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ʿĀ'isha's Age at the Time of Her Marriage
Our Mother ʿĀ'isha was between four and five years old the year both Abū Tālib and Khadīja died  three years before the Hijra  and the Prophet
remarried both with her and with Sawda between one and two years later, when she was six, cohabiting with her when she was nine as explicitly reported from her in the books of Sahīh, Sunan, and Musnads.
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More on ʿĀ'isha's Age at the Time of Her Marriage
A Dialogue Between "The Learner" and Shaykh Gibril F. Haddad
It was an accepted norm of the Arab culture to marry a girl as young as nine years old.
& Confirmation of the reports that ʿĀ'isha's (ra) age at the time of her marriage with the Prophet
is held to be nine years.
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Al-Haytami's Critique Of Ibn Al-Muqrī's Takfīr Of Ibn Arabi From The Fatāwā Hadīthiyya (trans.)
The truth is that Ibn ʿArabi and his group are the elite of the Umma. Al-Yafiʿi, Ibn ʿAta' Allah and others have declared that they considered Ibn ʿArabi a wali, noting that the language which Sufis use is appropriate among the experts in its usage and that the knower of Allah (ʿarif), when he becomes completely absorbed in the oceans of Unity, might make some statements that are liable to be misconstrued ...
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Enduring Myths Of Orientalism
Book Review By G.F. Haddad (Long Version)
There is now general acceptance that the writing of hadith in the earliest period was a widespread fact
in practice but controversy abounds over the exact role of writing ...
Schoeler's ... restrained and analytical treatment of relevant material, attention to
detail, and coherent method make The Oral and the Written in Early Islam the most authoritative
comprehensive work in English to date on aural-literate culture from the late pre-Islamic period to the
time of the canonical hadith compilations ...
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Hadīth History And Principles
Foreword to Sunna Notes (Vol.1)
It pleased our bountiful Creator to make knowledge of Hadīth
and its ancillary sciences the exclusive characteristic of Muslim
civilization. Alone among the nations that walked the face of the
earth, this Umma received and kept this Divine trust together
with the Last Testament - the Qur'ān - to pass it on to subsequent
generations unchanged with an ever-refined array of
disciplines for verification and authentication.
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Hadith of Adam tawassul through the Prophet
The Ulema generally agreed that creation was for the sake of the Prophet
. Hence, when they mentioned the
narration that were it not for him Allāh would not have created anything, they said its meaning was true. Ibn
Taymiyya gave the most eloquent expression of this verification of the meaning, ...
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The Two Suʿlukis
Among Sahl al-ṣ u'lūkī's sayings:
"The approval of people is hard to obtain and unattainable,
but Divine approval is
easily within reach and indispensible." And
"Whoever takes up leadership before his time undertakes his own disgrace."
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Ink of the Ulema Hadith
Its chain contains Muhammad ibn [al-Hasan al-Qatāyiʿī] who was accused of forgery. However, the meaning
is true because the usefulness of the blood of the shahīd is confined to him while the usefulness of the scholar's
pen benefits others and is enduring.
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Tuhfat al-Labib bi-Nusrat al-Habib (Arabic)
The Tuhfat al-Labib bi-Nusrat al-Habib is a defense of Habib ʿAli al-Jufri which doubles as a manual on various Sufi Issues such as tawassul, tabarruk, and ziyara in Arabic, written and circulated among Ahl al-Sunna in Damascus two years ago when some Wahhabis persuaded Shaykh al-Qurra' - Shaykh Kurayyim Rajih hafizahullah - to attack Habib ʿAli's ʿaqida on various issues.
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Review of An Introduction To The Science Of Hadīth: Kitāb Maʿrifat Anwāʿ ʿIlm Al-Hadīth
By Ibn al-Salāh al-Shahrazūrī. Trnsl. by Eerik Dickinson. Doha, Qatar; UK;
In his landmark manual of hadith science entitled Maʿrifat Anwāʿ ʿUlūm
(or ʿIlm) al-Hadīth the great Syrian master Ibn al-Salāh (577-634) brought under one roof the collected wisdom of his three great precursors ...
