurity & poverty..people are on edge of famine" https://t.co/Cc0grWksvV

— Hisham Al-Omeisy (@omeisy) December 17, 2015

60 - Ceasefire #Saudi style: Fly jets just above houses throughout night to terrorise children + parents of entire city https://t.co/bLJ1cWVbbr

— Jamila Hanan (@JamilaHanan) December 16, 2015

59 - Saud Bombing Yemen
@MSF destroyed facility is 1 of many hospitals destroyed in #Yemen during the crisis. Health system is collapsing. http://pic.twitter.com/tsVUZQcPL5

— أطباء بلا حدود-اليمن (@msf_yemen) December 16, 2015

58 - Saud Bombing Yemen
#Yemen expat Ramzi AlSharabi sentenced to death in KSA after post to FB that #Saudi supports terrorism @narrabyee http://pic.twitter.com/GQUwqSw7DD

— Jamila Hanan (@JamilaHanan) December 16, 2015

57 - 9 months, 40K airstrikes in #Yemen zero on AQAP & IS. Odds of yet another Saud military coalition to fight "terror" doing so not promising

— Hisham Al-Omeisy (@omeisy) December 15, 2015

56 - Saud Bombing Yemen
The Saud-led war in Yemen has been a boon for ISIS, now gaining strength and defectors from Al-Qaeda. https://t.co/5rfyiPF7bs

— Gregg Carlstrom (@glcarlstrom) December 15, 2015

55 - Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen
Today's destruction of a house in my village Alhada
Caused by #Saudi jets #Yemen
Casualties : 5 died & 12 injured http://pic.twitter.com/97eA5j0cR5

— Ahmad Algohbary (@AhmadAlgohbary) December 9, 2015

54 - Saud Bombing Yemen
#Yemen healthworkers climb mountains to reach 201 malnourished children in Dhamar over past 2 weeks! http://pic.twitter.com/paCx97f4Rn

— UNICEF Yemen (@UNICEF_Yemen) December 10, 2015

53 - Experts say #Yemen is in a state of emergency and just one step away from widespread famine https://t.co/g6asHdiIt8 http://pic.twitter.com/VR8EqamHVc

— Al Arabiya English (@AlArabiya_Eng) December 11, 2015

52 - Saud Bombing Yemen
This is Saeh Albokhaiti, killed 2 days ago by #Saudi led airstrikes on Alhada Dhamar city #Yemen via @AhmadAlgohbary http://pic.twitter.com/u1420HPyer

— Jamila Hanan (@JamilaHanan) December 11, 2015

51 - Saud Bombing Yemen
More than Half a million of #Yemen children face sever malnutration,UN reported that in Oct.What about now? http://pic.twitter.com/FeLjG7d1hJ

— FATIK AL-RODAINI (@Al_rodaini1) December 7, 2015

50 - Saud Bombing Yemen
I visited many houses of IDPs& poor ppl in Sanaa but like this house.I havnt seen at all.A house of no thing. #Yemen http://pic.twitter.com/U8CdPP7bfn

— FATIK AL-RODAINI (@Al_rodaini1) December 7, 2015

49b - Saud Bombing Yemen
In brief, ppl in my country are dying. And thats for sorry is true. #Yemen http://pic.twitter.com/GqrhteMv5q


49a - I received a phone call from my friend telling me that 40 families of IDPs n Sanaa, perhaps more will have nothing to eat a day later #Yemen

— Fatik Al-Rodaini (@Fatikr) December 6, 2015

48 - Saud Bombing Yemen
Children play infront of destroyed buildings in Yemen. #stopbombingYemen http://pic.twitter.com/z1pzFDCEhA
— PRAY FOR YEMEN (@Hafsah_ayeshaxo) December 6, 2015

47 - Saud Bombing Yemen
What kind of future is waiting u boys. I have nothing to say except, may God help us all. #Yemen http://pic.twitter.com/MusR9SHsXV

— Fatik Al-Rodaini (@Fatikr) December 6, 2015

46 - Breaks my heart. A yemeni man talking about Saudi terrorism #stopbombingYemen http://pic.twitter.com/rjpDN88j12

— PRAY FOR YEMEN (@Hafsah_ayeshaxo) December 6, 2015

45 - Saud terrorism at it's finest. https://t.co/kLMbnVGYiZ

— Hafsah (@Hafsah_ayeshaxo) December 5, 2015

44 - U wanna know the real situation of Yemeni ppl after 8 months of Saudi war on #Yemen
Pls watch the pix http://pic.twitter.com/szwtAerRc2

— Fatik Al-Rodaini (@Fatikr) December 5, 2015

43 - How can we cultivate fertile ground for ISIS in Yemen?
Keep helping Saudis bomb civilians.

