![]() ![]() |
The Zionists want to be slave masters. People in the world protest against these arrogant killers of unarmed civilians, most of them are women & children!
Resisting the oppressor is a duty for every man.
Surely, the bloodthirsty Zionists are doomed, they will not succeed. God hears the prayer of the oppressed!
{ No doubt! The curse of Allah is on the oppressors (zālimūn ).}
Sura 11, v.18
11. Tweets After The Assault 2014-08-14--08-17[new page]
10. Tweets After The Assault 2014-07-29--30 [new page]
9. Tweets During The Assault 2014-07-30--08-06 [new page]
8. Tweets During The Assault 2014-07-29--30 [see below]
7. Tweets During The Assault 2014-07-27--29 [see below]
89. capt. 20140729 22:42 SST=UTC+2 ===
Mohammed Suliman @imPalestine · 14h
I have lived in Gaza for almost all of my life. War is something not new to us. These, however, are the scariest moments we have ever lived.
88. capt. 20140729 22:42 SST=UTC+2 ===
oxymorus @oxymorus · 15h
• L'armée la plus morale du monde (Tsahal) ne tue que des civils.
• Le groupe terroriste (Hamas) ne tue que des soldats.
A toi de voir..
Retweeted 116 times116
87. capt. 20140729 22:43 SST=UTC+2 ===
sakina @SkSakina · Jul 26
The only way to support Palestine in the lg run. BDS on your fridge#BDSMovement #BoycottIsrael #HelpGaza
86. capt. 20140730 00:53 SST=UTC+2 ===
Moh Askari @MadoAskari 1h
Gaza under heavy attack.... Airstrickes everywhere in Gaza ....#GazaUnderAttack #GazaUnderFire
85. capt. 20140730 13:37 SST=UTC+2 ===
Sheera Frenkel @sheeraf 33m
What's clear from UN and IDF, is that gps coordinates of UN facilities in Gaza are well known, marked on military maps 1/2
84. capt. 20140730 13:37 SST=UTC+2 ===
Father of a Palestinian boy killed in #Gaza reacts to his death at a hospital in Gaza City. (Mohammed Salem/@Reuters)
83. capt. 20140730 13:38 SST=UTC+2 ===
Anonymous @AnonOpsLegion 4h
That's not from a movie. This is #Gaza
82. capt. 20140730 13:39 SST=UTC+2 ===
blueskylady @blueskylady_au 42m
Extermination is not self defense.
81. capt. 20140730 13:39 SST=UTC+2 ===
John Legend @johnlegend 6h
So sick watching our Secretary of State have to grovel so hard to tell Israel how much he loves them while Israeli cabinet shits on him
80. capt. 20140730 13:40 SST=UTC+2 ===
The New Yorkers @TischNewYorkers 51m
The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) says Israel has committed "a massacre" in Jabalia #Gaza
79. capt. 20140730 13:40 SST=UTC+2 ===
Richard Engel @RichardEngel 1h
Israeli mil radio reporting israeli troops pushing deeper in north and south gaza. Heavy fighting
78. capt. 20140730 15:04 SST=UTC+2 ===
Erdal Uludag @erdal_uludag 16h
BBC has turned into a spokesman of Israel's Army Forces. Support @georgegalloway don't pay licence fee 4 their lies.
77. capt. 20140730 15:06 SST=UTC+2 ===
BBC World Service @bbcworldservice 1h
#Gaza: @UN says "world stands disgraced" after shelling of UN-run school kills 15 Palestinians http://bbc.in/1k72OIH
76. capt. 20140730 15:06 SST=UTC+2 ===
Mo @OneManAgenda 1h
@Supramanian @bbcworldservice @UN It's fascinating to see everyone on the samepage for this issue yet NO action! Shows who's really incharge
75. capt. 20140730 15:07 SST=UTC+2 ===
Mark Ewbie @MarkEwbie 1h
@bbcworldservice @BBCWorld @UN World disgraced - agreed. All politicians who fail to speak out bear responsibility.
74. capt. 20140730 15:07 SST=UTC+2 ===
Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah 4m
Testing of weapons on Gaza's children is a selling-point for Israel's "security" firms bit.ly/1k5Se4X via @intifada
73. capt. 20140730 15:07 SST=UTC+2 ===
Ben White @benabyad 39m
RT @deep_beige Morning RT @nycjim: #Gaza. Photo by EPA via @BBCNews http://bbc.in/1qkPYF1
72. capt. 20140730 15:09 SST=UTC+2 ===
Shaima' Ziara ✌ @ShaimaZiara 8m
Since the only power plant in #Gaza was targeted by IOF, nobody in Gaza has power.. we don't even know if it will be back!