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Renewer Hadith
The Prophet
"Truly Allāh (swt) shall send forth for this
Community, at the onset of every hundred years, someone / those
who will renew for it (the status of) its Religion."
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Review of Abdur Raheem Kidwai. God’s Word, Man’s Interpretations
Abdur Raheem Kidwai. God’s Word, Man’s Interpretations: A Critical Study of the 21st Century English Translations of the Quran. New Delhi, etc.: Viva Books, 2018. Paperback. xvii + 178pp. ISBN: 978-93-87486-29-4.
Rather than “a critical study”, this third installment in a series of books on English translations of the Qur’ān by Aligarh Muslim University Professor Abdur Raheem Kidwai, grandly entitled God’s Word, Man’s Interpretations: A Critical Study of the 21st Century English Translations of the Quran is a compilation of reviews he and others have authored over the past 18 years, reproduced verbatim.
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Amina Wadud's Innovation of Misguidance
The "Progressives" and their friends have resolved their inability
to prove the licitness of their behavior within Islām by flouting the
system from outside with a J'accuse! of chauvinism and male sexism that begins with our liege-lords Abū Hurayra
and Abū Bakrah and trudges centuries of sexist
Qur'anic exegesis, sexist jurisprudence, and sexist
h.adīth transmission down to our times.
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A Critical Reading of Lings' 'Muhammad'
With the possible exception of Shaykh Muammad Saʿīd al-Būti's superior Sīra entitled 'Jurisprudence of the Prophetic Biography' (now available in English translation at Dār al-Fikr), even among Arabic books, in all these respects I cannot think of a single contemporary work that gathers all those accomplishments under a single roof. Allah have mercy on Abū Bakr Sirāj al-Dīn Lings and reward him abundantly!
It is also true that there are many problems with Lings' book [criticism presented in ff chapters:] Poetic license, Dubious Quran and Hadith Commentary, Misreferencing, Urge for Pulchritude [i.e. physical beauty], Catholic Paraphernalia [i.e. stuff], "Perennialism", [ And Corrections]
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Defending the Ihya from those Devoid of Shame
Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi is quoted with the following words:
... The Israelites, whenever they became corrupt and spread corruption in the earth, were subjected to the domination of their enemies. But whenever they did good and reformed themselves and others, they again held sway over their enemies. (Al-Ghazali) directed his greatest concern toward the reform of the individual, who constitutes the core of the society.
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The Hadith "Whoever visits my grave, ..."
The h.adīth "Whoever visits my grave, my intercession will be guaranteed for him" is a fair (h.asan) narration as concluded by Imām Abū al-Ḥ asanāt al-Lacknawī and his editor 'Abd al-Fattāh. Abū Ghudda. ...
There are some who declared it weak, and others who
asserted that all the h.adīths on visitation of the Prophet
are forged, but both positions are false for those who were given right understanding, for verification of
the case dictates that the h.adīth is h.asan, as Taqī al-Dīn al-Subkī has expounded in his book Shifāʿ al-Siqām.
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Fourth-Century Ashʿarī Father and Son:
Abū Sahl and Abū al-Ṭayyib al-Ṣuʿlūkī
Al-Ṣuʿlūkī defined
as "the turning away from objections" (
al-iʿrāḍ ʿan al-iʿtirāḍ
Among his sayings also: "Whoever says to his Shaykh: 'Why?' shall never succeed."
He spent seven years in Baghdād during which he said that he never let pass a day of
except he visited al-Shiblī or asked him a question.
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Isnād-Criticism by the First Four Caliphs
The plot to kill our liege-lord ʿUthmān marked the onset of dissension (
) in the Community. Together with deadly
division, the great sign of this Dissension was the beginning of falsehood. The timeline for the spread of falsehood was
foretold by the Prophet
in the h.adīth: "I recommend to you my Companions, then those that come after them, then those
that come after them. afterwards, falsehood will spread." To counter this, the sciences of h.adīth and h.adīth criticism were
innovated within the half-century which followed ʿUthmān's death in order to sift true Prophetic and Companion-reports
from false ones. ...
