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Afghanistan: Killing For The Industrial Military Complex!
[176]Bones: The Forensic Evidence of Explosives
Cold Case – Deutsche Bank 9-11; Sept 8, 2014 by Dalia Mae
The absence of office furniture and equipment, and much of the Towers' mass suggests that the Twin Towers did not collapse – they EXPLODED – and were demolished (WTC7). This is THE ONLY LOGICAL EXPLANATION to explain the thousands of tiny human bone fragments scattered about. No simple gravitational collapse, like the one on the official NIST Report, could possibly blast human skeletons to smithereens and deposit those smithereens all over the roof of a neighboring building.
[175] September 11, 2001: Zionist shock therapy and the birth of the lie
”Not only did Israel benefit economically, politically, and militarily from 9/11 more so than any other nation on the planet, but ardent Zionists with close links to Israel, US-Israeli dual nationals, and even Israelis, are found at every pivotal nook and cranny of the plot.
”The clues are abundant, and lay at the very core of the 9/11 conspiracy.
”From the unprecedented privatisation of the WTC six weeks prior to the events, to the sophisticated hardware used to fly the remotely-controlled jets; from the missing trillions at the Pentagon, to the Israeli spies caught with explosives and subsequently released in New York, to the man who let them go …
[174] The Deception That Changed the World
Bookreview: Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed the World; Christopher Bollyn; reviewed by James G. Smart
”The author makes a very strong case in identifying numerous private companies in America dealing in information and technology with roots either directly to Mossad-founded companies or companies officered by committed partisans of Israel. These companies proved to be the "Achilles' heel" of U.S. defense.
Companies, often small, such as Ptech, Mitre, and U.S. Aviation, provided or had access to highly important defense information. Such companies helped develop the software to control hijacking—and well before 9/11. Passenger planes, like drones, could, and can, be controlled by "ground pilots." Obviously this software alone could have stopped the airplanes of 9/11.” …
[173] Strange Video of Ziad Jarrah (from ~ 2002)
Some comments:
- So he was raised as a Christian not a Muslim, he was educated, he had a German girlfriend, he is obviously being coached to say lines that he thinks are so ridiculous he can't keep a straight face and there are still idiots that think he willingly killed himself for 72 virgins? Isn't it obvious that someone set him up? I can't believe that some people still buy into the mainstream conspiracy theory.
- Al-Qaeda handlers? More like CIA handlers. 20130305
[172] 9/11 After A Decade: Have We Learned Anything? Paul C Roberts
Neither Congress nor the media wondered … why President Bush was unwilling to appear before the commission under oath or without Cheney, why Pentagon and FAA officials lied to the commission or, if the officials did not lie, why the commission believed they lied, or why the White House resisted for so long any kind of commission being formed, even one under its control.
One would think that if a handful of Arabs managed to outwit not merely the CIA and FBI but all 16 US intelligence agencies, all intelligence agencies of our allies including Mossad, the National Security Council, the State Department, NORAD, airport security four times on one morning, air traffic control, etc., the President, Congress, and the media would be demanding to know how such an improbable event could occur. Instead, the White House put up a wall of resistance to finding out, and Congress and the media showed little interest. 20170604
[171] CIA, Mossad Staged 9/11 To Further The Zionist Agenda
Thus the world (and Americans in particular) is having to come to terms with the nasty evidence that, in order to further Zionist interests by initiating a general war against Islam, the CIA and Mossad were heavily involved in the murder of three thousand Americans. “Israel has reached the end of its shelf-life.” … “The US is going broke and sacrificing thousands of lives in wars for Israel - wars that damage, rather than aid, US strategic interests.” 20130301
170 [170] The 9/11 Plan: Cheney, Rumsfeld and the “Continuity of Government”
”At this time the White House also developed a secret emergency plan, put in action however only at September 11th, 2001 for the first time. Initially it should guarantee that the government could continue its operations even after a Soviet nuclear strike. The plan was called COG (Continuity of Government)…”
”Rumsfeld and Cheney were regular participants of the secret annual COG exercises (and) being involved in shaping the program. (So) both of them disappeared every year for a few days to practice the take-over of the government after a disaster.”
[169] 9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out
PBS (1h31), It is the 5th most watched on the NATIONAL PBS site. (09/07/2012)
Video prepared by AE911Truth.org
[168] Israel Lobbyist Advocates 'False Flag' Terrorism to Trigger War With Iran
(had been taken off YT, checked 20130219)
Comment by someone: ”Here it is America. How much more proof do you need that these murderers engage in false flag attacks? Every sleeping American needs to see this video… Wake up Americans!”
[167] Why The Military Knows Israel Did 9/11
Dr. Alan Sabrosky, former Director of Studies at the U.S. Army War College, on audio. Also pictures from the WTC towers, evidence of molten steel.
[166] On Some US-Zionists
Something on Jerome Hauer (among other Zionists in the US), who already on the morning of 9/11 knew the exact reason for the WTCs’ collapse!
Hauer ”placed the Office of Emergency Management inside Building 7, much to the dismay of the NYPD. When Larry Silverstein issued the infamous order to ‘pull it,’ and demolish the structure, classified information in that office, information linking the CIA and several Zionist companies involved with insider trading prior to 9/11, was destroyed with it. Hauer also neutralized a true American patriot, former FBI counter-terrorism chief, John O’Neil, giving him a job in the World Trade Center [on that day].” see quote↵
[165] Explosions Racing Down The The Building
Note the explosions racing down the facade of the building emitting squibs below,
@ 3:30, also with half speed it get's painfully obvious that there were explosions all the way down!
9/11: Blueprint For Truth (part 9 of 13) - AE911Truth.org & (part 10 of 13)
[164] 9/11 The Myth and The Reality - David Ray Griffin
A Devastating Expose Of The Myths And Lies In The Official Conspiracy Theory About 9/11.
