Edited and Slides by OmarKN
21 Discovering the Truth in the Heart: tahqīq, ‘realization
Discovering the truth of things in the heart was commonly called tahqīq, ‘realization.’
The word is derived from the same root as haqq, which I have been translating as Real, but which also means true, correct, appropriate, right, and rightfully due.
Realization is to know the Real along with the reality (haqīqa) of things. Ibn al-ʿArabī frequently points out that the reality of a given thing is the manner in which it participates in the Real Being and makes rightful demands on the subject who knows it.
Ultimately, a thing’s reality is the thing as known eternally by God. Hence, knowing things as they actually are demands recognizing them in the Real, not outside the Real. Such recognition will never be found outside ‘the heart’s life with God.’
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