We present here some quality texts from the Islamic tradition and references of Islam as the middle path, neither extremist viewpoints, nor modernist interpretations.
Islam cannot be reduced to a utopia for the perfect society in this world -
dunya, which is but support for the Hereafter and Islam is neither limited to the domain of faith, nor to the domain of law: instead there has to be a revival of Islamic
’haqīqah’ sacred knowledge. …
[ more ]
The ’war on terror’ is a lie. It is not a ’War on Terror’, but a neat front to enforce the superpowers' global hegemony in this world. …
[ Preamble ]
_Allah ﷻ
About Allah
On Allah’s Self-Disclosure, From The Teachings of Muhyiddīn Ibn ’Arabi
Rules Of Getting Closer To Allah (swt), OmarKN
God is Light William C. Chittick
Understanding God William C. Chittick
Allah's Names
Know Your Lord, by ʿAli bin Abi Tālib
2 Proofs of God OmarKN
On The Oneness of God, W. C. Chittick
_Prophet Muhammad ﷺ
About Prophet Muhammad
Description & Life Of Prophet Mohammed ﷺ Muhammad Rizwan Talib
The Prophet - A Mercy to the Worlds ﷺ Sh. G. F. Haddad
Nawawi's Greeting Of Prophet Sh. G. F. Haddad
The Light of the Prophet, GF Haddad
The First Thing That Allah Created Was My Nur, GF Haddad
Love Of The Prophet & Following His Example ﷺ by Shaykh Gibril F Haddad
On Loving the Prophet ﷺ hadith
The Prophetic Title: "Best Of Creation" Sh. G. F. Haddad
80 Hadiths on the Prophet's Knowledge of the Unseen Sh. Gibril F Haddad
40 Hadiths f. t. Superlative Eloquence of t. Prophet ﷺ Sh. G. F. Haddad
The Prophet in Barzakh Sayyid Muhammad ibn `Alawi al-Maliki
Proof-texts of the Life of the Prophet in His Grave [rev] ﷺ Sh. G. F. Haddad
The Names Of The Prophet ﷺ Sh. G. F. Haddad
The Prophet ﷺ and Prophetic Tradition; S H Nasr
The Prophet's Mission to Ta’if ﷺ Abdul Nasir Jangda
21_Muhammad: A Prophet for Our Time Karen Armstrong
The Farewell Speech of the Prophet
Poem of Tawassul and Praise
What Makes A Person Kafir? Shaykh Gibril F Haddad
Who is a kafir? OmarKN
The Unity of Humankind Is One
Who Are The Disbelievers? Sh. Hamza Yusuf [summarized]
Kafir, kufr; Sh. Fadel Soliman [transcr.]
Is Religion The Opiate Of The Masses? Sh. Fadel Soliman [transcr.]
The Essence of Worship In Islam; Sh. Fadel Soliman [transcr.]
Repent! From your sleep of heedlessness
Vertical integration of Muslim agency, Abdal Hakim Murad -
How Muslims can contribute to the West, Murad Wilfried Hofmann
_Islamic Tradition
Defending the Transgressed: Fatwa Against The Targeting Of Civilians Shaykh Muhammad Afifi al-Akiti
Islam - Questions & Answers
Notions That Must Be Corrected, (extract) by Sh M b. Alawi al-Maliki al-Hasani
Commendation [Against the Divisions]
Prof. Abdullah Guenon Al-Hasani
_Shari`a, Islamic Law
The Sacred Law
On The Sharia
In Islam the Sharia is considered the highroad.
A Quote On the Sharia
Omar's conduct towards the Dhimmis
Majoriteten av alla muslimer vill ha sharialagar
Om de mänskliga rättigheterna
Hur det är att leva under Sharia
Islamofober: 'De troende dödar', svar på en bloggartikel
Definition of Shariah, Tariqah, Haqiqah
About the Heart
About The Pure Heart - And What It Keeps Alive, OmarKN
Advice For Spiritual Realisation, Muhyiddin Ibn `Arabi
On Knowing Oneself various Shuyukh
On Cultivating Gratitude in Sufi Ethics, Atif Khalil
Tahawi's "Doctrine" (al-ʿAqida )
Is Belief In God Enough? OmarKN
The Vision of Allah in the World and the Hereafter, Shaykh G F Haddad
What or Who Is God? Murat Yagan
Faith And Belief, by Hasan Gai Eaton
Divine Perfection and Struggling Belief
Nawawi on "Actions are according to intentions"
On Dhikr (Remembrance of God) from Nuzhat al-Majalis
A Survey Of Decisive Arguments And Proof For Tasawwuf - Sufism in Islam, OmarKN
Khayāl - Creative Imagination; From
Teachings of Muhyiddīn Ibn ’Arabi
Ibn ʿAbd al-Salam and Ashʿari Ta'wil
(Figurative Interpretation of the Mutashābihāt)
Islam Is a Way of Life
Islam the Natural, Easy Religion G F Haddad
The Meaning of dīn in Islam
Malik and al-Shafiʿi’s Understanding of Tawhid
Unity - Al-Tawhid, R Guénon
Verifiable Transmission (Isnād) and the Sects
The Light of Islam
Saving Islam from the Deceit and Depravity of the Islamic State
Advice for Memorizing the Quran
Examples from the Quran and the Sunna
Quranic Indications
The Lights of Revelation & the Secrets of Interpretation, Al-Baydawi G F Haddad
What The Quran Enjoins Us To Do & Warns Us 4 items
Quranic Definitions 3 items
Consensus c/f some issues related to Qur'ān, GF Haddad
Ibn ʿArabi on Uncreatedness of Quran Shaykh Gibril F Haddad
Uncreatedness of the Quran Shaykh Gibril F Haddad
Alphabetical Index Of Hadith
The Story of Hadith, Shaykh Gibril F Haddad
Hadith ”The Book of Allah And My Sunna”
(Foreword To) Sunna Notes: Hadith History & Principles (pdf)
Hadiths On The Cosmos, Shaykh Gibril F Haddad
Is Studying Hadith on Your Own Advised?