Griffin scrutinizes the timeline and physical evidence of September 11 for unresolved inconsistencies. (Also ON DVD)
This … film brings together an account of the 9/11 tragedy that is far more logical than the one we've been asked to believe. Gathering stories from the mainstream press, reports from other countries, the work of other researchers, and the contradictory words of US government officials, David Ray Griffin presents a case that leaves very little doubt that the attacks of 9/11 need to be further investigated. Disturbing facts emerge …
[163] Interview with Osama bin Laden. Denies his Involvement in 9/11
Full text of Pakistani paper's Sept 01 "exclusive" interview, quote:
”I have already said that I am not involved in the 11 September attacks in the United States. As a Muslim, I try my best to avoid telling a lie. I had no knowledge of these attacks, nor do I consider the killing of innocent women, children, and other humans as an appreciable act. Islam strictly forbids causing harm to innocent women, children, and other people.
Such a practice is forbidden ever in the course of a battle. It is the United States, which is perpetrating every maltreatment on women, children, and common people of other faiths, particularly the followers of Islam. All that is going on in Palestine for the last 11 months is sufficient to call the wrath of God upon the United States and Israel.”
[162] Dick Cheney Gave Stand Down Orders on 9/11
With Witness Norman Minneta
[161] Peter Dale Scott: Cheney on 9/11
Researcher Peter Dale Scott questions the role of Dick Cheney on the morning of 9/11. Did his secretive actions have anything to do with "Continuity of Government" [COG]?
160 [160] JFK & 9/11 - Insights Gained From Studying Both
Peter Dale Scott draws comparisons between the assassination of JFK and the events of 9/11, and has expanded on this concept steadily since 2006. An excellent introduction to Scott's ideas and research on this topic is this recent essay, "Deep Events and the CIA's Global Drug Connection."
New link and YT interview instead of video (unavailable 2020):
- expired link (before 2023-02-25) (organicconsumers.org) Peter Dale Scott: 9/11, JFK, and War: Recurring Patterns in America's Deep Events
[159] Old BBC page
Atta is alleged to have been the ringleader of the hijackers... Investigators say they have established a direct link between Atta and Osama Bin Laden... Investigators have pieced together what happened in the last hours of the flights using information gleaned from calls that passengers made from their mobile phones. They have also found incriminating documents and letters in the suspects' cars and houses.
The use of false identities has made it difficult to track the suspects. But investigators say they have evidence showing money transfers ...
[158] Webster Tarpley,9/11 Was An Inside Job
The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks [http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:www.9-11commission.gov/report/index.htm] states that on September 11, 2001, passengers called relatives on Airphones and cell-phones. [911Report.pdf p. 12/13]
But on July 19, 2004, USAToday announced that cell phone service for airline passengers is still being developed and may be may be available for the first time within two years. That is, on 9-11, cell phone service for airline passengers did not exist, despite what the Commission reported and despite the many media reports.
(see also above: 9/11 - What Happened to the Passengers? )
[157] Muslims Suspend Laws of Physics!
Using jet fuel to melt steel is an amazing discovery, really. It is also amazing that until now, no one had been able to get it to work, and that proves the terrorists were not stupid people.
[156] The Taliban Home Video
Comparison of what Osama bin Laden said in 1997 with what Osama bin Fake-it says in 2001. … refer to the transcript of bin Fake-it's remarks as shown on US TV on October 7.
[155] Conversations With History - Peter Dale Scott
Also about his book: ”The Road to 9/11: Wealth, Empire, and the Future of America”
[154] Invisible Empire: Peter Dale Scott On The Shadow Government
Shadow Government = Deep State
[153] Ferdinando Imposimato’s letter
Ferdinando Imposimato is the Honorary President of the Supreme Court of Italy and a former Senator who served on the Anti-Mafia Commission in three administrations. He is
the author or co-author of seven books on international terrorism, state corruption, and
related matters, and a Grand Officer of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Italy.
”The 9/11 attacks were a global state terror operation permitted by the administration of the USA, which had foreknowledge of the operation yet remained intentionally
unresponsive in order to make war against Afghanistan and Iraq.”
[152] Ex-MI5 Annie Machon on 9-11 Truth
[151] 1 DAY BEFORE 911 WTC Attacks, An Amazing Thing Happened
Trillions missing in Pentagon bureaucracy
150 [150] Undeniable Proof a Plane did NOT Hit the Pentagon on 9/11 (1 of 8)
Citizen Investigation Team offers this compilation of independent verifiable evidence exposing the 9/11 attack on the Pentagon as a psychological black operation of deception. Consider this a non-violent call to action as everyone is encouraged to copy and distribute this conclusive evidence to media, political, and authority figures while first requesting, and then demanding a response.
[149] ZERO An Investigation Into 9/11 (Trailer)
Featuring presentations from intellectual heavy weights; Gore Vidal, and Nobel Prize winner Dario Fo, the film challenges assumptions surrounding the attacks. In the words of the Italian daily newspaper, Il Corriere de da Sera, ”What results is a sequence of contradictions, gaps, and omissions of stunning gravity.”
The importance of this film can not be overstated. If its thesis is correct, the justification for going to war in Iraq is built on a series of outrageous lies.
...No less than 450 people worked on this documentary on a voluntary basis. They never received any kind of payment.
[146] 9/11 Experiments: The Great Thermate Debate, John Cole
There is very much evidence for molten steel pouring down from the WTC below impact. Even NASA photos show temperatures which are high enough to melt steel.
Question: Can thermitic material melt steel?
(NIST itself acknowledges white flames.) Several experiments conducted, it cuts!
[145] Kevin Ryan Exposes Access for Demolition Crews to WTC Buildings
9 years after the attacks we are finally zeroing in on the people responsible. Kevin Ryan has been kicking ass and taking names.
Many connections of personalities and companies which rented offices at the WTC, at 10:30 first interview with Rudy Giuliani if there were explosions. Connection of NIST -- SAIC (CIA) and a lot of other valuable information.
[144] WTC Steel Artifacts on History Channel
”The authorities quite properly destroyed most of the crime scene evidence so people would not be tempted to draw unauthorized conclusions. Now, with just a single beam, there is evidence available to the whole world. This beam was saved for experts to study but not for the public to ask questions about.”