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The "Famous Ḥadīthâ€
and "Forgery†Compilations
and Mullā ʿAlī al-Qārī's Use of Them
Ḥadīth literature often treats the "forgery†genre as a subset of the "famous h.adith†genre because forgeries are often famous sayings and vice-versa. The following is a mostly chronological, mostly descriptive list of extant works in each of these two genres followed by remarks on the critical ranking of Ibn al-Jawzī's Mawḍūʿāt and a brief study of al-Qārī's al-Asrār al-Marfūʿa – two of the most important works in the forgery genre.
- Chronology of extant works in the "famous h.adīth†genre;
- Chronology of extant works devoted to forgery classification;
- The Status of Ibn al-Jawzī's Mawḍūʿāt;
- Al-Qārī's Major Dictionary of Forgeries;
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Verifyable Transmission (Isnād) and the Sects
The Commander of the Believers, our liege-lord ʿUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb was careful
to prevent the dissemination of unverified knowledge – chainless knowledge – that was to proliferate after his time. He said: " Whoever finds a book containing knowledge that he did not hear from a person of learning, let him dip it in water until its ink is diluted.â€
- Western-Minded Anti-Traditionists and Purists;
- Ill-Prepared Tradition-Minded Muslims;
- The Resulting Salad;
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The "Disclaimed†(Munkar) Ḥadīth
is similar to the
in that each of them describes a truly singular narration – one that comes only through X – hence its abnormality or aberrant quality (
). The more X tends to be weak, the more reason such narration will be described as disclaimed (
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Strictness and Laxity in Ḥadīth Criticism
Mullā ʿAlī al-Qārī showed in his "Major Dictionary of Ḥadīth Forgeries†... that many of the reports supposed by some of the authorities to be false are not forgeries at all. This is an important corrective for today's semi-educated censors that condemn many true reports as false on the false assumption that "stricter is better.†They forgot that as long as the proof of forgery is unestablished beyond reasonable doubt and short of compelling assumption regarding a weak report, it becomes a lie to cry forgery and bar people from the benefit of belief in iṭ This holds true even if ...
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The Hadith "My Companions are like the stars..."
"My Companions are like the stars, whoever among them you use
for guidance, you will be rightly guided. "
This hadith is either fair due to its many chains (hasan li-ghayrihi) or, at worst, weak;
but not forged, and its meaning is true.
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From al-Qārī's Dictionary of Hadīth Forgeries
(al-Asrār al-Marfūʿa)
“Love of country stems from faith” - “Love the Arabs”
“The Language of Paradise” - “I am the most eloquent Arab”
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Reg. the wiping of the eyes upon hearing the call to prayer.
from the: Al-Asrār al-Marfūʿa fīl-Akhbār al-Mawḍūʿa
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On the Hidden Treasure Hadith
“I was a Treasure unknown then I desired to be known so I created a creation to which I made Myself known, then they knew Me.”
Its meaning is true. From al-Qārī's al-Asrār al-Marfū'atu fīl-Akhbār al-Mawḍū'a
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Tawassul and Tabarruk of the Salaf
Seeking means to Allah through prophets and saints and seeking blessings from relics;
By for example Ibn ʿUmar, Ahmad, Ibn Abī Shayba <
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Dār al-Hadīth al-Ashrafiyya in Damascus
In the time of al-Nawawī, Dār al-Hadīth had the Noble Sandal of the Prophet
in its possession.
This Sandal was kept in a wooden box above the Mihrāb in its mosque. The Mālik Faqīh, Hadith Master, historian, and philologist, Imām Abū Hafs al-Fākihānī (d. 734) visited Damascus seeking its baraka. The Muhaddith Jamāl al-Dīn Ibn Hadīda al-Ansāri narrates: I was with him. When he saw the most honored Sandal, he bared his head and began to kiss it and rub his face over it. His tears flowed.
