The Sacred Law - Shariʿah

The science of the religious law (Shariʿah ) has an internal as well as an external aspect and inculcates inward as well as outward actions. … The inward aspect of religion/ way of life (dīn )fn1 is the necessary complement of the outward aspect, and vice versa.
Abu Nasr ʿAbdallah b. ʿAli al-Sarrāj al-Tūsī

 Tasawwuf - Sufism in Islam

Sharīʿah: Two Basic Categories
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Islamic Law Today

A Mercy to Mankind


Shariʿah: Purification & Learning

"As for the noble qualities of the Sacred Law (Shariʿah), its basis is the purification of the soul through the practice of learning, and exercising temperance and patience and justice. And its end is to be distinguished by wisdom, generosity, compassion, and excellence..."

"For by learning one achieves wisdom, and by exercising temperance he achieves generosity, and by exercising patience he arrives at courage and compassion, and by practicing justice he rectifies his actions."

Ar-Raghib al-Isfahani - @IsmailRoyer

أما مكارم الشريعة فمبدؤها طهارة النفس باستعمال التعلم، واستعمال العفة والصبر والعدالة، ونهايتها التخصص بالحكمة والجود والحلم والإحسان. فبالتعلم يتوصل إلى الحكمة، وباستعمال العفة يتوصل إلى الجود، وباستعمال الصبر تدرك الشجاعة والحلم، وباستعمال العدالة تصحح الأفعال

الراغب الأصفهانى


Both Outer and Inner Aspect

The Law has an outer and inner aspect. According to the saints and theologians, the religion/ way of life (dīn )fn2 of Islam is intended to be practiced, both in regard to the inner life of man, as well as in accordance with the outward prescriptions for living a life in compliance with God’s will. This way truth (haqīqah ) may be attained.

The inner aspect of the Law consists of deeds of the heart and spirit and is called the Path (tarīqah ). It is about the purification of the soul (nafs / ego), and the heart (mind - `aql ), and the cultivation of the spirit ( rūh ), God Almighty willing. All this while deriving essential support from the divine revelation (naql).

The inner path harmonizes spiritual life with the acts of the outer, visible life, providing a higher understanding of the religious codes of daily life. Thus compartmentalization is overcome and unity between the inner and the outer is achieved. Also existence itself, the visible and the invisible universe, with all its seemingly complex entities, form a unified whole, bound together by the Breath of the All-Merciful.

Allah knows best and most!

Go deeper regarding religion - dīn

Meaning of din in Islam | The Humble I

Allah says:

{ أَفَرَأَيْتَ مَنِ اتَّخَذَ إِلَٰهَهُ هَوَاهُ }

{The one who erects (has taken) his desire as (to be) his god!} (45-23)

1. Free yourself (your nafs ) from the the slavery of the carnal desires (hawā ), develop your love for God (may His Majesty be exalted) → and obey the divine commands.

Prophet Muhammad ﷺ also said:

موتوا قبل ان تموتوا

Or: “Die before you actually die.”
Choose to die spiritually from your physical desires, so that you live forever.
Shaykh Ahmed Saad

It is about the return to the Lord before actually returning [finally to Allah at death] and it refers to the subjugation of one's animal soul by one's rational soul.
Prolegomena; Sh Syed M Naqib al-Attas

Spiritual advancement is necessarily combined with knowledge of Allah سبحانه و تعالى : It will make the seeker of divine knowledge realise that he needs to wake up from his sleep of love of this world (dunyā) while following the ego (nafs).

Imam Ali (may Allah ennoble his face) said: ”People are asleep as long as they are alive when they die they wake up.”

They are asleep to the infinite bounties of Allah, the All-Merciful, which they receive more or less every day - asleep to His blessings (barakah بركة‎ ) and unthankful, ignoring what their life could have been, had they taken heed.
 About Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

About the Religious Law - Shari’a

⊏⊐ The (religious) ”law” ( al-shari’a ) is the responsibility ( taklif ) which is incumbent on the external organs (eyes, ears, tongue, sexual organs, but also hands, feet, etc.) in compliance with the demands of the Divine Lawgiver;

⊏⊐ the (spriritual) ”path” ( al-tariqa ) consists in the purification of the consciences; and regarding

⊏⊐ the ”truth” ( al-haqiqa ), it consists in the fact of seeing God / Allah ( al-Haqq ) in the splendid epiphanies ( fi tajalliyat al-mazahir ).

→ The law is about serving Him, the path is about travelling towards Him, the truth is about contemplating Him.

Quote from ’Le Soufi Marocain Ahmad ibn ’Ajiba et son miraj’ by Jean-Louis Michon, Paris 1973


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