A comment by Sceptic121
[143] The Third Tower - Barry Jennings' WTC Building 7 Testimony Will Not Be In Vain
Raw Footage of Barry Jennings Interview, Barry Jennings reported several explosions below the 6th or 8th floor of WTC 7
Barry Jennings died mysteriously in 2008, had expressed concerns over losing his job.
[142] 9/11 EyeWitnesses To WTC Lobby Explosion
WTC Lobby Explosion
[141] Interview with Dr. Niels Harrit on Discovery of Nano-Thermite in WTC Dust
Dr. Harrit notes that World Trade Center building 7 (WTC 7), a 47-story steel-framed skyscraper that was not hit by one of the planes on 9/11, collapsed symmetrically into its own footprint, and that the official explanation for this is that it was due to fire.
140 [140] 9/11 Truth Versus The BBC
Debunking the BBC’s Conspiracy Files and Conspiracy Road Trip hitpieces.
This video is a response to May 2011 BBC Interview with Dr. Niels Harrit. (next below)
[139] May 2011 BBC Interview with Dr. Niels Harrit (private recording)
”Nano-Thermite is just one in a whole series of observations & findings, each of them is in contradiction with the official version of events,” (such as the free fall or the stand-down of the Air Force.)
Although ”the interviewer is nauseatingly arrogantly ignorant,” it is still a good summary of 9/11 truth. (2:12)
At 1:07:40 Harrit explains his research of the samples (red-grey chips or flicks) of thermitic material which should not be there.
At 2:06:40 Our very civilization is at stake.
[138] US / Israel preparing to war against Iran! 20120108
Recently, the US imposed new sanctions on Iran, causing a sudden major devaluation of Iran's currency. The Iranians correctly understand that they are under attack, and have threatened to respond by closing the strait of Hormuz. If the crisis deepens and Iran makes good on its threat to close Hormuz, there is little doubt that the US will intervene to reopen the strait. This will lead to a shooting war for which Iran will be blamed, even though the recent US sanctions were tantamount to overt aggression.
[137] US blaming Iran for 9/11, unbelievable! 20111226
A New York judge has signed a judgment that finds Iran, along with the Taliban and al-Qaida, liable in the Sept. 11 2001 terrorist attacks.
Press TV has interviewed James Fetzer, Foad Izadi and Joshua Blakeney of the Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Veterans Today from Calgary, Alberta to discuss the situation.
If you cannot access the Press TV link, here is the audio file:
[136] One Lie After Another - And Now 911, Stewart Ogilby; 2011
...Who would have launched such propaganda? For an answer, begin by reading real history gleaned from original source material. ...For the sake of all that's valuable in this country, for this generation's children and grandchildren, 911 criminals must be detained, prosecuted, and removed from positions of financial, media, and political power in America.
The most effective and immediate way to reconstruct our beseiged society is by supporting 911 Truth and demanding accountability. Real traitors, those masters of official lies, will thereby be exposed and eliminated. Can you think of a more effective way to remedy today's disasters in America than by demanding justice for those responsible for 911's mass murder and its increasingly pathetic cover-up?
[135] The 14 Israeli 'Art Students' Were Inside The WTC Towers ...
The 14 Israeli 'Art Students' Were Inside The WTC Towers Camping With Construction Passes
Collection of several texts (from 2009) with important observations or police reports never touched upon by the 9/11 Commission concerning those strange art students in the US prior to 9/11 with sources to US news outlets. (much from http://whatreallyhappened.com)
[134] New 9/11 photos 'prove WTC exploded from inside' RT with Manny Badillo
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[Feb 11, 2010] New picture releases are shedding light on September 11th, some say they prove that the assault on America proves a homegrown attack. The new photos are provided by US national institute of standards and technology. There are over 2,000 new photos that have been made public. Manny Badillo (We Are Change) says that you see an explosion from the inside, not what it has seemed to be, he says there has never been a building taken down by a plane. |
[133] Cognitive Infiltration: An Obama Appointee's Plan to Undermine the 9/11
Conspiracy Theory
Former ... law professor Cass Sunstein, who in 2009 was
appointed by President Barack Obama..., had in 2008 co-authored an article containing a plan for
the government to prevent the spread of anti-government "conspiracy
theories... He advocated the use of
anonymous government agents to engage in "cognitive infiltration" of
these groups in order to introduce "cognitive diversity," with the aim
of breaking them up. -for the book: Cognitive Infiltration: An Obama Appointee's Plan to Undermine the 9/11 Conspiracy Theory (Olive Branch Press, September 2010), by David Ray Griffin
[132] New 9/11 Investigation May Be In The Offing; Sherwood Ross; 2011-10-10
Ten years have gone by since the terrible attacks on New York City and the Pentagon yet there is no closure on what happened on "9/11" and who was behind it. An initiative led by former Alaska Sen. Mike Gravel, a Democrat, will be on the Massachusetts ballot next year if he gets 70,000 signatures by December.
With a list of 12 unusual or odd happenings of 9/11
131 [131] Inside the 9/11 Hearings: Uncovering Deception, Demanding the Truth, 2011
The fact that the alleged "terrorists" were not devout Muslims but partook of strip shows, hookers, alcohol and pork, is not among the few reports we learn about their activities, not to mention that none of them was qualified to fly Boeing 757s and 767s, which is not a trivial task. We even know (from Elias Davidsson) that the government has never proven that any of them were actually aboard any of those planes and learn (from David Ray Griffin) that all of the phone calls from those four aircraft were faked...