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Listing some of al-Tahāwī's works,
among them the “Exposition of the Creed of the People of the Sunna and the
Congregation According to the Teachings of the Jurists of the Community, Abū Hanīfa and his Companions,”
also known as the “Aqīda Ṭaḥāwiyya.”
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Fighting women of Islām
She was among those who stood their ground around the Prophet
and intercepted the kafir Ubay ibn Khalaf as he was attacking him, in order to kill him, together with her husband Ghaziyya ibn ʿAmr and her two sons.
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Imām Al-Qurtūbī
Muḥammad ibn Aḥmad ibn Abī Bakr ibn Farḥ,
Abū ʿAbd Allāh al-Anṣārī
al-Khazrajī al-Andalusī al-Qurṭubī
al-Mālikī (d. 671) the erudite wise
Imām who "probed the meanings of ḥadīth
deeply" (Ibn ʿImād) and great commentator of the
He lived and died in Minyat or Munyat
Banī Khuṣayb in Egypt, "one of the righteous,
knowing, scrupulously Godwary, ascetic servants of
Allāh busy with the concerns of his hereafter
through meditation, worship, and authorship" (ʿAbd
al-Karīm ibn Khaldūn). He "disdained airs,
and used to walk about in a simple thawb with a plain
cap (tāqiyya) on his head" (Ibn Farḥūn).
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The Prophet’s (saws) Seating on the Throne
“Whoever imagines that our Lord sits on the Throne and leaves space at His side for His Prophet to sit, has followed the Christians who hold that ‘Isa was raised to heaven and sat next to his Father – Allah (swt) is clear of the partnership they ascribe to Him!”
– Al-Kawthari.
sunnah.org → /aqida/ProphetsSeatingontheThrone.htm" target="_blank">sunnah.org/aqida
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The Sufi Cloak
Nothing can be firmly established as authentic in its narrative routes and there is no
narration - whether sound, fair, or weak - that says the Prophet
vested the khirqa on any of the Companions in the conventional way of the Sufis...
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Contemporaries and Colleagues of Imām Ahmad
"I do not know anything better than the pursuit of hadīth science for whoever fears Allāh and keeps a good intention in this activity; as for myself, I ask the forgiveness of Allāh from having ever pursued it, and from every single step I took in it."
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Imām Ahmad's ʿAqīda & Pseudo-Hanbali Aqida
The Shāfi' faqīh, Shaykh al-Islām al-Haytamī was asked: "Was the belief of Imām Ahmad ibn Hanbal the same as [certain] present-day Hanbalīs claim?" - He replied:
Concerning the doctrine of the Imām of Ahl al-Sunna, Ahmad ibn Hanbal (ra) - may Allāh (swt) grant
him the loftiest of gardens as his resting-place and destination, bestow upon us and him His bounties,
and grant him a dwelling in the loftiest firdaws: his doctrine was in absolute conformity with the
belief of Ahl al-Sunna, and completely concordant.
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2002-12-15 ,
Al-Shāfiʿī and Taṣawwuf
Imām al-Shāfiʿī recommended taṣawwuf
on condition that knowledge accompany it.
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Weak hadith in Sahīh Al-Bukhari?
Al-Bukhārī said: “I extracted this book
from about 600,000 (sound) ḥadīths, and I compiled it over sixteen years, and I made it a plea for what lies between myself and Allāḥ” Al-Firabrī said: Muḥammad ibn Ismāʿīl said to me: “I never included in the Ṣahīḥ a ḥadīth except I made a major ablution (ghusl) and prayed two rakʿat beforehand.”
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Taqwiyat al-Iman
Book review of Taqwiyat al-Īmān: Strengthening of the Faith
by Shāh Ismā ʿil Dihlawī ( 1193- 1246)
Ryadh: Darussalam Publications, 1995.