Lone-Narrator reports
Validity of weak hadith
Various Issues About Hadiths
Unreliability of the Righteous in Hadith Narration
Regarding Quoting And Using Mawdu' Hadiths
40 Hadiths (for) Superlative Eloquence of the Prophet ﷺ
40 Hadith on Mercy, Ibn Tulun, Commentary Sh Gibril Haddad
40 Hadith on Mercy, Ibn Tulun, Footnotes
80 Hadiths on the Prophet's Knowledge of the Unseen
Verification For Several Hadith
Hadiths On The Formation Of Human Life, by GF Haddad
Hadith On The Present Fitna, by GF Haddad
Selected Hadith With Keywords
The Gibril-Hadith
Hadith of Adam's tawassul through the Prophet ﷺ
Ink of the Ulema Hadith
What was wrong with Ibn Taymiyya? [Short]
- Refutations of Ibn Taymiyya's Two Tawheeds [Short]
Proof-texts of the Life of the Prophet in His Grave [rev] ﷺ Sh. G. F. Haddad
- Hadith On Bravery, GFH
[ hv_e ]
- Hadith On Hardening Of Hearts, GFH
[ hv_e ]
26 Beautiful Hadith
Collection of (1) Hadith
The Meaning of Sunna
Probativeness of Sunna (Hujjiyya al-Sunna) by GF Haddad
Glossary of Fiqh, H.adīth, Kalām, and Tas.awwuf
The Defense of the Sunna: An Analysis of the Theory and Practices Of Tasawwuf (Sufism) by Ibrahim M H aska-Shaghouri
Nasiha (Good Advice) For Mosques, From Sh. Muhammad Aslam
Importance of a Good Shaykh, Shaykh Abdul-Qadir al-Jilani
Zarruq The Critic
The Awliyā'u-LLahi, About The Pious Worshippers
of Allah
Soul - Nafs
The Meaning of Nafs, Muhammad 'Afifi al-'Akiti
[ all of his texts ] -
Defending the Transgressed: Fatwa Against The Targeting Of Civilians Shaykh Muhammad Afifi al-Akiti
Here in the West Don’t Blame Islamic Scholars LowlyAspirant
Written by Shaykh Gibril F Haddad:
Al-Ashʿari (ra)
Abu Hanifa
Ibn Furak Al-Shafiʿi'
Sahl Al-Tustari by Sh G F Haddad
Those Who Attack Al-Kawthari
Muhyiddin Ibn ʿArabi - ʿAqida
Muhyiddin Ibn ʿArabi - Biography
Al-Junayd Al-Baghdadi
Al-Ghazali ( with list of works ), GF Haddad
Defending the Ihya from those Devoid of Shame, GFH
Ibn Abi Shayba
Regarding Sheikh Al-Albani
Al Albani Unveiled - An Exposition Of His Errors
Regarding The Detractors of Ihya
Shaykh Wahbi Ghawji Bio-Bibliography
Those Who Attack Imam Ghazali
Khālid ibn Maʿdān
Khumayyis (Wahabi pseudo-scholar)
Who Are Imitated in Islam, GF Haddad
Scholarly Titles in Islam
Ahmad ibn Taymiyya (661-728)
Ibn Taymiyya/Shah Wali Allah/Ibn ʿAbd al-Barr
Refutation of Ihsan Ilahi Zahir
[ List of Scholars ]
Madhhabs of the Imams of Hadith
Tasawwuf - Sufism
The Formation Of Sufism As A Science, Sh. `Abd Al-Qadir `Isa
What is Sufism, Shaykh Gibril F Haddad
Sufism in Islam, Shaykh Gibril F Haddad
Tasawwuf Shuyukh GFH
Spiritual Counsel of Sidi Ahmad Zarruq
About The Pure Heart - And What It Keeps Alive, OmarKN
Ibn Taymiyya On "Futooh Al-Ghayb" And Sufism
Al-Sakhawi's Sufi Teachers
Islamic Sufism, Notes Fr. Speech By S H Nasr
Al-Shāfiʿī and Tas.awwuf
Advice from Abu Hasan al-Shādhili
Tasawuf Al-Qaradawi
A Survey Of Decisive Arguments And Proof ed. OmarKN
On The Shari`a, Excerpt from S H Nasr
Shari`a and Haqíqat, by Al-Hujwiri
Shari`a, Tarīqah And Haqīqah, S H Nasr
Intelligence and Reason in Islam, OmarKN
The Inadequacy of Reason
Intellect, Reason and Unity Of Being, S H Nasr
Shams, Mother Of The Poor Ibn ʿArabi
Philosophical Sufism - Quotes; by Mohammed Rustom
_Signs of the Times
Signs of the Times
Signs Of The Hour
The Paradox of Our Condition, Quotes on Modernity, Sh Abdul Hakim Murad
Truth Matters
Modernity And Postmodernism
Modernism And Modern Thought S H Nasr
Tradition Betrayed, The False Prophets Of Modernism by H Oldmeadow
The Confusion of the Psychic and the Spiritual René Guénon
Notes 1 on Postmodernism /
Liquid Modernity
Notes 2 on Postmodernism - (Foucault)
Postmodern Man Is Distracted From His Self / Soul, OmarKN
Women's Rights without Feminism Notes (Zara Faris)
The Illusion of the ’Ordinary Life’ René Guénon
On the Concept of Time, OmarKN
How Should Muslims Deal with Homosexuality, Yasir Qadhi
Definition of Shariah, Tariqah, Haqiqah
What is Islamic Fiqh? incl. Q & A
Fiqh Questions - Answers, Sh Gibril F Haddad
An Example Of Al-Shafiʿi's Jurisprudence
The Superiority Of Fiqh Over Hadith
Texts by Shaykh Muhammad Afifi al-Akiti
Fiqh-textsacc. to the Hanbali madhhab Sh Musa Furber
What Is a Fatwa? Imam Suhaib Webb
_Not the Path to Paradise!