Eyewitness Report
via Cal Amyotte 2015-02-18 ·
I have looked down the rabbit hole, I have stood at the edge of insanity, but I know I am not crazy. My government tried to kill me. I worked for the Port Authority of NY & NJ for 14 years, 8 of them at One World Trade Center. On September 11, 2001 I went to work early (8:00AM) and was at my desk on the 72nd Floor. At about 8:46 I stood up to go to the printer near the window. I am now piecing together what actually happened. The building shook so violently I thought it would topple. I thought we were experiencing an earthquake. I have heard people say that an explosion went off in the basement, and the way the building rumbled, that is quite possible. Then the building swayed over to one side, and snapped back into position. We saw paper drifting down from above, and my supervisor yelled for everyone to get out. She had been there in ’93 when the first attack happened. I listened and ran for the stairwell. We went down very orderly, as we had been trained to do. Several people were being passed down on stretchers, their burnt skin draping from their bodies. I got down to the 44th floor sky lobby and exited the stairs. Things didn’t seem that bad at that point. I went to the window, and at that moment the second plane hit Tower 2. I saw flames shoot past the window. Our building again rocked violently, as if an explosion had gone off. I quickly returned to the stairs and made my way down. I remember the young faces of all those fire fighters; they haunt me, as I know now they all died. As we were fleeing down, they were marching up, loaded down with heavy gear. After reaching the 11th floor, things seemed worse than above. The sprinklers had been activated and water was running down the stairs like a waterfall. I exited in the lobby facing the plaza. What I saw looked like a war zone. That beautiful plaza where I spent so many lunch breaks was in ruins. There were bodies and debris everywhere, I saw one man who had jumped, his chest was broke open and it looked like seeing ribs in a butcher shop window. Steam was coming up from his body. The lobby looked ravaged. Why was the lobby a mess when the plane hit the upper floors? We were ushered down stairs and through the mall underneath the towers, water and broken glass was everywhere. I came up on Church Street by Border Books, across from St. Paul’s Chapel. As I looked up I could see the flames licking the buildings, and I started to walk away. The thought in my head was “how could they let this happen?” After about 10 minutes outside I finally saw two fighter planes in the sky, saying to myself; “a little late, assholes”. Then a loud rumble, Tower 2 was falling. I threw myself against a wall in Theater Alley, a little downtown street. When I got up a cloud of smoke and debris was snaking through lower Manhattan. I started running, along with everyone else, that cloud chasing me through the streets. It was like being on the set of a Godzilla Movie, only this was real life. I saw many people crossing the Brooklyn Bridge, but I wasn’t sure it was over. What if they hit the bridge next? Where should I go, uptown? What if they hit the Empire State Building or the U.N. Thinking back, if I was so afraid of more attacks to come, why wasn’t President Bush whisked away after news of the second plane strike? There were still many flights in the air, and his location had been published earlier that week. How could he have known that a plane wasn’t heading for him? Also, thinking back, I remember several floors had been closed off and locked down for weeks prior to the attack, supposedly for “Asbestos Abatement”. That would have been the perfect cover for rigging the steel of the interior core beams. The buildings strength was in the core, they were of a “tube” like construction. Also, I worked in the Engineering Contracts Department, and I do not recall us putting out a contract for Asbestos Abatement for the Trade Center. So many people said they heard secondary explosions, especially as the building was collapsing. I’m sorry, this is draining for me. All I know is it does not add up. Two planes, three buildings. Total and complete destruction, nothing left but dust. Yet they find a passport of one of the terrorists? I feel there is so much that we are not being told, yet if we question the official story we are labeled “conspiracy nuts”. Well I was there, I know what I saw, and I’m not nuts.
127 The 9/11 Commission Rejects own Report as Based on Government Lies
In John Farmer's book: "The Ground Truth: The Story Behind America's Defense on 9/11", the author builds the inescapably convincing case that the official version ... is almost entirely untrue ... The details of this massive cover-up are carefully outlined in the book.
John Farmer is the Dean of Rutger Universities' School of Law and former Attorney General of New Jersey, he was the Senior Counsel for the 9/11 Commission.
Phone Calls from the 9/11 Airliners; Prof David Ray Griffin
The main evidence provided to the general public has consisted of the hijack-describing phone calls reportedly received from passengers and flight attendants aboard the airliners. But when subjected to a detailed analysis, these alleged phone calls, far from supporting the war-justifying story, lead to a very different conclusion: that these alleged calls were faked. This analysis thereby suggests that the entire 9/11 story used to justify the US-led wars is a lie.
Verifiable Media Reports on 9/11
America's top military leaders drafted plans to kill innocent people and commit acts of terrorism in US cities to trick the public into supporting a war against Cuba in the early 1960s. Approved in writing by the Pentagon Joint Chiefs, Operation Northwoods even proposed blowing up a US ship and hijacking planes as a false pretext for war. May 2001: For the third time, US ...
Different Government Agencies With Mutually Incompatible Theories
It has to be stressed “that there is ◊ not a single ◊ official theory of the attack,” but that different government agencies came up with “several mutually incompatible theories regarding each of several aspects of the attack,” especially regarding explaining “the failure of the air defense system to protect the World Trade Center and the Pentagon; and ... the collapses of the WTC skyscrapers proposed by FEMA and NIST.”
9/11 Whistleblower - Susan Lindauer - "CIA knew about 9/11"
As a U.S. Intelligence Asset, Susan Lindauer covered anti-terrorism at the Iraqi Embassy in New York from 1996 up to the invasion. Shortly after requesting to testify before Congress about successful elements of Pre-War Intelligence, Lindauer became one of the first non-Arab Americans arrested on the Patriot Act as an "Iraqi Agent."
9/11: A Conspiracy Theory; [Ironic Summing-Up]
Everything you ever wanted to know about the 9/11 conspiracy theory in under 5 minutes.
Former FBI Chief Says 9/11 Was An Inside Job
The FBI know about it.
The CIA know about it.
The commander-in-chief would have to know it.
Richard Clarke Accuses Tenet and CIA of 9/11 Cover-Up; Jason Leopold (2011-08-11)
Recently Truthout published an exclusive report based on documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act and an interview with a former high-ranking counterterrorism official that showed how a little-known military intelligence unit ... was ordered by senior government officials to stop tracking Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda's movements prior to 9/11.
And now ... former counterterrorism czar Richard Clarke ... levels explosive allegations against three former top CIA officials - George Tenet ... - accusing them of knowingly withholding intelligence from the Bush and Clinton White House, the FBI, Immigration and the State and Defense Departments about two of the 9/11 hijackers who had entered the United States more than a year before the attacks. Moreover, Clarke says the former CIA officials likely engaged in a cover-up by withholding key details about two of the hijackers from the 9/11 Commission ...