This book is an important work of Wahhabist Islam in India
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Sufyan Al-Thawri
raḍia-LLahu ʿanhu
Sufyān ibn Saʿīd ibn Masrūq Abū ʿAbd Allāh al-Thawrī al-Muḍarī al-Kūfī (97- 161), the Godfearing, wise, grief-stricken,
Imām, “Commander of the Believers in Ḥadīth” - the highest level in ḥadīth Mastership -, “Shaykh al-Islām, the Imām of ḥadīth Masters, the leader of the practicing Ulema
in his time, the author of the
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Knowledge And Imposition Of Hands
The slapping or imposition of the hand on the chest or back is a Prophetic gesture associated
with driving away evil influence (waswās) and conferring blessing as shown by the following
... Then the Prophet of Allah
his chest with his hand, saying: “O Allāḥ drive away from him its heat and its coolness and its harm.” Then he
rose up and said:
“If one of you sees something that pleases him in his brother -
whether in his person or property - let him invoke blessing for him, for the evil eye is a reality.”
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Superiority of Fiqh over Hadith
Imām al-Shāfiʿ said: “You [the scholars of ḥadīth] are the pharmacists but we [the jurists] are
the physicians.” Some chapters:
1. Hadīth Misguides Those Devoid of Fiqh
2. Imāms of Hadīth Defer to Imāms of Fiqh
3. Knowledge Is Not Memorization but a Light
4. The Hadīth of the Jurists is Preferable to That of the Non-Jurists
5. Knowing the Hadīth is Different From Practicing It
6. Understanding the Hadīth is Superior to Knowing It
7. Most Hadīth Scholars Do Not Possess Intelligence of the Hadīth
8. Not Every Sound Hadīth Forms Evidence
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Suyuti's works in print at Princeton
(Amended list)
Presented are the titles of some of al-Suyuti's works in print kept in the Arabic collection of the
University of Princeton in the State of New Jersey (USA) as of the year 1999.
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The Righteous Life and Works of Imām al-Qāḍī Y. al-Nabhānī
Al-Nabhānī wrote of himself: "I was born in Ijzim in 1265/1849 approximately...I read the Qur'ān with my Master and father,... who is now [in 1891] past eighty, in full possession of his senses, of strong build and excellent health, and who spends most of his time in works of obedience... Then he sent me to Cairo for study...
With names of the shuyūkh who were his teachers
A list of about 75 (!) of his works in print
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Advice to Our Brothers the Ulema of Najd
by Sayyid Yusuf ibn al-Sayyid Hashim al-RifaʿI
Sheikh Al Syed Yousuf Al Syed Hashim Al-Rifai, born in Kuwait, member of the first National Assembly of Kuwait. He was appointed Minister of State for Cabinet Affairs. ... He plays a pioneering role in preaching the message of Islam and spreading the teachings of the true religion throughout the world. Sheikh Al Syed Yousuf is the President of the
Muslim Minority Commission
of the
till today. He established the World Islamic Federation for Information and Preaching of Islam ...
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MEMAHAMI BIDʿAH - The Meaning of Bidʿah (Malay)
Setakat ini dua buah buku yang menjelaskan dengan terperinci berhubung dengan definisi
Bidʿah, iaitu oleh Abdul Hayy al-Lucknawi dengan kitabnya
Tuhfat al-Akhyar
disyarahkan oleh muridnya, Shaykh ʿAbdul Fattah Abu Ghuddah. ...
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Definisi Bidʿah Mengikut Ahlul Sunnah wal Jamaah
- The Sunni Definition Of Bidʿah (Malay)
Imam Shāfiʿī: Sumbangan besar Imām al-Shāfiʿī
dalam ilmu Usul al-Fiqh ialah pembahagian
beliau terhadap makna 'perkara baharu' (
) dan 'perkara baharu yang
diadakan' (
) iaitu samada 'baik' atau 'buruk bergantung kepada samada
perkara itu selari dengan Shariʿat. ...