Response to Daesh (’ISIS’), by Shaykh Abdallah bin Bayyah
1. INTRODUCTION - Counsel for the Youth
2. A Statement to the Muslim World and its Leaders
3. Recommendations From The Forum For Promoting Peace
4. Misunderstandings About Aspects Of Islamic Law
5. Jihad is not synonymous with fighting
6. Rulings In Islamic Law For The Domain Of The Political Authority
7. The Islamic Caliphate
8. Oppression And Aggression Against Religious Minorities HARAM
9. Peace As Goal And Priority
10. Youth! Remain Steadfast In Face Of Empty Claims And Promises!
- Saving Islam from the Deceit and Depravity of the Islamic State, Sh. M Al-Yaqoubi
- Declaration About The Roots Of Terrorism. (Dr Michel Chossudovsky)
Open Letter To Al-Baghdádī - Response To Daesh (Not ”IS”)
Khawarij Ideology, ISIS Savagery: Part I, Sh Abu Aaliyah Surkheel
Khawarij Ideology, ISIS Savagery: Part II, Sh Abu Aaliyah Surkheel
Timber Sycamore - A Classified Weapons Supply
Thousands of Muslims marched to protest against ISIS
The Pretender-Caliph and Islamic History: The Truth about Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi,
Islamic State is the cancer of modern capitalism
ISIS is really obsessed with the apocalypse
ISIS, Slavery, and Islamic Abolitionism - Usaama al-Azami
Islamic Scholar Refutes Claims of ISIS's Links to Islam - Hamza Yusuf
The Atlantic Ignores Muslim Intellectuals, Defines "True Islam” As ISIS
NEO – Something Strange About ISIS, Gordon Duff
Today's Top 7 Myths about Daesh/ ISIL, Juan Cole
Isis jihadis aren't medieval – but shaped by modern western philosophy, K McDonald
The Pretender-Caliph and Islamic History: The Truth about Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Are The Teachings of ISIS Islamic? Not By The Sanad H.A. Hellyer
_Din/ Deen
Descent of Isa (Jesus), peace upon him
Jesus the Messiah, Son of Mary
Dhikr Allah, Allah
On Improving The Cooperation Among Muslims, Sa'id Foudah
Ad-Dīn, the Religion (of Islam), selected hadith
Al-Khilafa And Imam al-Ghazali
Documentation of "Greater Jihad" hadith, Shaykh Gibril F Haddad
What Is JIHAD - From The Islamic Tradition
Jihad al-Nafs Spiritual Striving
Famous Quotes
Fatawa of the rightly guided Imams on Mawlid
Fiqh Questions
Foreordained Destiny & Inefficacy of Material Causes-&-Effects
Frequent Questions About Islam And Religion - FAQ
Islamic Concepts Database (ICD)
Islamic Parallels With Antichrist Story
Jawahir al-Kalamiyya Questionnaire
List of Fiqh Questions
Marriage And Sexual Intercourse, As-Suyuti
Mufti Taqi Usmani's Fatwa on Mawlid
Narrations on wife's piety to husband
Nawawi, Subki, & Ghazali On Ta'wil
Outline Of Misbah Al-Anam, by al-Habib ʿAlawi, Sh Gibril F Haddad
Questions on Aqida and Usul
Saying La Ilaha ila-llah
Salat al-Duha - Awwabin
Spiritual Remedies, As-Suyuti
Story of the Cranes - 'Satanic Verses'
The Speech and Word of Allah (Kalām) A bin Hamid Ali
The Danger of Opposing His Command, Qadi ʿIyad
The Meaning of Bid'a Shaykh Gibril F Haddad
The Obligation Of Nasiha For The Prophet, Qadi ʿIyad
The Qadariyya, Muʿtazila, and Shīʿa, Shaykh Gibril F Haddad
The Sunni Definition of Bidʿa As Either Good or Bad
Harms of Tongue. Imam Al-Ghazali
Shari`a, On The Sharia
Short Islamic Stories
What Is Bidʿa (Innovation)?
