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Questions About Islam, answered by Sh. Afifi | |||||
Jihad, war - I have heard that Islam says the killing of civilians is allowed if they are non-Muslims? - What about the qur'anic verse: - 'kill the unbelievers wherever you find them' and the Sahih Hadith: 'I have been ordered to fight against the people until they testify ... '?" - Is it correct that 'Israeli women are militarised', meaning that this makes them legitimate targets but only in the case of Palestine? - What about so-called collateral damage in the targeting of soldiers? - Is it allowed to conduct a military expedition against hostile non-Muslims without the caliph's permission - though if there is no caliph, no permission is required? - Is Jihad a Fard Kifaya [communal obligation] and when the Dar al-Islam is invaded or occupied, or is it a Fard 'Ayn [personal obligation]? Dar al-Islam - What are the different classifications of Dar al-Islam, Dar al-Kufr? - What is the definition of a Muslim state? - What land classification are we in the European Union? Should they leave? - Do these classical labels, such as Dar al-Islam,... apply in the modern age? Epistomology - In what lies the tragedy of modern Western philosophy? - What does the doctrine c/f the ultimate nature of reality or the (transcendent) unity of Being assert? | |||||
access keywords: A Concise Sunni Glossary of Fiqh, H.adīth, Kalām, and Tas.awwuf |
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abdāl, sing. badal adhān ah.ad, pl. āhād Ahl al-Bid`a Ahl al-H.aqq Ahl al-Sunna wa al-Jamā`a ākhira `ālim, pl. `ulamā' `āmmī, pl. `awāmm `an`ana `arad., pl. a`rād `ārif Ash`arīs azal, adj. azalī `azīz bid`a, pl. bida` The Companions d.a`īf, pl. d.u`afā', d.I`āf dhāt dhikr du`ā' dunyā faqīh, pl. fuqahā' fard. fatwa, pl. fatāwa fiqh firāsa The Four Imāms The Four Rightly-Guided Caliphs The Four Schools The Four Sunan gharīb Ghulāt h.adath hādith, pl. ah.dāth h.adīth, pl. ah.ādīth h.āl, pl. ah.wāl h.aqīqa h.aqīqī h.arām h.asan H.ashwiyya h.udūth h.ujja h.ulūl ih.sān ijmā` ijtihād ikhtilāf `illa, pl. ilal `ilm `ilm al-tawh.īd imām īmān innovators irsāl islām is.t.ilāh. jabal Jabriyya |
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jahl Jahmiyya Jamā`a jarh. jārih.a, pl. jawārih. jawāz jawhar jihād jism kalām karāma, pl. karāmāt Karrāmiyya kashf Khalaf Khawārij, sing. Khārijī kufr lā ilāha illallāh madhhab majhūl makrūh mansūkh maqām, pl. maqāmāt maqt.ū` marfū` ma`rifa mashhūr mastūr Māturīdīs mawd.ū` mawqūf mu'adhdhin mu`allaq Mu`at.t.ila mubāh. mu`d.al mudallis mud.t.arib muftī muh.addith, pl. muh.addithūn muh.dath Mujassima mu`jiza, pl. mu`jizāt mujtahid mu'min, pl. mu'minūn munkar munqat.I` Murji'a mursal Mushabbiha mushrik, pl. mushrikūn musnad mustah.abb mus.t.alah. mutakallim, pl. mutakallimūn Mu`tazila mutawātir muttaqī nah.w nāsikh The Nine Books qad.ā'
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qadar Qadariyya qidam, adj. qadīm Qarāmit.a: pl. of Qarmat.ī qibla qut.b rak`a Rawāfid. or Rāfid.a, sing. Rāfid.ī s.ah.ābī, pl. s.ah.āba s.adūq s.ah.īh. Salaf Salafī shādhdh Shī`a shirk s.iddīq The Six Books The Successors S.ūfī, pl. S.ūfiyya Sunna, pl. sunan tābi`ī, pl. tābi`ūn, tābi`īn ta`dīl tadlīs tafwīd. tanzīh taqdīs taqwā t.arīqa tas.awwuf tawātur tawh.īd ta'wīl thabat thabt thiqa, pl. thiqāt The Two S.ah.īh.s The Two Shaykhs `ulūw us.ūl, sing. as.l Wahhābiyya walī, pl. awliyā' zāhid, pl. zuhhād z.āhir Z.āhiriyya zindīq zuhd
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