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by Sh. G. F. Haddad

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Al-Salamu ʿalayka ya Rasul Allah!

Bismillah al-Rahman al-Raheem
was-salaat was-salaam ʿalaa Rasul-illah wa 'alaa alihi wa sahbihi wa sallam

Imam Nawawi writes in his al-Idah fi Manasik al-Hajj
(The Clarification concerning the rituals of the Pilgrimage):(1)

Chapter 6: On Visiting the Grave of our Master, the Messenger of
Allah, Peace be upon him.
(After entering Madina) the pilgrim should attune himself to the feeling of the greatness of Allah's Messenger; his heart should be full of his presence, as if he is seeing him. When he arrives at the door of his mosque, let him say the things (i.e. invocations) he says when entering Mecca; he should enter with his right foot and leave with his left, as he should when entering and leaving any Masjid. As he approaches the holy Rawda, which is the place between the Prophet's grave and his pulpit, he prays tahiyyat al-Masjid (the prayer of greeting the Masjid) near the Minbar, in the standing place of Allah's Messenger. In the book of Madina the distance between the Minbar and the Maqam or standing place, where he used to pray until his death, is fourteen arm- lengths and one hand span, and the distance between the Minbar and the grave is fifty-three arm lengths and a span, and Allah knows best.

After he prays the Tahiyya in the Rawda (or anywhere else in the Masjid), in thankfulness to Allah for this bounty, and asking Him for the completion of his mission and for the acceptance of his visit, he should face the wall of the holy grave, with the Qibla behind him, looking to the lower part of the grave's wall, lowering his gaze in a state of awe and reverence, emptying his heart of worldly concerns and focusing on the reverent nature of his situation and the status of the one in whose presence he is. Then he gives greetings in a voice neither too loud nor too soft, but with moderation; he says:

1. Al-Salamu ʿalayka ya Rasul Allah
2. Al-Salamu ʿalayka ya Nabi Allah
3. Al-Salamu ʿalayka ya Khiyarat Allah
4. Al-Salamu ʿalayka ya Khayr Allah
5. Al-Salamu ʿalayka ya Habib Allah
6. Al-Salamu ʿalayka ya Nadhir
7. Al-Salamu ʿalayka ya Bashir
8. Al-Salamu ʿalayka ya Tuhr
9. Al-Salamu ʿalayka ya Tahir
10. Al-Salamu ʿalayka ya Nabi al-Rahma
11. Al-Salamu ʿalayka ya Nabi al-Umma
12. Al-Salamu ʿalayka ya Aba Qasim
13. Al-Salamu ʿalayka ya Rasul Rabb al-ʿAlamin
14. Al-Salamu ʿalayka ya sayyid al-mursalin wa ya khatam al-
15. Al-Salamu ʿalayka ya Khayr al-Khala'iqi ajmaʿin
16. Al-Salamu ʿalayka ya Qa'id al-Ghurri al-Muhajjalin
17. Al-Salamu ʿalayka wa ʿala Alika wa Ahli baytika wa Azwajika wa
Dhurriyyatika wa Ashabika ajmaʿin
18. Al-Salamu ʿalayka wa ʿala Sa'ir al-Anbiya'i wa Jamiʿi ʿIbad
Allah al-Salihin
19. Jazak Allahu Ya Rasulallahi ʿanna Afdala ma jaza Nabiyyan wa
Rasulan ʿan Ummatihi
20. Wa Sallallahu ʿalayka wa Sallama kulla ma dhakaraka dhakirun
wa ghafala ʿan dhikrika ghafilun
21. Afdala wa Akmala wa Atyaba ma Salla wa Sallama ʿala Ahadin
min al-Khalqi ajmaʿin
22. Ashhadu an La Ilaha Illallahu wahdahu la sharika lah
23. Wa ashhadu annaka ʿAbduhu wa Rasuluhu wa Khiyaratuhu min
24. Wa ashhadu annaka qad ballaghta al-Risala wa addayta al-Amana
wa nasahta al-Umma wa jahadta fillahi haqqa jihadih
25. Allahumma atihi al-wasilata wa al-fadilata wa ibʿathhu maqaman
mahmudan al-ladhi waʿadtah
26. Wa atihi nihayata ma yanbaghi an yas'aluhu al-sa'ilun
27. Allahumma salli ʿala Sayyidina Muhammadin ʿabdika wa rasulika
al-Nabiyyi al-Ummi wa ʿala Ali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa
Azwajihi wa dhurriyyatih
28. Kama sallayta ʿala Sayyidina Ibrahima wa ʿala Ali Sayyidina
29. Wa barik ʿala Sayyidina Muhammadin al-nabiyyi al-ummi wa ʿala
Ali Sayyidina Muhammadin wa Azwajihi wa dhurriyyatih
30. Kama barakta ʿala Sayyidina Ibrahima wa ʿala Ali Sayyidina
Ibrahima fi al-ʿalamina innaka Hamidun Majid.