71. capt. 20140730 15:10 SST=UTC+2 ===
Abe Greenhouse @grinhoyz 16h
Chile, Peru, Brazil and Ecuador recall ambassadors from Israel over #Gaza slaughter: http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/1.607915 … http://ow.ly/i/6o6T9
70. capt. 20140730 15:10 SST=UTC+2 ===
Lisa Goldman @lisang 8h
Gaza friend from privileged area that was bombed: People know that the goal of the Israelis is just to break them now. Not about 'targets.'
69. capt. 20140730 15:11 SST=UTC+2 ===
The Associated PressVerified account
As much of world watches Gaza war in horror, members of Congress fall over each other to support Israel: http://apne.ws/1pnTgIG
68. capt. 20140730 15:11 SST=UTC+2 ===
fariah khan @FariahK Jul 29
@AP As a human I can't believe no one in congress is brave enough to shout enough is enough! End Israeli terrorism and occupation#icc4israel
67. capt. 20140730 15:14 SST=UTC+2 ===
El F. Gringo @elfgringo Jul 29
@sagit9221 @AP Bullshit. Israel is fighting to annihilate the Palestinians, and to test all their weapons so they can sell them. Disgusting!
66. capt. 20140730 15:15 SST=UTC+2 ===
Carlos Latuff @LatuffCartoons 8h
US academic @normfinkelstein arrested in a demo against Israel massacre on #Gaza Photo:Lewaa Khalek pic.twitter.com/67b92NaiU1
65. capt. 20140730 15:18 SST=UTC+2 ===
Shaima' Ziara ✌ @ShaimaZiara 13m
This is Al Sousi mosque that was targeted last night w/ 6 rockets!
The sound of bombs was terrible!
64. capt. 20140730 15:20 SST=UTC+2 ===
Matt Duss @mattduss 38m
"In this skewed universe, the inmates of an open-air prison are besieging a nuclear-armed power” http://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/collective-punishment-gaza …
63. capt. 20140730 15:27 SST=UTC+2 ===
ArabVoicesSpeak @ArabVoicesSpeak 41m
The Palestinian Wailing Wall.Names of children massacred by #Israel in #Gaza in the past two weeks only
62b. capt. 20140730 15:33 SST=UTC+2 ===
Glenn Greenwald @ggreenwald 3h
In NYT, @NYTimesCohen provides the context that no Israel/Gaza reporting should ever exclude
62. capt. 20140730 16:07 SST=UTC+2 ===
Jul 22, 2014 - Henry Siegman RT @politico Israel Provoked This War. It's up to President Obama to stop it http://politi.co/1p8IuDd pic.twitter.com/ ...
61. capt. 20140727 21:49 SST=UTC+2 ===
MJ (Mike) Rosenberg @MJayRosenberg 6h
Rabbis endorsing Israel's war on people of Gaza should SHUT UP. How dare they sully Judaism with support for murder of children.
60. capt. 20140727 22:21 SST=UTC+2 ===
Omar K N @OmarKN 23m
#Gaza #ICC4Israel UN rep: continuous use of Pal children as human shields + informants-14 cases btw 2010 +2013 alone. http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/06/20/us-palestinian-israel-children-idUSBRE95J0FR20130620 …
59. capt. 20140727 22:22 SST=UTC+2 ===
Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah 24m
If child-killing, Gaza-destroying, land-stealing, apartheid-practicing Israel is your friend, then I'm sorry but we can't be friends.
58. capt. 20140727 22:23 SST=UTC+2 ===
Belal - Gaza @Belalmd12 36m
On average, Israel:
killed 2 Palestinians,
injured 12
& demolished 7 houses in Gaza per hour for the past 20 days.
57. capt. 20140727 22:24 SST=UTC+2 ===
Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah 38m
The paradox of "liberal" Zionism. RT @ZaidJilani: #JewsAndArabsRefuseToBeEnemies but apparently must live in two different states
56. capt. 20140727 22:32 SST=UTC+2 ===
U.S. Dept. of Fear @FearDept 6m
Reminder: 100% of Congress supports Israel's right to smash Gaza. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/BtFXtSJCEAA0-ex.png … http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/1.606183 …
55. capt. 20140727 22:33 SST=UTC+2 ===
#OpIsrael @Op_Israel 13m
1.5 million have signed this petition. Read it in full here: https://secure.avaaz.org/en/israel_palestine_this_is_how_it_ends_loc/?bkyYQhb&v=42613 … pic.twitter.com/Vqnpbw4OKh
54. capt. 20140727 22:35 SST=UTC+2 ===
Zaid Jilani @ZaidJilani 16m
Hamas spox on why they fire unguided rockets: "If we had alternatives we wouldn't use this." http://www.channel4.com/news/hamas-gaza-spokesman-israel-rocket-human-shields-video …
53. capt. 20140727 22:35 SST=UTC+2 ===
Hamas: 'firing rockets is the only thing we have' - video
By Channel 4 News @Channel4News
Hamas spokesman Ihab al-Ghousein says firing rockets into Israel is "the only thing we have" to get Israel to "give us our rights", and denies the organisation is using civilians as human shields.