FRONTLINE "The Man Who Knew" - And what did the US-government know?
As the bureau's top counterterrorism agent, O'Neill - who investigated the bombings of the U.S. embassies in Africa and the attack on the USS Cole - joined then national security counterterrorism co-coordinator Richard Clarke in believing that the United States should kill Osama bin Laden before Al Qaeda launched a devastating attack on America. Richard Clarke, then speaking in his first major interview, talks about O'Neill's battles with the FBI top brass ... Forced out of the job he loved, O'Neill took a new position in the private sector - as head of security at the World Trade Center, where he was killed on September 11. The story of O'Neill's life and death provides a rare glimpse inside the FBI and helps answer the question: what did the government know?
120 The Frustrating Fraud Namebase
[Useful list, although wrong to call everyone a "fraudster"]
119f Let Me Know When You See Fire
Listen to the final moments of the daring rescue efforts of the New York City Fire Department operating in the South Tower of the World Trade Center moments before it suddenly exploded into oblivion. This is the biggest conflict of evidence of all: Either there were emergency teams operating in the building or there was a tremendous raging inferno. The two are mutually exclusive possibilities.
119e Exclusive Interview with FBI Whistleblower Sibel Edmonds (2009-08-21 )
I am a U.S. citizen and I am a mother. I have the obligation, the responsibility, to defend the Constitution when it's my part, my role, to make a difference. And for that, I will never give up. In the U.S., we are witnessing many elements of what we consider a police state. I expect that in countries like Iran, Turkey, Egypt, or Saudi Arabia. But we're looking at these elements in the U.S., a nation that prides itself at being at the forefront of freedom, democracy, and civil liberties. What happened to that nation?
Here is another interview with:
CIA Whistleblower Susan Lindauer**
119c [Bojinka] Plot Echoes One Planned by 9/11 Mastermind in '94
Mr. Mohammed has told interrogators that after the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, which involved explosives in a truck and which failed to bring down the building, he "needed to graduate to a more novel form of attack,” according to the 9/11 report. That led to Bojinka, and the first thoughts about using planes to bomb the World Trade Center.
119b AIPAC 101 - What Every American Should Know - video; Anthony Lawson (2011-05-22)
It has a bearing on 9/11 too.
The AIPAC Policy Conference is the pro-Israel community's preeminent annual gathering. The event attracts more than 6000 community and student activists from all 50 states, and more than half of the Senate, a third of the House of Representatives and countless Israeli and American policymakers and thought leaders. Over three jam-packed days, Policy Conference participants choose from hundreds of informative sessions and participate in the pro-Israel community's largest and most important advocacy day.
119 9/11 Opinion Poll - Majority Doubt Official 9/11 Story
A new opinion poll ... released just before the 10th anniversary, shows surprisingly high levels of doubt in the UK over the official story of the 9/11 attacks.
118 Pulitzer Prize Winner Seymour Hersh And
The Men Who Want Him Committed (2011-02-23)
The Knights of Malta ... (a Catholic order) its ties to intelligence organizations in the U.S. and Western Europe are well-documented.
117 The Miracle Passports (2007-01-14)
Three attack scenes. Four crashes. Four passports. Four times a miraculous find even one or two of which is beyond the realm of easy believability. But the again acceptance of the official myth has never relied on facts but rather of a deep fear of the alternative, so the evidence has been taken.
116 Why the Planes Were Not Intercepted on 9/11:
The Wall Street Lawyer and the Special Ops Hijack Coordinator (2011-04-26)
Despite being given plenty of notice about the four planes hijacked on 9/11, FAA management did not request military assistance to ensure the planes were intercepted before they crashed. The 9/11 Commission attributes this to a string of gross failures in communication between the FAA and the military on 9/11. However, the report places no blame on any of the people who were involved and doesn't even mention the one person who was most important to this chain of communications...
[Sliney's well-timed placement then serves as another redundant screw-up that helps cancel out the culpability of the others.
115 When a new, honest investigation is finally convened, it should look into why a lawyer, who knew how to handle evidence and get financiers off the hook, was experiencing his first day on the job as national operation manager at the FAA. And If 9/11 was a “special operation” as many people now suspect, that investigation might consider that a number of special operations specialists were in place to ensure that the operation went off without a hitch and was not discovered. Long-time special operations leaders like Michael Canavan, Hugh Shelton, Brian Michael Jenkins, and Richard Armitage played critical parts with respect to the facilities, events, and official story of 9/11. These facts seem worth investigating.
114 Who is Philip Zelikow & what does he have to do with 911? (pt1)
Zelikow had a unique role in predicting then explicating the consequences of "the transformative event" as head of the commission charged with investigating the catastrophic terrorism of 9/11.
113 Zelikow's Key Role in 9/11 Cover-Up (2010-10-18 )
In an interview on the Fox Business Network, a retired U.S. intelligence officer accused the official in charge of the 9/11 Commission of a cover-up of intelligence failures leading up to the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001.
112 Unanswered Questions, Wayne Madsen 2011-09-10
10 years after the September 11 attacks, the United States government has made it clear that it had something to hide. From the White House counter-terrorism advisor to the co-chairs of the National Commission of investigation, one after the other key political figures have stepped forward to disassociate themselves from an official version that simply does not add up.
111 Conspiracy Theory with Gov. Jesse Ventura- 911 Pentagon Attack 43min, (Aired 12-17-2010)
Jesse V. blows the "official story" of the Pentagon attacks on 911 wide open. 500 kn is 120 kn over the aircraft's max operation speed: impossible; the official version = BS.
110 Pentagon Transcripts, Official Records Belie 'The 9/11 Commission Report'
The government's own records -- Pentagon transcripts, official reports, flight data recorder, and the laws of science belie "The 9/11 Commission Report".