1. Peace be upon you O Messenger of Allah
2. Peace be upon you O Prophet of Allah
3. Peace be upon you O Elect of Allah
4. Peace be upon you O Goodness of Allah
5. Peace be upon you O Beloved of Allah
6. Peace be upon you O Warner
7. Peace be upon you O Bearer of Glad Tidings
8. Peace be upon you O Purity
9. Peace be upon you O Pure One
10. Peace be upon you O Prophet of Mercy
11. Peace be upon you O Prophet of the Community
12. Peace be upon you O Father of Qasim
13. Peace be upon you O Messenger of the Lord of the Worlds
14. Peace be upon you O Master of Messengers and Seal of Prophets
15. Peace be upon you O Best of All Creatures
16. Peace be upon you O Leader of the Bright-faced ones
17. Peace be upon you and upon your Family, the People of your
House, your Wives, your Children, and all your Companions
18. Peace be upon you and upon all the Prophets and Allah's
righteous Servants
19. May Allah reward you, O Messenger of Allah, with the best
reward a Prophet or a Messenger ever received on behalf of his
20. Blessings and Peace of Allah upon you every time one remembers
you and every time one fails to remember you
21. With the best, most perfect, and choicest of blessings and
peace ever bestowed upon anyone in creation
22. I bear witness that there is no deity but Allah alone, without
23. And I bear witness that you are His servant, His Messenger,
His Elect among all creatures
24. And I bear witness that you have conveyed the Message and
fulfilled the trust and counseled the Community and striven for Allah with the most truthful striving
25. O Allah! Grant him the Means (to you) and the Excellent Gift
and Raise him to the Exalted Station You have promised him
26. And grant him the goal of what those who beseech You must
beseech for him
27. O Allah! Send blessings on our Master Muhammad Your servant
and Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, and upon the
Family of our Master Muhammad, his Wives and his Children
28. As you have sent blessings on our Master Ibrahim and on the
Family of our Master Ibrahim
29. And send benedictions on our Master Muhammad Your servant
and Messenger, the Unlettered Prophet, and upon the
Family of our Master Muhammad, his Wives and his Children
30. As you have sent benedictions on our Master Ibrahim and on the
Family of our Master Ibrahim in the worlds, for You are
truly the most praiseworthy and noble.

As for him who cannot memorize all of this or who does not
have the time to recite it, it is enough to recite a part of it,
as a minimum the words: Al-Salamu ʿalayka ya Rasul Allah.

(1) Imam Nawawi, al-Idah fi manasik al-hajj (Damascus: dar
ibn Khaldun, n.d.) p. 486-498. See also identical passages in
Nawawi's Adhkar (many editions) and his Majmuʿ (8:212f.).

Blessings and Peace on the Prophet, his Family, and his Companions

Abu Hammad
[2 Oct 1996]



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