52. capt. 20140728 10:44 SST=UTC+2 ===
Ayelet Waldman @ayeletw
I am Israeli. I love the country & many of the people. But this criminal war and occupation must end. I'm ready to give BDS a chance.
51. capt. 20140728 10:45 SST=UTC+2 ===
Lena Ghannam @_curiouscat_ ·
• Know who else had tunnels? Jewish resisters in the Warsaw ghetto. #Gaza #antifa972 @jvplive bit.ly/1uvBZTi
50. capt. 20140728 10:49 SST=UTC+2 ===
Remi Kanazi @Remroum
2 to 1, Americans ages 18-29, think Israel's actions in Gaza are "unjustified." This gap will only get bigger.
49. capt. 20140728 15:12 SST=UTC+2 ===
ALTAAF M JAFFER @VagabondBeyond 1h
#FreePalestine Eid Prayers Gaza ... The spirit and faith of these people is amazing!!
@JamilaHanan @Adamitv pic.twitter.com/xa7ImOVdYj
48. capt. 20140728 16:24 SST=UTC+2 ===
Sharif Kouddous @sharifkouddous 6m
Reports of an airstrike on a taxi stand near Gaza's main Shifa hospital and casualties coming in
47. capt. 20140728 16:24 SST=UTC+2 ===
Alshifaa hospital is under attack by the F……g Israeli Ocupation Forces!! they targeted the outpatient clinics pic.twitter.com/22XGaw2qj7
46. capt. 20140728 16:25 SST=UTC+2 ===
Chris Gunness @ChrisGunness 15m
• According to our reports, after the first shell, there were several others in the close vicinity of the school within a matter of minutes RT
• We had staff @ the school when the incident occurred reporting in as the shelling, which caused multiple fatalities & casualties took place
• According 2 information UNRWA has gathered about Beit Hanoun incident, there were hundreds of people @ the installation when it was hit RT
45. capt. 20140728 16:27 SST=UTC+2 ===
Shaima' Ziara ✌ @ShaimaZiara 17m
OMG! I can't believe they targeted Al Shifa central hospital!!!
That's too much!!!
Never seen such heavy bombardmts before
44. capt. 20140729 01:34 SST=UTC+2 ===
Mariam Abuamer. @Octane0 · 1h
Genocide, then after 48 hours they will announce a ceasefire! how cute!! #GazaUnderAttack #ICC4Israel
43. capt. 20140729 01:34 SST=UTC+2 ===
Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah · 1h
Poll: Americans, as usual, generally approve of Israel slaughtering Palestinians but margins are narrowing http://www.people-press.org/2014/07/28/hamas-seen-as-more-to-blame-than-israel-for-current-violence/ …
42. capt. 20140729 01:34 SST=UTC+2 ===
Selin Kara @Selintifada · 1h
The thing with Israel, apart from indiscriminately bombing playing children, hospitals and schools, threatens civilians by phone and texts.
41. capt. 20140729 01:34 SST=UTC+2 ===
Democracy Now! @democracynow · 1h
Prof. Ilan Pappé: Israel Has Chosen To Be A "Racist Apartheid State" With U.S. Support http://owl.li/zF2e6 pic.twitter.com/F33EWtU8HT #Gaza
40. capt. 20140729 01:34 SST=UTC+2 ===
Shaima' Ziara ✌ @ShaimaZiara · 1h
أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأن محمدا رسول الله.
39. capt. 20140729 01:35 SST=UTC+2 ===
Joe Catron @jncatron · 1h
That was the seventeenth loud explosion heard near #Gaza's al-Shifa hospital. over the past hour. #GazaUnderAttack
38. capt. 20140729 01:35 SST=UTC+2 ===
H.A. Hellyer د. إتش @hahellyer · 31m
Israel Creates 'No Man's Land' in Gaza, Shrinking Strip by 40% http://thebea.st/WK9t1x via @thedailybeast
37. capt. 20140729 01:35 SST=UTC+2 ===
Joe Catron @jncatron · 28m
"Israeli" strikes now landing by #Gaza's al-Shifa hospital are so close, you can hear the projectile whistle before impact. #GazaUnderAttack
36. capt. 20140729 01:35 SST=UTC+2 ===
Democracy Now! @democracynow · 18m
"The U.S. government is a full partner in the murder of Palestinians, including my brothers." -Amer Shurrab http://owl.li/zGaOT #Gaza
35. capt. 20140729 01:36 SST=UTC+2 ===
The New Yorkers @TischNewYorkers · 2h
Welcome to #Gaza, a Palestinian land destroyed by God's "chosen people"!!!!