World Of The Qur'an: A Journey To Morocco
Validity Of Ijtihad
Who are Ahl al-Bayt?
Abu Hurayra The Paragon Of The Prophetic Sunna
Hadith: Follow my Sunna - Replies to Shiʿis
On the Mahdi & Imam Malik
Mushaahadat Al-Haadi Muhammad
Narration of our liege-lord ʿAli from al-Hasan al-Basri
The Prophet ﷺ Alim-ul-Ghayb?
Salafi Tampering of Tafsir Ruh al-Maʿani
Abu Zahra on Wahhabism, Question Regarding the Evil of Wahhabia, GFH
Tafsir "Ahl al-Bayt"
Weak Hadiths in Sahih al-Bukhari?
Advice For Students Of The Deen
Wise Sayings of Khalifah Imam Ali ibn AbiTalib Al-Hashimi
Rescue From The Potential Injustice Of Free Marriage Contracts, Sh. A. Al-Akiti
Using Non-Violence In Islam, OmarKN
Man and Woman
On the True Spiritual Equality Among Men and Women, Imam Ahmad Vālsan
Narrations on wife's piety to husband
A Qur'an-only Feminist
More Quran-Only Feminism
Abu Bakrah and the Feminists
A Qur'an-only Feminist
Umm ʿUmara Nasiba Bint Kaʿb Al-Ans.ariyya
Umar's Marriage with Umm Kulthum bint Ali
Why Must Women Pray Behind Men?
Role of Women in Islam Dr Ali M al-Sallabi
On the fitna of women
The Veil In Islam
Islam, Men & women
Women's Intelligence Hadith Again
Comment on: The Place of Women in Pure Islam
Women and Their Status in Islam pdf
The Reality Of Women Protection Bill 2006 M Taqi Usmani
Marriage And Sexual Intercourse, As-Suyuti
Polygamy and Interfaith Marriages, Sh Allie Khalfe
The Story of Fatima Al-Fihiri, Dr Gina van Raphael
On Correcting Others
On Slander, GF Haddad
Compound Ignorance (Jahl murakkab), GF Haddad
Merits of al-Sham al-Sharif, GF Haddad
Abu Ddarda - Advice
Advice For Arabic Study
Advice To Our Brothers The Scholars Of Najd
Advice by Sh. Ahmad Zarruq
Al-Albani, Innovator of Our Time
Al Uthaymin
Charging The Muslims With Shirk
Committing Criminal Excesses
Contempt of the Ulema
Eradicating the House of his Mawlid
This Is A False - Bid`a Saud Mawlīd
Grave Destruction And Desecration
Ibn Taymiyya
Refutations of Ibn Taymiyya's Two Tawheeds
New Kharijism
Renouncing the World for Forty Days
Salafi Tampering of Riyad al-Salihin
Waging War on Islam and the Muslims
Advice on how to be good, Sh. Muhammad S. Burhani
Ibn Jahbal on Ibn Taymiyya
Six Muslim Scholars
The Intermediary of Shirk pt.1
Commendation Re: Scholarly Reasoning ijtihād
Fasting in Ramadān in the Summer at High Latitudes
List of Scholars
Input Islam
Tasawuf Al-Qaradawi
Mawlana's Open Door In Johore And Singapore
Foolish Re-Formulation of Islam
Interview with Gibril Fouad Haddad
Abu Bakr and International Law
Marriage and "men's cruelty"
Questions about Islam
Sufism of Putative 'Salafi' References
Tawassul of ʿUmar through al-ʿAbbas
Shaykh Abd al-Qadir Gilani's Lineage
The Murabitun and Shaykh Nazim
Defense Ag. Slander From The 'Murabitun'
Abu Hurayra's Two Vessels of Knowledge
Mustalah And Aqida Questions
Suhba by Sheikh Nazim Al-Haqqani: On The Ego (Nafs)
Obituary Shaykh Ahmad Kuftaro (rahimahullah)
Wadud's Way
Apostasy, concerning ~
Greatness Of Arabs
No Difference between Barelwis and Deobandis
Regarding The Asma An-Nabi ﷺ
Accounting with Fanaticism
"Hayati khayrun lakum" and Lake-Fount Hadiths
What Is Meant By The Quran
Hidden blessings of remote communities
Ahmadi-Sunni couple question
Definition of the term "taghut"
Tasawwuf - Sufism in Islam, Hamza Yusuf
The Role of Sufism in Building Good Character Today
Various Questions & Answers (1)
Various Questions & Answers (2)
Various Questions & Answers (3)
Various Questions & Answers (4)
Imām Al-Qurtūbī -pdf
The Coming of the Mahdi
My Companions are like the Stars
The Musalsal of Surat al-Saff, F Owaisi
Istiwa' is a Divine Act
Beatic Vision
Have you seen a faqih - Reason And Knowledge in Islam
Seek Knowledge as far as China
_More texts
by Shaykh Gibril F Haddad
The Lights of Revelation & the Secrets of Interpretation, Al-Baydawi
Book Review: Seyyed Hossein Nasr et al., ed.; The Study Quran
Book Review: Niaz A. Shah, ed. Islam and the Law of Armed Conflict
Book Review of the Cambridge Companion to Muhammad
On The Naqshbandi Chain of Narrators
Misquoting Qur'an To Misinterpret Islam
'True' dreams 1/46 of prophecy
Smoke ban begs enforcement
Mawlid article
Donating reward of Salat
Hanbali ʿAqida of Shaykh ʿAbd al-Qadir
Instructing the dead after burial etc.