— Kenneth Roth (@KenRoth) December 4, 2015

42 Saud Bombing Yemen
- Pix of a house before and after being hit by KSA jets in Jeraf area in the capital Sanaa. #Yemen http://pic.twitter.com/lbHMLghEl7

— FATIK AL-RODAINI (@Al_rodaini1) December 4, 2015

41 - Saud Bombing Yemen
Ban Ki-moon seeks investigation of Saud-led airstrike on MSF mobile clinic in Taiz, Yemen. https://t.co/jYPgWKKRsS http://pic.twitter.com/44RlFG7vBS

— Kenneth Roth (@KenRoth) December 4, 2015

40 - Im wonderning why the Int'l community ignoring the suffer of 26 m ppl in #Yemen
Hey wake up.. 83% r in urgent need. http://pic.twitter.com/Lc9O5ICAI5

— FATIK AL-RODAINI (@Al_rodaini1) December 2, 2015

39 - By failing to disclose that IS has another growing base outside of #Syria over in #Yemen they are witholding important info. #SyriaVote

— Jamila Hanan (@JamilaHanan) December 2, 2015

38 - The Sauds are doing the same thing the Americans did to Iraq, Yet there's little outrage. Imagine if it was Isreal or US bombing Yemen.

— N. (@NajeebWali) December 1, 2015

37 - Saud Bombing Yemen
250 days of horror 250 days of bloodshed
250 days of tears
250 days of blockade
#250daysOfWar http://pic.twitter.com/3OmX11CmrU

— Get up Stand up (@RiseUp75) November 30, 2015

36 - Saud Bombing Yemen
300+ civilians killed in 10 #Saudi-led coalition airstrikes in #Yemen. New @HRW report:
https://t.co/GcAZ8iYsJz http://pic.twitter.com/xcUVtBeMdr

— Lotte Leicht (@LotteLeicht1) November 30, 2015

35 - Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen
#250daysOfWar #Saudi_Destroy_Yemen #SosYemen
@UN_HRC @GermanyUNGeneva @Bundesrat_CH @eu_eeas @bundesrat @UNWomenCH http://pic.twitter.com/EsfWvj5rgg

— Jasna (@BoomerangTime) November 29, 2015

34 - Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen
#FelizDomingo in #Yemen for 8 months #250daysOfWar & blockade SOS #YemenUnderAttack #30Nov #PalestinaLibre http://pic.twitter.com/4X8Csatppu

— Yousef S Joseph (@yossif181) November 29, 2015

33 - Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen
@UN_HRC @eu_eeas @Bundesrat_CH @bundesrat @hrw
@GermanyUNGeneva @UNWomenCH
#Saudi_Destroy_Yemen http://pic.twitter.com/ycx29IlpIj

— Jasna (@BoomerangTime) November 29, 2015

32 - Not the first market Saudi jets bombed & won't be last. They also bomb homes, weddings, funerals, hospitals.. #Yemen https://t.co/PLPjACNIvv
— Hisham Al-Omeisy (@omeisy) November 15, 2015

31 - Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen
For 8mnths #Saudi trgtd population,aids, conducting total blockade,

destroying #Yemen & yet achieved Nothing #اليمن https://t.co/V6L9s4oXtS
— هشام الرضي (@HishamAlRadhi) November 11, 2015

30 - Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

@monarelief 's ground crew reached ppl living in remote areas didnt reach by any local or int'l organizations #Yemen http://pic.twitter.com/VnU1REhcvt

— FATIK AL-RODAINI (@Al_rodaini1) November 11, 2015


29 - Thats in #Yemen right now, women Wallah crying bc they dont have money 2buy food for their families.All Yemenis in urgent need&not only IDPs
Fatik Al-Rodaini (@Fatikr) August 25, 2015

28 - 2015-10-19
Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

from here counting downwards…

Saud Bombing Yemen

Oh and wipe that smirk off your face Houthis, you are not any better. You hijacked a state already ruined by Saleh, Muhsin, Islah, etc
— Hisham Al-Omeisy (@omeisy) September 26, 2015

Saudi drops flyers "Join "legitimate" government we chose for you or die" then bombs...what did we expect from monarchy #Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

[LINK: Yemen’s forgotten war (pt.1) - BBC Newsnight]
Saud Bombing Yemen

[Noam Chomsky: Yemen is the most extraordinary global terrorism campaign in history]
Professor Noam Chomsky joins Afshin to discuss the major crisis in the West. From the ‘terror-generating’ drone strikes in Yemen which leads to Al Qaeda’s expansion to anti-neoliberal movements spreading through South America and even parts of Europe with the rise of Syriza and Podemos, could US hegemony be coming to an end? And with the ‘extraordinary demonisation’ of Russia over the Ukraine crisis, there’s a very real risk of ‘a conflict that could be terminal.’
Publ. on Apr 18, 2015
(Watch the full episode here: [YT])

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen
See the report at: (https://aoav.org.uk/explosiveviolence/yemen/)

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

Saud Bombing Yemen

The Prophet of Islam saws also said in similar traditions:
Narrated 'Uqba bin 'Umar and Abu Mas'ud: Allah's Apostle saws pointed with his hand towards Yemen and said, "True Belief is yemenite yonder (i.e. the yemenite, had True Belief and embraced Islam readily), but sternness and mercilessness are the qualities of those who are busy with their camels and pay no attention to the Religion where the two sides of the head of Satan will appear. Such qualities belong to the tribe of Rabi'a and Mudar."
(Sahih Bukhari, Book #54, Hadith #521)

Narrated Abu Huraira: The Prophet saws said, "The people of Yemen have come to you and they are more gentle and soft-hearted. Belief is yemenite and Wisdom is yemenite, while pride and haughtiness are the qualities of the owners of camels (i.e. bedouins). Calmness and solemnity are the characters of the owners of sheep."
(Sahih Bukhari, Book #59, Hadith #671)

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latest update: 2017-12-24

* living Islam – Islamic Tradition *