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Mushaahadat Al-Haadi Muhammad (Arabic)
Poem of Visitation to Our Guide the Holy Prophet Muhammad: "MUSHAAHADAT AL-HAADI MUHAMMAD" Salla Allahu ʿalayhi wa-Alihi wa-Sallam
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English translation
The Doctrine Of Ahl Al-Sunna Versus The "Wahabi-Salafi" Movement
Sh. Al-Zahawi
In our time … the name Salaf has been usurped by a movement which seeks to impose its own narrow interpretation of Religion towards a re-fashioning of the teachings of Islam. The adherents of this movement call themselves 'Salafi.' Such an appellation is baseless since the true Salaf knew no such school as the 'Salafi' school nor even called themselves by that name; the only general name they recognized for themselves was that of Muslim. As an eminent scholar has stated, the Salafiyya is not a
recognized school of thought in Islam, rather, it refers to a blessed historical period of our glorious past. ...
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Islamic Awakening between Rejection and Extremism, by Shaykh Yusuf al-Qaradawi
/in preparation/
The pdf can be read here:
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Studies In Hadith Methodology And Literature, by Muhammad Mustafa Azami
118 pp.
A tremendous amount of literature is available in Arabic on the methology of Hadith but our new generation whose majority does not know Arabic is unable to benefit from it. ... Therefore I have written
Studies In Hadith Methodology And Literature
to fulfill the need of College students, as well as that of educated laymen. ...
Some chapters:
The Prophet
and his ahadith; Recording of ~; Isnad System; Hadith Criticism; Grading of Scholars;
Fabrication of ~; Earlier ~ books; Imam Malik; Ahmad b. M. Hanbal; Muslim; al-Tirmidhi; etc.
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The inner dimension of going green:
an Islamic deep-ecology by Adi Setia
Our interaction with nature is clearly constrained and directed by
such foundational ethical precepts as mercy, moderation, and gratitude,
which, when systematically understood and applied, result in ecological
health. But ethical precepts refer ultimately to human nature, and
therefore ecological health is rooted in psychological health. From this
deep-level perspective, environmental degradation is less a
resource-problem than an attitude-problem.
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Global Muslim Leadership
Unprecedented Call for Accord with Christian World
Muslims and Christians together make up well over half of the world's population.
Without peace and justice between these two religious communities, there can be no meaningful peace in the world. The future of the world depends on peace between Muslims and Christians.
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FATWA: Defending the Transgressed (
Mudafi' al-Mazlum
Censuring the Reckless against the Killing of Civilians
Shaykh Muhammad Afifi al-Akiti
Men and innocent bystanders who are not direct combatants are also included in this prohibition. The nature of
this prohibition is so specific and well-defined that there can be no
legal justification, nor can there be a legitimate
excuse, for
circumventing this convention of war by targeting non-combatants or
civilians whatsoever, and that the hukm shar'ī of killing them is not
but also a Major Sin [
] and contravenes one of the
principal commandments of our way of life. ...
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The Meaning of Universal Brotherhood
by Imam al-Nawawi
Shaykh Muhammad Afifi al-Akiti
lA yu'minu aHadukum HattA yuHibba
li-akhIhi mA yuHibbu li-nafsihi
None of you believes until he wants for his brother what he would want for himself!
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Islamic Reformation Or Islamic Renaissance?
Dr. Hisham al-Zoubeir
(Such) authors tend to ignore that an 'Islamic Reformation' has in fact already occurred, is underway and has been underway for a number of years. ... (The) methodological similarity that reformers have with the violent radicals that characterise some modern Muslim political movements ... (is the final blow) ...
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Moonsighting Fundamentals by Youssef Ismail
Sighting the Moon each Month is a Fard-Kifayya
(Someone from the community needs to do it or else there is a sin upon the whole community.)
Sighting the Moon for Ramadan, Shawwal, and Dhul-Hijjahis a Fard-ʿAin (An Individual Obligation)
- Moon sighting is an activity that benefits the seeker both in this world and the next life.
from zaytuna.org
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The Seminal Advice, by Habib Umar bin Hafiz
We “should also be aware that the various, but valid, schools of
jurisprudence (
), as well as the multiple paths of spirituality (
are but proper expressions of the vastness of the Islamic tradition and the
way of prophetic guidance.”