Qasida Burda verses 35-36
Questions about the Hadra
UK Kharijis
Tawassul of ʿUmar through al-ʿAbbas, Shaykh Gibril F Haddad
Those Who Attack Al-Kawthari
Regarding The Detractors of Ihya
Verification Of Several Hadith
Ahmad ibn Taymiyya (661-728)
Ibn Taymiyya/Shah Wali Allah/Ibn ʿAbd al-Barr
Khālid ibn Maʿdān
Muslims read your own history
Disciplining and punishing dependents
Questions on Aqida and Usul
Nigeria's Ugly Pageant
On article "Recapturing Islam from Pacifists"
Refutation of Ihsan Ilahi Zahir
Salat al-Duha - Awwabin
"Salafi" forgeries/manipulations
Story of the Cranes / "Satanic verses" (updated)
Stoking Intolerance: Reply to The Partisan Review
Standard Missionary Islamophobia
Tomb Structures, Visits, and Vows
Mufti Taqi Usmani's Fatwa on Mawlid
The Book of Allah and my Sunna
Regarding the text: The "Hand" of Allah
World Of The Qur'an: A Journey To Morocco
How not to pray (book review)
Imām Ahmad's ʿAqīda and Pseudo-H. anbal ʿAqīda
Validity Of Ijtihad
Validity of weak hadith
Enduring Myths of Orientalism
Virtues of Madina
How many types of ijaza are there?
Were all the sahaba at an equal level of superlative learning?
Reciting the 99 Names under a guide
Regarding Literalism - Anthropomorphism
"Keeper of my Sunna a Shaheed" hadith
Hadith on Surat al-Waqiʿa against poverty
Awliya and Qutb
Panegyrics of the Companions
Mistranslation of a hadith in Sahih Muslim
What is haram is haram at all times
Adding salawat after al-hamdulillah is always excellent
Abu Hanifa and uncreatedness of Qur'an ('shaukani' website)
Praying with Shoes in the Masjid
Tradisi Berserban Di Dalam Islam
Sifat Keibuan dan Keperluan Kewajipan Anak
An accepted orthodox principle?
Thief death sentence and other hadiths
Review of Taner Edis's _An Illusion of Harmony_
Looking for American Imams?
Al-Razi on Atomism vs Hylomorphism + "Islamization of Science"
Hammad al-Ansari
Forbidden Forms of Dhikr
Hadith "Our Lord was in a heavy cloud"
Do Muslims Have to Give Bay'a to an Amir?
How I Came To Islam, F Haddad
The Sum Of Islam, Ali bin Abi Tālib
- Updated List of GF Haddad's texts
[ link ]
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On The Islamic Tradition And The Unchanging Religion Imam A H Vālsan
Tradition And Traditionalism -- an excerpt (The Reign of Quantity)
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The Illusion of the ’Ordinary Life’ René Guénon
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On René Guénons Critique of Modernity -Quotes
Foreword to Crisis Of The Modern World; René Guénon
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Quotations from René Guénon / 'Abd al-Wāhid Yahya
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Knowledge of the Sacred, S H Nasr; Q / A
The Living Character of Islamic Tradition, by A Shafaat
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On The Significance Of The Teachings Of René Guénon; OmarKN
Crisis of Modern Consciousness Sh Abdul Hakim Murad
The Islamic Conception Of Man, S H Nasr
_Metaphysics & The Islamic Intellectual Tradition
On the Unfolding of the Islamic Intellectual Tradition W. C. Chittick
01_Mahiyya - Asking What It Is
Antitradition And Countertradition; René Guénon
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Metaphysical Foundations OmarKN
Insights Into The Nature Of (Being) And Existence Sh. Ibn `Arabi
Oriental Metaphysics; Explanations, And Traditional Definitions
Islam Is The “Middle Way” Hassan Gai Eaton
Story Of Early Life Of H. Gai Eaton (b. 1921)
Texts by or related to Shaykh Hasan Gai Eaton
Metaphysics - Why Is It Necessary Today? ed. OmarKN
Indifference - The Most Widespread Of Faults OmarKN
Keynote Address Seyyed Hossein Nasr
In The Beginning Is Consciousness SH Nasr
The Multiple States of Being, pt1 René Guénon
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On The Supreme Identity René Guénon
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On The Oneness of God
Individuality and the Reduction of Intellect to Reason
On Being and Existence 1
Being and Nonexistence 2
The Veil of Otherness
The Possible Things
Wujūd and Infinity
_Various Texts
Tradition (hadith) of `Ali ibn Abi Talib
On Improving The Cooperation Among Muslims S Foudah
Muslims read your own history
"Salafi" forgeries/manipulations
Story of the Cranes / "Satanic verses" (updated)
Satan (rajeem) by Imam Ahmed Vālsan
About Mistreating Wives from Sh. Ahmad Ibn ʿAjiba'
Tomb Structures, Visits, and Vows Shaykh Gibril F Haddad
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In Mammon We Trust rev of Newsweek article, GF H
Imām Ahmad's ʿAqīda and Pseudo-H. anbal ʿAqīda
Eleven (False) New Age Principles
Islamic Reformation Or Islamic Renaissance? Dr. H al-Zoubeir
Violence in Muslimdom: Religious imperative, or spiritual dev? H.A. Hellyer
Defense against slander and takfir, OmarKN