34. capt. 20140729 01:37 SST=UTC+2 ===
The New Yorkers @TischNewYorkers · 2h
Just for the record. Zionist terrorists massacred Palestinians since the year 1931, 56 years before the foundation of Hamas #Gaza
33. capt. 20140729 01:38 SST=UTC+2 ===
Belal - Gaza @Belalmd12 · 7h
Aljazeera reporter in Gaza: A park in which ~100 children were playing was hit, 8 were killed and 45 injured; the bodies arrived in pieces.
32. capt. 20140729 01:38 SST=UTC+2 ===
BDS Movement @BDSmovement · 6h
As the Gaza crisis deepens, boycotts can raise the price of Israel’s impunity - @RafeefZiadah in @Guardian bit.ly/1uyAZhe #BDS
31. capt. 20140729 01:39 SST=UTC+2 ===
Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah · 6h
Gaza 2014: Saying nothing is not an option. And doing nothing even less so | Ilan Pappe bit.ly/1rVLBlV
30. capt. 20140729 01:39 SST=UTC+2 ===
Democracy Now! @democracynow · 6h
"Israel has deliberately targeted civilians from day one of this attack — trying to scare people into submission." http://owl.li/zF22W
29. capt. 20140729 01:41 SST=UTC+2 ===
Ship to Gaza Sweden @ShiptoGazaSE · 6h
Joint declaration by International law experts on Israel's Gaza offensive: http://richardfalk.wordpress.com/2014/07/28/joint-declaration-by-international-law-experts-on-israels-gaza-offensive/ …
28. capt. 20140729 01:41 SST=UTC+2 ===
Omar K N @OmarKN · 10h
• #ICC4Israel …and those placed ' hors de combat ' by sickness, wounds, detention, …shall in all circumstances be treated humanely. Gen.Conv.
• #ICC4Israel Persons taking no active part in the hostilities, including members of armed forces who have laid down their arms and those ...
26. capt. 20140729 02:00 SST=UTC+2 ===
Sıkander Singh @RSBSikander 11m
RIP Chavez. A true Bolivarian. A true Revolutionary. A true hero to the people of Venezuela
25. capt. 20140729 02:16 SST=UTC+2 ===
Nalan Al Sarraj @NalanSarraj 29m
Turn off your GBS . Spread the word. Israeli is using it for their targeting . Take care #gaza
24. capt. 20140729 02:34 SST=UTC+2 ===
Amr No 2 CC @Cairo67Unedited 54m
Meanwhile the butcher of Damascus uses the cover of #Gaza to butcher away at syrians rising up against him #Syria
23. capt. 20140729 02:36 SST=UTC+2 ===
sakina @SkSakina 2h
This pic explains everything #FreePalestine #HelpGaza #EndZionism
22. capt. 20140729 02:38 SST=UTC+2 ===
H.A. Hellyer د. إتش @hahellyer 1h
None of these bombardments will bring Israel security. All they do is ensure another generation will make insecurity for Israel their goal.
21. capt. 20140729 02:52 SST=UTC+2 ===
Majed Abusalama @MajedAbusalama 12m
This question in my head: When Israel will bomb my home and kill all my family and 30 others who took it as Shelter in #Gaza. #Pray4Gaza.
20. capt. 20140729 12:29 SST=UTC+2 ===
Haaretz.com @haaretzcom 9m
Bennett: Israel must continue Gaza op not until tunnels destroys, but until Hamas defeated http://htz.li/1o67BFp
19. capt. 20140729 12:30 SST=UTC+2 ===
Sheera Frenkel @sheeraf 12m
Time lapse shows entire neighborhood in Gaza being flattened by air strikes over the course of one hour. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fdoYZ1-9XsM&feature=youtu.be …
18. capt. 20140729 12:31 SST=UTC+2 ===
Ynetnews @ynetnews 24m
Gaza Energy Authority: Gaza power plant disabled for a year as result of IDF attacks - http://ift.tt/1xtpT9q
17. capt. 20140729 12:33 SST=UTC+2 ===
Jack Moore @JFXM 26m
Shelling of #Gaza power plant will leave 1.8m people without electricity, refrigeration, working hospital equipment.