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Articles by Maulana Abdul Aleem Siddiqui
“After years of serious thinking, I have come to the conclusion that the real cause
of human strife and wars consists in selfishness, on the one hand and the
forgetfulness of God on the other. When people begin to act in utter self-interest,
when the social obligations are forgotten, when one can stoop down so low as to
pursue one's interests at the cost of the rights of the other, harmony and concord
recede in the background. ...”
from: Divine Harmony:
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other texts:
Women and Their Status in Islam | The Forgotten Path of Knowledge |
Spiritual Culture in Islam | The Quest for True Happiness |
The Universal Religion | Divine Harmony |
Dr Martin Lings: “The result is
that the rising generation is more ignorant of the practices of the
Messenger of God, and more cut off from those practices, than
any generation that has come into existence since the dawn of Islam.”
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“We know that the enemies of Islam have many tactics they use in trying to get a misdirected
and emotional response out of the Muslims. And perhaps they do that in order to produce a
situation where they can justify taking action against those they label as extremists, radicals,
terrorists, and fundamentalists.” Sh A b H Ali
- Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America (AMJA)
- Shaykh Mohammed Nur Abdullah
- Shaykh Muhammad Afifi
- Shaykh Abdullah bin Hamid Ali
- Dr. Hina Azam
- Dr. Mohammad H. Fadel
- Shaykh Ali Jumuʿa
- Shaykh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi
- Imam Zaid Shakir
- Dr. Muzammil H. Siddiqi
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Another fatwa from Egyptian Dar-al Ifta in English and Arabic is at: dar-alifta.com - expired link
By Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri
The commemoration of the birth of the Holy Prophet Peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him (Mawlid or Mīlād) is received by some people with doubts, suspicion and aspersions. ... In reality, this is not only jā'iz (permissible), mustahsana (recommended) and a Sharʿi act, but it is a means to develop blazing love for the Holy Prophet peace and blessings of Allāh be upon, something which is much needed by the Muslim Community today.
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By Dr Muhammad Tahir-ul-Qadri
The killing of innocent people is terrorism irrespective of the fact whether they are Muslims or not. It is also terrorism to murder the peaceful people regardless of their being in state of war even if they are not fighting a war with you directly.
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The Importance of a Good Shaykh, - in Bengali (pdf)
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2004-12-04, 2.3 MB
The Wazifa
Spiritual practices
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2002-05-12, 2297 kb
The Guiding Helper
The Guiding Helper
[covering all main Islamic areas in 345 pages; searchable]
Main Text & Explanatory Notes; © The Guiding Helper Foundation 2001-2002
The Guiding Helper is based on a famous metered verse song written by a scholar named Ahmad
ibn ʿAli ibn ʿAbd al-Wahid ibn ʿAshir born in Spain and raised in Fez, Morocco about seven hundred years ago.
We've added sections from other trusted sources. Thus, we hope that the Guiding Helper will serve as a solid and trusted source of genuine Islamic knowledge for the English-speaking people from now until the end of the world.
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2002-05-26, 68 kb
Islam and the Crisis of Modernity
by Parvez Manzoor
Modernity is facing a crisis today. And, it is a crisis not of power but of meaning, not of the efficacy of modern instruments but of the legitimacy of
modern goals, not of the ability of modernity's champions to carry its project forward but of the ultimate beneficence and morality of the project itself.
For modern societies are not helpless at facing the inner challenges of governance and economy, primary determinants of the human condition according
to the modernist scheme of things, nor are modern polities vulnerable to any threats by external enemies.
2002-03-18, 21 kb
Tasawwuf - Sufism in Islam
Imam Hamza Yusuf, May 4, 1997
"They (the Sufis) have been the strictest adherents to the sacred law, but they have a wonderful principle:
that is be hard on yourself and be gentle with other people."
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2003-02-02 , 5.2 MB
Über Intention, Reine Absicht Und Wahrhaftigkeit
Al-Ghazali, 37. Buch aus der IHYA
Islamische Etik, Über Intention, Reine Absicht Und Wahrhaftigkeit
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