Narration fr. meanings of verses and hadiths
Translations - On the Great Difficulty of Translating W. Chittick (interview)
The New Atheists: About Their Notion of Science, Chris Hedges
Slavery In Islam? Seven Articles
_Articles by Maulana Abdul Aleem Siddiqui
Divine Harmony pdf
The Forgotten Path of Knowledge pdf
The Quest for True Happiness pdf
Spiritual Culture in Islam pdf
The Universal Religion pdf
Women and Their Status in Islam pdf
_Other Articles
Ahl Sunna on Yazid ibn Muawiyya
An Incident Of "Istighata"
Book Of Proofs - Defense Of Habib Ali & Tasawwuf
Displaying Body Of The Deceased
Facts About Salafiyya / Wahabiyya
Fatwa Against The Targeting Of Civilians
Fatwa On Tawassul
Ibn Hajar & Akbari Follower Mubahala
Motherhood And The Ideal Of Filial Piety
Myths Of Orientalism GF Haddad (pdf)
Narration Of Our Liege-Lord ʿAli From Al-Hasan Al-Basri
Regarding The Text: The "Hand" Of Allah
Regarding Whoever Knows Himself
Shaykh Afifi On "Harb" And "Ahl Al-Dhimma"
The Book Of Allah And My Sunna
The Turban Tradition In Islam
Inghimas In 'Suicide' Warfare, Sh. Gibril F Haddad
Anger Management in Islam, OmarKN
Knowledge Versus Ignorance, Aftab Ahmad Malik
Ibn Arabi On True Knowledge
Six Examples of Early Muslim Treaties With Conquered Lands & Cities
Kalam & Islam, Sh. Nuh Ha Mim Keller
Taskhīr, Fine-Tuning, Intelligent Design, Adi Setia
Islamic perspective on going green, Adi Setia
Signs And Virtues, And Living By The Book, HGE (Audio) 
The Musalsal of Surat al-Saff, F Owaisi
Shaykh Nazim On The Danish Scandal
Wahabi Related Texts
On the Supreme Principle And Metaphysics, RG
Metaphysics - Why Is It Necessary Today?OmarKN
Metaphysics, What is ~ ?
True & False Spiritual Teachers, RG
The Role Of The Spiritual Master, RG
Principles Of Sufism
Sh Ibn Arabi & Diversity Of Beliefs
Two sorts of Knowledge, IA
Interpretations Of T Shahadah
Advice from Abu Hasan al-Shādhili
Allah (may His Majesty be exalted!)
How God brought the cosmos into existence disclosing Himself
On Wahdadul Wujud, OmarKN
The Book of Wisdom NHM K
Abu Dharr Asked The Messenger of Allah For Advice
_Other Texts
Kalam and Islam, NHM Keller-
A Question To Pose
Ali's Advice to Kamil B Z
Ali bin Abi Talib, sum of Islam
Amina Wadud & Progr. Muslms, Zainab Ansari
T Book of Wisdom NHM K
KHAYRU, poem
The Human Spirit Longing for God, poem Al-Baydawi
Muʿadh: Accept only the Truth
Man is Veiled from God
About Salman al-Fārisi
Slavery In Islam? ed. OmarKN
Ghusl of Shahada Death
Brotherhood of Man
On the Tafsil of Taqlid ...
Scholars of Falsehood, Al-Ghazali
An essay on t Western World, Tage Lindbom (short)
The New Crime-Terror Nexus
Islamic Resources 2 - Important Resources for the Muslim Community
_Society, Extremism, Fitna
Why An Islamic State Is Not Feasable Today
Regarding the Idea of An (Islamic) Nationstate AHM
Islamic State? The Illusions Of
Fundamentalism, C-A Gillis
Saving Islam from t Deceit + Depravity of 'Islamic State', Sh. M Al-Yaqoubi
Interview with Sh. Muhammad al-Yaqoubi 2013
911 links (174+ links on 9/11 - 2 pages)
Osama bin Laden's recommended reading
The Islamic Response To Terrorism And War
Repressive Regimes China, Zionist Israel - Palestine, India…
Journalist Robert Fisk about criticising Israel 2000
Differences between - Hamas - ’ISIS / IS’
Saud KSA Bombing Of Yemen
Destabilizing Muslim Organizations And Countries
The Cruelty of the Supermensch
- Pornography - Debasing Normal Sexuality
No to Extremism
LivingIslam Pages On Extremism
Clarification of Extremism
Extremism In The Modern World, S H Nasr
Some Texts On Daesh (not ’IS/ ISIS’), ed. OmarKN
Background And Perspectives Of The Paris Attacks
Suspected Secret Service Links - list of links
The New Crime-Terror Nexus
Curing Extremism; ed. OmarKN
Countering Islamophobia
Anti-Muslim Bigotry Has Become Mainstream pt.2, OmarKN
Solidarity Worldwide - By Leaders & People of New Zealand a.o. OmarKN
How the Media Rigs News on Palestine and Israel, James North - YT
Observing The Right Wing And Those Acting From Behind, OmarKN
- Lessons-From-the-Bosnian-Muslim-Genocide
- Aspects of US-Imperialism OmarKN
- The Utoya Massacre and the Islamophobia Networks
The anti-Muslim hate in India is getting unbearable
Warning: Impending Genocide in India
The Situation in Ukraine: A Muslim’s Perspective Dr. Yasir Qadhi
_Other Religions
The people of the Book: Jews and Christians
The concept 'Father - Son' in the Bible
Recommended Readings
Middle East - Suhba by Mawlana Sheikh Nazim 2003
On The Ego (Nafs), Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani
_Various Texts By Shaykh Gibril F Haddad
Accessed at:
- Basic internal rule for recognizing forgeries
- Bin Baz and Uthaymin Books Now Banned in Kuwait
- From the Two Holy Sanctuaries
- Hadith Mustalah cursus + Nawawi's Forty
- Hadith of the Prophet saying ameen three times at the Minbar
- Imam Ali in Fiqh
- Is Al-Khidr alive?