Face Of The Monstrous Lie Of 9/11 Is Dick Cheney
Here is a synopsis of what the best and brightest researchers around the world have gleaned over the past five-plus years from the best evidence available:
yes, 9-11 was a "terrorist" attack, but it was not perpetrated by "angry Arabs", it was a State-sponsored "inside job", a "false flag" operation planned, executed, and covered up by elements of the US Government and operatives from at least two other countries... it was the greatest act of psychological warfare ever perpetrated.
How I'll Remember 9-11 This Year, by Karen Kwiatkowski 2011-09-09
In the decade after 9-11, Washington, D.C. launched repeated land wars, government takeovers, and nation-building, first in Afghanistan, then in Iraq, and later in Yemen, Somalia, Pakistan and now Libya. None of these wars, all sold as "wars against terrorism" were granted any public congressional debate, and none entailed a Congressional declaration of war.
In terms of truly discovering the facts of the events of 9-11, and the subsequent anthrax attacks, we saw a government reluctance to delve deeply, and a government desire to pack up the "stories" as quickly as possible. President Bush opposed and worked to delay the official 9-11 Commission, and its published results were then later partially disavowed by the very political appointees who led it...
Unter Falscher Flagge 1 / 7 (Under False Flag), German (with English subtitles)
One of the best exposés on 911.
Media Manipulation of 9/11 Truth - by Stephen Lendman
In February 2003, a Florida Court of Appeals unanimously ruled for Fox News, saying no rule or law prohibits distorting or falsifying news.
Just as Wall Street, war profiteers, Big Oil, Big Pharma, and other corporate favorites steal with impunity, it's OK for America's media to lie.
The ruling pertained to a 1996 Jane Akre/Steve Wilson Fox affiliate WTVT, Tampa reports on bovine growth hormone (BGH) dangers, Monsanto's hazardous to human health genetically engineered milk additive...
In other words, Fox simply followed "policy" entitling its stations to lie - whether on product safety or falsifying facts about anything, including 9/11 truth.
Zero: An Investigation into 9/11
Featuring presentations from intellectual heavy weights; Gore Vidal, and Nobel Prize winner Dario Fo, the film challenges assumptions surrounding the attacks. In the words of Italian daily newspaper Il Corriere de la Sera "What results is a sequence of contradictions, gaps and omissions of stunning gravity."
9/11 False Flag
This documentary focuses on the inconsistencies in the official version of the events and on the evidence which has been suppressed regarding September 11th.
Michael Meacher & Andreas van Bülow question 9/11
Der Tagesspiegel - Andreas Von Bulow Interview (english)
Whoever wants to understand the CIA's methods, has to deal with its main tasks covert operations: below the level of war, and outside international law, foreign states are to be influenced by inciting insurrections or terrorist attacks, usually combined with drugs and weapons trade, and money laundering. This is essentially rather simple: One arms violent people with weapons.
The CIA ... does not have to abide by any statute in interventions abroad, is not obligated by international law; only the President gives orders. There is terror, too, ... and when funds are cut, and peace is on the horizon, then a bomb goes off somewhere. In that way it is demonstrated that you can't do without the intelligence services ...
100 Pentagon: Rumsfeld misspoke on Flight 93 crash
[original link to gov transcript at defense.gov has been removed.]
September 11 - U.S. Government Accused by the Portugal News 3/8/02
"The so-called terrorist attack was in fact a superbly executed military operation carried out against the USA ..."
Why Doubt 9/11? by James H. Fetzer
20 Disproofs Of The Official Government Account, An Overview
200+ Senior Military, Intelligence, Law Enforcement, and Gov. Officials Question
the 9/11 Commission Report
Seven Questions about 9/11, Jim Fetzer
9/11 Mastermind, Bin Laden, Assassinated in Pakistan; Enver Masud
9/11 Unveiled (part 1 of 10): Attack, Response (2011-08-30)
Israel did 9/11 - ALL THE PROOF IN THE WORLD
”More emphasis should be placed on the ’who’ instead of the ’how’. It should be obvious to anyone that discovering who did 9/11 is infinitely more important than discovering how they did it …”
”The fact that 9/11 was planned by the Mossad through the admittance of Isser Harel is well documented and appears in a book written by Michael Evans.” (Belief Net, 7th Paragraph)…
”The first step in the preparation of the 9/11 attacks was to secure the control of the WTC into private hands …”
Bush Reaction When Accused Of Prior Knowledge Of 9/11
see picture to the right
Did Bush Know? (May 18, 2002)
There is compelling evidence that the U.S. intelligence community had extensive forewarning of the 11th September attacks ... (and) that the attacks may, in fact, have been in the interest of certain elements of the Bush administration. Post-Bojinka Intelligence Gathering Mohamed Atta Britannia Aviation (a company with virtually no assets, employees, or corporate history) ... had a "green light" from the Justice Department's Drugs Enforcement Administration (DEA), and that the local Venice Police Department "had been warned to leave them alone." Springmann (fmr. head of the Visa Bureau at the U.S. Consulate in Jeddah) ...stated ... that: "In Saudi Arabia I was repeatedly ordered by high level State Dept officials to issue visas to unqualified applicants." Why (were the State Department's) existing regulations ignored and violated? Wall Street and the CIA akin to a 'revolving door.' The 'intelligence failure' was in fact not a failure at all, but a directive - or rather, the inevitable culmination of carefully imposed high-level directives and blocks that restrained agencies from acting on the very clear intelligence received.
090 For Our Friends Who Still Don't Get It; Gordon Duff
ANTI 911 Truth: Photos Of Flt 77 Wreckage Inside The Pentagon; Sarah Roberts
"Most of the wreckage was in very small pieces and most was carried out in drywall buckets. Some was large enough to identify - including the tail number on the aircraft. I don't think there's any doubt about what it was and who owned it." (From a letter by an employee of the Pentagon)
Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III (retired):
Pentagon NOT hit by a plane
Lt. Col. Karen U. Kwiatkowski at the Pentagon:
Lt. Col. Karen U. Kwiatkowski, PhD, U.S. Air Force (ret.) was on the Pentagon lawn only minutes after the impact:
“I saw nothing of significance at the point of impact - no airplane metal or cargo debris was blowing on the lawn in front of the damaged building as smoke billowed from within the Pentagon. ... all of us staring at the Pentagon that morning were indeed looking for such debris, but what we expected to see was not evident.