16. capt. 20140729 12:35 SST=UTC+2 ===
Kayan AlSarraj @KayanAlSarraj 45m
The bombing's still going on, the sun light makes it a bit less scary. Some people lack bread to eat & nothing is available #GazaUnderAttack
15. capt. 20140729 12:35 SST=UTC+2 ===
H.A. Hellyer د. إتش @hahellyer 49m
I'm truly astonished by the truly heartless and callous Tweets being sent my way by some in Israel about the devastation & death in #Gaza.
14. capt. 20140729 12:37 SST=UTC+2 ===
Asa Winstanley @AsaWinstanley 1h
Israel is the terror force, Palestinian resistance is proving a moral force for good. A beacon of hope
13. capt. 20140729 12:37 SST=UTC+2 ===
Retweeted by Jamila Hanan
Asa Winstanley @AsaWinstanley 59m
Hamas spokespersons constantly emphasise they choose military targets. Israelis sing happy songs in Tel Aviv about dead Palestinian children
12. capt. 20140729 12:38 SST=UTC+2 ===
Jessy El Murr @JessyTrends 49m
I don't live in #gaza and I now officially abhor #Israeli actions. Can U imagine how #Palestinians feel?
11. capt. 20140729 12:40 SST=UTC+2 ===
@Homametch 1h
One of the worst nights since the start of the war on Gaza
Reply 5 Retweet 2 Favorite
Retweeted by Jamila Hanan
هُمام @Homametch 1h
I still can't believe I am alive!
10. capt. 20140729 12:44 SST=UTC+2 ===
Mohammed Suliman @imPalestine Jul 14
Some Israelis wish me death. I might die. But I wish no death unto you. I want us both to live. Live together as equals in this country.
09. capt. 20140729 12:45 SST=UTC+2 ===
Orla Guerin @OrlaGuerin 3h
Israel's losses overwhelmingly military. The opposite in #Gaza.
Palestinian losses overwhelmingly civilian.
08. capt. 20140729 12:46 SST=UTC+2 ===
Asma NABIL ElBawwab @AsmaNabil4 2h
The world thinks that we Palestinians are weak,not good looking people and poor..Just come here and see us and our courage #GazaUnderAttack
07. capt. 20140729 12:47 SST=UTC+2 ===
Sarah @SarahSalibi 14h
The Israeli army called us today and said "you still alive? We will exterminate all of you"
06. capt. 20140729 12:52 SST=UTC+2 ===
Dr.Bassel Abuwarda @DrBasselAbuward 5h
I've never seen such heavy bombardments before.
100% i am going to DIE ,
said GOODBYE to everyone
#GazaUnderAttack pic.twitter.com/wYdTzinJwW
05. capt. 20140729 12:53 SST=UTC+2 ===
Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah 4h
"Gaza's civilian population has been victimized in the name of a falsely construed right to self-defence" bit.ly/1tUp2yh @intifada
04. capt. 20140729 12:56 SST=UTC+2 ===
Dara de Brūn @DaraDeBrun · 11h
Israel shows it's true intentions tonight in Gaza, proving it's not about "silencing Hamas". This is just outright murder. #GazaUnderAttack
03. capt. 20140729 12:58 SST=UTC+2 ===
Abby Martin @AbbyMartin · 5h
US gov guide reveals extremely broad & prejudiced criteria it uses to justify putting millions on #terror watch list: bit.ly/1tVb0wf
02. capt. 20140729 12:59 SST=UTC+2 ===
#WakeUp! @Hariri_1987 · 17h
Stop funding #Israel, bring your clueless troops home & put those dual-citizen #zionist politicians in jail! #SaveAmerica #ImpeachAIPAC #OWS
01. capt. 20140729 12:59 SST=UTC+2 ===
Omar K N @OmarKN · 10h
Europe: Do the boycott of Israeli academic institutions, they r complicit in t #Gaza slaughter: http://electronicintifada.net/ Israeli univ support
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- Zionism, Israel And Its Breaches oF International Law
- Zionism, Gaza & Mediadistortions 2014
- Palestine Resistance 2017 - photos
- Zionism, Palestine & Israel FAQ
- Zionism tweets01 2014
- Zionism tweets02 2014
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- Record01 Of Some Original Tweets - On The Assault On Gaza 2014_01
- Record02 Of Some Original Tweets - On The Assault On Gaza 2014_02
- 9/11urls: look for evidence of Zionist involvement in 9/11!
- Bryt belägringen av Gaza!