- Narrator who is discarded
- PreIslamic Philosophers
- Qualifications and Curricula for Da'wa?
- Re: Imam Muhammad Ash-Shaybani's status as narrator of hadith
- Re: Shaykh Sayyid Muhammad bin Yahya Ninowy
- Regarding Tafsir of Qur'an 8:43
- Regarding the soul of tashabbuh (resemblance)
- Regarding: Anā al-dahūk al-qattāl
- Sheikh Ibn Baz on the Flatness of the Earth
- Status of the 12 Imams
- Stephen Schwartz - at it yet again.
- The obligation to protect a life overrides all other rules
- Tibb recipe for cure of paralysis and stroke
- Verily this learning is Religion
_Various Texts By Shaykh Gibril F Haddad
Accessed at:
[ vt2 ]
- Reciting Quran in the 'order of revelation'
- Re: Terrible Allegation Against Sayyidina Muawiyah ra
- Friend is looking for a spiritual path
- 40 Days After Death
_More of Sh. Gibril F Haddad's texts
Accessed at:
[ fiqhi/sm1-gfh_e.html ]
- Zakat funds to build mosques
- Minimum age of fetus to be called miscarriage
- Displaying body of the deceased
- Celebrating Christmas with the Christians
- Regarding Marriage and Consent
- Treating addiction
All Pages on
_Palestine/ Zionism @ Livingislam.org
Pages on Palestine/ Zionism on our blog
[ Palestine ]
[ Remembering Israel's Brutal Massacre of Palestinian Civilians in Kafr Qasem ]
[ When powerful leaders side with Zionist supremacists]
132 Texts on Palestine & Zionism
Latest AT TOP - 2024-08-31 10:48
- German Redemption Theology (short)
- Deutschlands Israelische Verirrung
- Starving and killing children
- On the Isra-lic Hannibal Directive Killing Its Own People!
- Gaza Kids during Isra-l Slaughter (2)
- Life in Palestine before the Nakba (1948)
- Christians in Palestine, harassed, and spit upon by Jewish supremacists in the Zionist state of Isra-l, 2024
- Lunatic Jewish Rabbis With Increasing Influence Over Isra-lic Society
- 013_Those who professes "unshakeable" support for Israel
- 012_Zionism Is a Perversion of Judaism
- 011_Alas for Gaza Our Loss of Moral Certitude
- Israel is a terrorist organization.
- 009_Evidence of Foreknowledge of October 7, 2023 (Al-Aqsa Flood)
- 008_Gaza: Starve or Leave! & Israel's Moral Dilemma
- 007_October 7th and the Dawning of a New Age for Muslims
- The Israeli Manipulation of Consciousness re: the Occupation
- The Bible's punishment for people's wickedness
- What do journalists do during a genocide?
- Israel's systemic annihilation of knowledge of Palestine
- They Want to Destroy TikTok - Guess why!
- Time for sanctions on Israel!
- Systematic attacks on hungry people in Gaza by IOF
- The Israeli With Zero Credibility Promoting Rape Hoax
- When I Was an IDF Soldier
- Our goal is to stop the genocide' Al Ansar
- The Western/ Israel scandal to stop UNRWA
- Germany on the Wrong Side of History - Again!
- Stop Asking Us About Hamas! When a Genocide Is Happening!!
- Each day ... in Gaza - Isra-l at the ICJ
- Rape Allegations from Israel Hasbara
- Palestinians are still paying the price for Western racism
- Judaism and the Talmud
- Hasbara - State Propaganda from the Zionist Entity
- Regarding the US Empire, And Why We Care
- On what really happened on Oct 7 (C)
- In an endless war on terror, we are all doomed to become Palestinians
- We Demand Your Emancipation From the River to the Sea
- Uncovering the Hypocrisy of US Empire Leaders
- Gaza 2023: How many more of us have to die?
- Zionist Jewish supremacy and its roots in the Talmud
- Groups take UK government to court
- Legal Actions Regarding War-Crimes and Genocide
- The Zionist apartheid state of Israel must be dismantled
- Speak to Pro-Israelis destroying symbols
- You kill Christians, where is Hamas?
- A genocide is under way in Palestine
- Another Massacre by Isra-l Ethnic Cleansing Forces
- Media ignores evidence of Israel's actions Oct 7
- What really happened on Oct 7, 2023 (B)
- Why Isra-l and not Israel?
- STOP Isra-l mass violence and further escalation
- Examples of Fake Isra-l Propaganda
- The Official Story Of October Seventh
- Why does Isra-l intentionally kill journalists?
