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18. tw. 20140730 16:22 SST=UTC+2 ==
#ICC4Israel Israel’s gov is “intent on inheriting it all” by turning t Palestinian ppl into “a fragmented, marginalized people,” bit.ly/irl-provoc
17. tw. 20140730 16:19 SST=UTC+2 ==
#ICC4Israel Netanyahu +his governmt are engaged in a frenzied effort to eliminate Palestinians as a political entity. bit.ly/irl-provoc
16. tw. 20140730 15:16 SST=UTC+2 ==
@LatuffCartoons @VoicesofGaza @normfinkelstein Well done Norman & the other courageous ones!
15. tw. 20140730 00:43 SST=UTC+2 ==
The presentation of events by #Isr spoxs is to give to Americans +Europeans the impression that Israel wants peace w/ t Pal t.co/oLCSS7wxg6
14. tw. 20140729 23:49 SST=UTC+2 ==
#ICC4Israel EU: suspend the Association Agreement made with Israel! -- collaborators are people who facilitate evil! bit.ly/isr-evil
13. tw. 20140729 23:34 SST=UTC+2 ==
#ICC4Israel ”Europe has to contain the settlement policy with greater determination and more concrete measures.” bit.ly/isr-contain
12. tw. 20140729 23:25 SST=UTC+2 ==
#ICC4Israel US news is extremely Israeli-centric. The main bureaus are located in Israel + are often staffed by Israelis. ifamericansknew.org
11. tw. 20140729 02:50 SST=UTC+2 ==
Europe: Do the boycott of Israeli academic institutions, they are complicit in to #Gaza slaughter: http://electronicintifada.net/ Israeli univ support
10. tw. 20140729 02:09 SST=UTC+2 ==
"What we see ‘in Paris’ and ‘on twitter’ is basically a reaction to Jewish power. Is it ‘anti Semitism?’ Not at all" gilad.co.uk
09. tw. 20140728 09:46 SST=UTC+2 ==
OmarKN @OmarKN · 56m
”The U.S. media’s shift on Israel continues.” It will - acc. to universal balance - sunnatu-LLahi. http://mondoweiss.net/2014/07/israel-standard-robinson.html … #ICC4Israel
08. tw. 20140728 08:49 SST=UTC+2 ==
”The U.S. media’s shift on Israel continues.” It will - acc. to universal balance - sunnatu-LLahi. http://t.co/wOyOz9gACy #ICC4Israel
07. tw. 20140727 21:57 SST=UTC+2 ==
#Gaza #ICC4Israel UN report: continuous use of Palestinian children as human shields + informants- there were 14 cases btw 2010 +2013 alone. t.co/QB0X0o5X9S
06. tw? @stevesalaita There is ”but too little analysis of the brazen racism that defines the Zionist narrative.” bit.ly/zionism_texts@stevesalaita
05. tw. 20140727 00:13 SST=UTC+2 ==
Belal - Gaza @Belalmd12 · 13h
The Zionist movement failed to do so, and therefore Israel is bound by laws of history to be defeated and give Palestinians their rights.
04. tw. 20140726 23:09 ==
Gilad Atzmon: Where’s BBC scoop on Netanyahu’s big lie? http://www.gilad.co.uk/writings/wheres-bbc-scoop-on-netanyahus-big-lie.html?utm_source=twitterfeed&utm_medium=twitter
However it's probably even worse!
03. tw. 20140726 11:17 ==
bit.bit.ly/zion_nail Listen 2 audio clip #Gaza wh #Isr "speaker" is getting nailed by Emily M.
Thanks Emily for being 1 of the very few journal. to pose the right questions. bit.ly/zion2014
02. tw. 20140724 23:42 ==
@ShaimaZiara It will be ended, there's no doubt! #Isr is finished!
01. tw. 20140724 12:08 ==
Who Started the Current #Gaza Conflict, Hamas had fired “in revenge for an Israeli airstrike several hours earlier.”
Hamas began rocket fire only AFTER Israel’s provocation.
How it started: Once US &EU agreed to recognise the new gov, Net. had 2 seek a way out of his uncomfortable isolation haje.me/TZdj4u bit.ly/zion2015
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