The same is true with regard to the kind of damage we expected. ... But I did not see this kind of damage. Rather, the facade had a rather small hole, no larger than 20 feet (6 m) in diameter. Although this facade later collapsed, it remained standing for 30 or 40 minutes, with the roof line remaining relatively straight.”
9/11 Unveiled (part 9 of 10): The Pentagon; Enver Masud (2011-09-08)
There is little if any hard evidence ... that American Airlines Flight 77, a Boeing 757 flying from Washington Dulles International Airport, crashed into the Pentagon on September 11, 2001.
Extreme Prejudice - CIA Whistle Blower Susan Lindauer PDX 911Truth
starts from 9min (96min total)
- the aeroplanes wh. crashed into the WTCs were a kind of cover
- both happened: the hijackings & controlled demolitions
- to insure maximum destruction, for waging war with Iraq
- 911 was in the interest of the industrial military complex
- Ramzi Youcef (WTC 1993) had plans to crash 11 planes all over the US
- for 10 days (3) vans moved into the WTCs at 3 o'clock in the morning
- thermite bomb material was found (cc: where?); molten steel
USS Cole
The "Wipe Israel Off Map" Lie
"The Imam (Khomeini) said that this regime occupying Jerusalem (een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e Qods) must vanish from the page of time (bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad)."
The word "wipe" does not translate to Farsi.
The word "map" was never used.
Prime Example Of Disinformation:
Incubator Babies, "Stonings" & Amnesty International's Dirty Propaganda War, 72pp. (i5)
Book Title: The Eleventh Day; Anthony Summers and Robbyn Swan
The legacy of the spurious doubts ... has been that far too little attention has been given to the very real omissions and distortions in the official story. The conspiracy theorizing in which the skeptics indulged ... "distracts people from the actual malfeasance, mistakes and misdeeds of the U.S. government and the intelligence community."
There were certainly mistakes, and there may have been wrongdoing.
Peeling the 9/11 Onion: Layers of Plots within Plots, Jim Fetzer (2011-08-14)
The article discusses different scenarios /theories for 9/11
080 Loose Change Final Cut; Jan 19, 2012
The first and main comprehensive video on 9/11, has been updated several times.
W. Rodriguez & some collegues heard and felt huge explosions beneath their feet in the lower basement levels before the planes impacted.
Architects & Engineers: Solving the Mystery of WTC 7
Repeated secondary explosions within the Twin Towers after the planes hit the towers.
Numerous reporters from different networks, many emergency services personnel, and many survivors described repeatedly secondary explosions within the Twin Towers, suspicious devices, an exploding van parked inside one of the buildings, and similar occurrences - all real time, as they happened on 9/11, and that somehow or other disappeared from the media record shortly afterward. Proof positive that the impacting planes alone did not bring down the Twin Towers.
9/11 Coincidences (1/19)
WTC7, coincidences?
9/11 Coincidences (7/19)
9/11 Coincidences (19/19)
9/11 And Israel: Alan Sabrosky's Shocking Press Tv Interview, 2010
Dr. Alan Sabrosky, US-Marine - in an interview:
Believing the government and mainstream media's version of 9/11 and allowing Israeli "dual citizens" to serve in government or electing and appointing officials whose relationship with Israel is detrimental to the security of the United States is inconsistent with citizen responsibility for any American.
There is no evidence that Muslims committed the crime of 9/11, by Elias Davidsson 2008
The author shows that there is no credible evidence that these individuals boarded any of these passenger planes.
No hijackers on the passenger manifests
All Terrorists Are Muslim, Except the 94% that Aren't
As a US citizen, your chances of being killed by a terrorist - any terrorist - are far lower than your chances of being struck by lightning. Yet the Zionist-dominated media keep whipping up fear of the statistically insignificant "terrorist threat" - and use that fear to stoke Islamophobia. In reality, however, Jewish-extremist terrorism is a bigger threat to Americans than Islamic-extremist terrorism...and Latinos and left-wingers are a vastly bigger threat than Jews and Muslims put together! (From loonwatch.com)
070 see also:
Israel's Hidden Faces, text-slides by Dr. Alan Sabrosky
Yes, It's An Emergency. Will You Respond?
Index Of Articles
This page is an index of articles relating to the 9/11 attacks
USA, long before 9/11, planned an attack against the Taliban.
Prof Niels Harrit on a Canadian speaking tour. 57min 2011-03-10
The Leading Source Of Technical Intelligence Since 2003
Former World Leaders and Washington Insiders Making Billions in the War on Terrorism:
Meet The Carlyle Group
Who killed John O'Neill, Osama bin Laden's main pursuer in the US government
More on John O'Neill [above]
RT interview with "We Are Change" - Peace & Social Justice Movement
New 9-11 photos prove WTC exploded from inside
RT interview with Manny Badillo (WeAreChange)
060 The Book - Solving 9-11: The Deception that Changed the World
Islam Does Not Support Suicide Attacks
Video & Photographic evidence of the largest cover-up in modern history
Both Pratt & Whitney and Rolls Royce manufacture the engines used on these jetliners. The turbofans themselves are approximately 7 feet in diameter. The FEMA photos show what appears to be a single turbofan that is approximately 3 feet in diameter.
Lon Rains: “I heard a very loud, quick whooshing sound.”
Dr. Alan Sabrosky - Was 9/11 a Mossad operation?
(Kevin Barrett Show, March 30, 2010)
Was 911 A Mossad "False Flag" Operation?
Was 911 A Mossad 'False Flag' Operation? - Rense
It was a Military Plane!
Some unnamed video
050 AL QAEDA NEVER EXISTED! BBC Explains U.S. Created the Terrorist Network
NEW PROOF 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB! 7 min interview with Richard Gage; Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth!
"My Name is Betty Ong"
Take a few minutes to listen to the last phone call of flight attendant Betty Ong
BBC Reported Building 7 Collapse 20 Minutes Early
Bush on 9/11- Amazing answer, just see the face of Bush.