- Gaza Kids during Isra-l Slaughter
- We want peace and we don't like wars
- STOP Isra-el killing babies in Gaza
- What really happened on Oct 7, 2023
- Nobody Starts out as a Supporter of a Genocidal Bombing Campaign
- Rain is the property of the 'Israel' authorities
- How Zionist Israel forces pornography on Palestinian children
- The Racists' Revenge until Extermination
- This is Palestine before the settler colonial occupation of Israel
- We are all Gaza - Dr. Mats Gilbert
- For centuries, Jews have lived peacefully in Palestine
- There is no limit to Israel's desire to murder Palestinians
- Why Israel Is Bent on Violent Retaliation
- This is a text-book case of genocide
- Children toddlers Gaza hospital ICU
- Zionist Israel Criminal Cruelty (2)
- On the attacks by Palestinians (Hamas) on Isra-l
- Selection(a) of Posts Palestine-Gaza 2023-10-15
- Selection(b) of Posts Palestine-Gaza 2023-10-15
- Isra-l war crimes
- Intention to prosecute UK government officials for their approach to the Israel-Hamas conflict
- It's not about Self-Defense!
- The Sharia Rule Re: Other Places of Worship
- Secretary-General Antonio Guterres' recent speech
- The EU does not have the moral spine to condemn the State of Israel
- The Cruelty of the Supermensch1
- Tumultuous Week at Al-Aqsa Mosque
- Images from Palestine
- What took Amnesty International so long to report on Apartheid?
- Die deutsche Sektion von Amnesty weigert sich
- Palestine
- Israel military and settler-thugs target Palestinian schoolchildren
- Germany: an Induring Enemy of the Palestinian Struggle
- Mossad Ran 9/11 Arab "Hijacker" Terrorist Operation
- Palestine Is Not A Quagmire
- Not Reaching Home From the Grocery - Israel Shooting Children
- Stealing-Water---Not-Thieves
- The Principle Of Separation At The Heart Of The Jewish Religion
- The remarkable disappearing act of Israel's car-bombing campaign in Lebanon - Excerpts
- 033_The-Israeli-Government-Role-in-Promoting-Islamophobia-Internationally
- 020_Israels-Ongoing-Judaization-in-Palestine-Crime
- News Logg
- Palestinians' Right to Self-Defense
- Videos And Comments About The Palestinian Struggle 2021
- Defending Humanity in Palestine and Everywhere! pt.3
- Defending Humanity in Palestine and Everywhere! pt.2
- Defending Humanity in Palestine and Everywhere! pt.1
- Israel burns books and bombs bookshops!
- Explaining t Israel-Palestine 'Conflict'
- Defending the Rights of Palestinans, Sarah's Timeline
- How the Discourse on Zionism Has Been Rendered Perilous
- Zionism Has Nothing to Do with Judaism
- Videos On Zionism, Palestine, Israel
- Part 1 of The GreatReturnMarch 2018
- Part 2 of The GreatReturnMarch 2018
- The Truth about Judaism and Zionism
- Stop Zionism!
- Zionism & Events oF 2014
- Zionism & Israel Links
- Gaza 2008/9
- Some Facts About Zionist Israel
- Statistics On Palestine, Israel
- Israel Shahak On Jewish Fundamentalism
- Quotes On Zionism
- No To Jewish Racial Exclusivity!
- Journalist Robert Fisk about criticizing Israel
- Zionism & Background Info For #Gaza 2014
- Zionism, Israel And Its Breaches oF International Law
- Zionism, Gaza & Mediadistortions 2014
- Palestine Resistance 2017 - photos
- Zionism, Palestine & Israel FAQ
- Zionism tweets01 2014
- Zionism tweets02 2014
- Zionism tweets03 2014
- Zionism tweets04 2014
- Zionism tweets05 2014
- Zionism tweets06 2014
- Record01 Of Some Original Tweets - On The Assault On Gaza 2014_01
- Record02 Of Some Original Tweets - On The Assault On Gaza 2014_02
- 9/11urls: look for evidence of Zionist involvement in 9/11!
- Bryt belägringen av Gaza!
_Collected Pages
- Former Australian Foreign Minister Exposes Zionist Lobby Power, @https://www.islamtimes.org/en
- The War on Conspiracy Realists Continues, @https://gmmuk.com
- US-Israeli Imperialists Plot Downfall of Syria and Iran, @https://www.globalresearch.ca
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Al-Fatiha transcr.
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Al-Humaza transcr.
Al-Kafirun svenska
at-taHiyyātu transcr. (ext.)
at-taHiyyātu transcr. (B)
at-taHiyyātu transcr. o. svenska
at-taHiyyātu svenska
_Texts at Islamic Resources
Islamic Resources MAIN
The Psychological Imposture F. Schuon
Tradition Islamique - Islamic Tradition AV
Tolerant Monotheism
Inconvenient Links
The Winds of Truth - Underrated Links
_Texts in isl4 - Folder
19_First They Came For Our Lifestyle
23_The-Bibles-punishment-for-peoples-wickedness, Dr. Khaled Abou El Fadl
_Recommended External Sites
- corpus.quran.com: Verse (4:105) - English Translation
Recent Texts In folder d/ (titles are also listed below)
_Audio/ Video
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Videos on Palestine/ Zionism, Israel