9/11 Truth - David Ray Griffin on Noam Chomsky
Silverstein Spills The Beans About WTC Building 7, shows model of events WTC1,2 & 7
Its common knowledge CIA, Mossad behind terror attacks
WTC7 - This is an Orange
A comparison between what we are told and what we can see.
9/11 Truth News
9/11 Truth News was created to feature only the most credible and important information that this movement has to offer the public while avoiding a good deal of the "conspiracy theory" and disinformation so often associated with 911 truth.
040 truthaction.org
What motivated the 9/11 hijackers? See testimony most didn't
ANTI 911 Truth: 9/11 Debunked: WTC 7's Collapse Explained
[This explanation doesn't hold ground, it cannot explain the building's free fall of 6 - 7 seconds!]
ANTI 911 Truth: On Steven Jones' Thermite Claims
ANTI 911 Truth - main page:
ANTI 911 Truth:
The web is full of sites covering various conspiracy theories. Many seem well-researched, and appear to have plenty of detailed documentation to prove their claims. But are they really true?
We don't know, but one good way to start is by checking a few claims for yourself...
9/11 - Who Put Thermite In The World Trade Center?
When a former worker from the World Trade Center came forward recently with crucial and verifiable information about what was really on the 81st floor of the South Tower (WTC 2), he broke up a logjam of unanswered questions about the source of the molten metal seen falling from the tower before its collapse on 9/11 …
Thermate cuts through steel like ”a warm knife through butter.”
Professor J. Barnett found (in a FEMA-sponsored study) the same sulfidation in the piece of melted steel from the Twin Towers. ”The severe corrosion and subsequent erosion of Samples 1 and 2 are a very unusual event,” Barnett wrote. ”No clear explanation for the source of the sulfur has been identified.” →Thermate, with 2 percent sulfur!
Professor Steven Jones on the Controlled Demolition Of WTC Demolition
Red Flags;
Leaps of Faith Required to Accept the Official Story
Where Are the 9/11 Whistleblowers?
Historical Precedents for 9/11/01
030 Several videos on 911 and related topics
9/11 Coincidences (Part Eight)
Pilots for 911 truth
There is a growing mountain of conflicting information and data in which government agencies and officials refuse to acknowledge.
A tape recording from 9/11 describing the events, was destroyed by a supervisor without anyone making a transcript or even listening to it. NYT
Political Leaders for 9/11 Truth Statement
Scholars for 9/11 Truth & Justice
This is “a group of scholars and supporters endeavoring to address the unanswered questions of the September 11, 2001 attack” with a focus on scientific research. The group is composed of more than 900+ members, including Richard Gage, Steven E. Jones, Jim Hoffman, David Ray Griffin, Peter Phillips, former Congressman Daniel Hamburg, and Kevin Ryan. Most members support the theory that the World Trade Center Towers and the third skyscraper, WTC 7, were destroyed through explosive demolition.
Scholars for 9/11 Truth
Firefighters for 911 truth
Architects and Engineers for 9/11
9/11 Blueprint for Truth presented by Architect Richard Gage, AIA 2/12
911 a blueprint for truth
020 9/11 Coincidences (Part Seven)
Professors Question the 9/11 Commission Report
Loose Change, 2007
Video: 9/11 Firefighters Reveal Huge Explosions Before Towers Collapsed
Debunkers have repeatedly claimed that low-temperature burning jet fuel could weaken steel support columns enough to cause the pancake-style collapse of the twin towers, ignoring the plethora of eyewitness testimony to incendiary devices having caused the implosion of the World Trade Center structure.
Witness Statements By 503 Firefighters; recoded 2002
“The latest report - the last report we had
from anybody at all was that there were people that were
heading up around the 48th floor. That was several
minutes prior to this collapse. So we had people as high
as the 50th floor while we had communications. I think
that's about as far up as anybody got.” Hayden, Peter; Chief (F.D.N.Y.)
[that means: no fires at least up to the 50th floor.]
An Attempt to Uncover the Truth About September 11th, 2001
Its central assumptions have never been tested by an official government body whose members lack obvious conflicts of interest. There are numerous red flags in the official story, which requires a long series of highly improbable coincidences.
PIX11 Advocates for 9/11 Cancer Victims Whose Treatment Is Denied By Feds
Missing Links, 2h 7min
Mossad's Obvious Connection To 9/11
010 Israel, seemingly, has a finger in too many pies? (2009-03-09)
The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9-11
The Israeli Spy Ring
PA uncovers Israelis posing as Al-Qaeda agents
Graham admits ...
9-11: THE FLORIDA CONNECTION; The Israeli MOSSAD Network in Florida
David Ray Griffin to speak on 9/11 at Boston Univ., April 11, 2009
Former German Minister Says Building 7 Used To Run 9/11 Attack
Dr David Ray Griffin Presentation - 9/11 The Myth And The Reality (Full)
001 1993 World Trade Center bombing, para: FBI involvement
In the course of the trial it was revealed that the FBI had an informant, a former Egyptian army officer named Emad Salem. Salem claims to have informed the FBI of the plot to bomb the towers as early as February 6, 1992. Salem's role as informant allowed the FBI to quickly pinpoint the conspirators out of hundreds of possible suspects.
Salem, initially believing that this was to be a sting operation, claimed that the FBI's original plan was for Salem to supply the conspirators with a harmless powder instead of actual explosive to build their bomb, but that the FBI chose to use him for other purposes instead. He secretly recorded hundreds of hours of telephone conversations with his FBI handlers.
In Swedish / på svenska: Dagens Nyheter eller Sanningen
Funderingar om den mediala mörkläggningen av statsstyrda brott mot demokratin.
11 september ifrågasatt, Lasse Wilhelmson
Father insists alleged leader is still alive (2 September 2002)
Interview mit Ex-Minister Andreas von Bülow bezüglich 9/11 (Teil1-2)
many links
German movie with English subtitles: False Flag
The 2005 version.
Honoring those who risked their lives on 9/11, ignored by their government